Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
I didn't get one from them, but I went to the site and checked out the contest. It's an art kind of thing and I am far, far from an artist. I'm thinking about dragging daughter into this, she paints and draws and all that stuff. Now all those supplies we've bought her are going to come in handy :wink:

They need one about writing an essay or something. The written word is where my strength is.

Hey Miss .Did Roo send you an e mail yesterday ?


Well-Known Member
I didn't get one from them, but I went to the site and checked out the contest. It's an art kind of thing and I am far, far from an artist. I'm thinking about dragging daughter into this, she paints and draws and all that stuff. Now all those supplies we've bought her are going to come in handy :wink:

They need one about writing an essay or something. The written word is where my strength is.

They have them contest's too.. They have all kinds ,, so keep checking back , and the contest's usually only run a short while , so act fast too.. I won 2 free tickets and a bunch of goodies last year for uploading 5 pictures


Well-Known Member
Yup I sure did! I will have to try it again when I get home. It was so cold here that my run was cut short due to my knees giving out on me. When I get home and back to normal temps I am going to give it another try. Not sure how it did for me due to the knee problem....all I felt was pain that day!
Hey you guys, I'm tardy.

Sunny today is a good day to not be in Florida, they're having some cold temps today......brrrrrrr
Good morning ladies.......:hug::hug:

We got like 4 inches here the other day and I took my nephew to the college and we went tubing/sledding. It was awesome, brought back a lot of good memories. I did however forget what it was like to have to walk back up the hill!! LOL, it wore me out! After an hour or so I decided to be the car driver, I would wait at the bottom of the hill and when the kids came down I would ride them back up the hill so they wouldn't have to walk it, they loved it.

I talked to my pet sitter last night and she said there has actually been frost on the ground in the mornings! I am so glad I don't have an outside grow going on!
I hope your pet sitter fares better than your vet did.......;-)

morning all! got 2 wks worth of cure on my smoke now...its NIIIIICE!!

have some:joint:
mornin all the sun is shinning but its about 10 here better than the -18 it was a week ago gotta love vermont
Morning all, finally warmed up a bit here. Only -5 now :cuss:. This snow better not melt.
Morning guys........... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Twisty the vet thing went through my mind, a LOT!! That is why Ozzie is here with me...I didn't want to have another casualty on my hands. lol
Twisty-Get some pics of your grow somehow!! Borrow a camera from a lady friend or something!