Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Is the salmonella strain in the PB the ST. Paul strain? That is a bio-weapon strain.
Nothings safe anymore... Last night here they were on about electromagnetic fields again..and that you should NEVER use a lap top on your lap.... remove baby monitors from around the baby.... unplug your appliances when not in use and if possible put in another room......


Well-Known Member
Everything we have bought our grandson is "recalled" some things have been replaced and the new models are recalled.....If they hurt my grandson I will pity them.....Speaking of which I have a full day today...Epidemiology exam, gym, babysit,....No bake for me:( TTFN all


Well-Known Member
Morning Sunny,Did you try that aspirin for the Run? 9 degrees here Korvette.
Yup I sure did! I will have to try it again when I get home. It was so cold here that my run was cut short due to my knees giving out on me. When I get home and back to normal temps I am going to give it another try. Not sure how it did for me due to the knee problem....all I felt was pain that day!


Well-Known Member
We used to go sledding with the kids. Those were some fun times.
We got like 4 inches here the other day and I took my nephew to the college and we went tubing/sledding. It was awesome, brought back a lot of good memories. I did however forget what it was like to have to walk back up the hill!! LOL, it wore me out! After an hour or so I decided to be the car driver, I would wait at the bottom of the hill and when the kids came down I would ride them back up the hill so they wouldn't have to walk it, they loved it.

I talked to my pet sitter last night and she said there has actually been frost on the ground in the mornings! I am so glad I don't have an outside grow going on!


New Member
Walking back up those hills was a challenge, especially when someone would come sliding down out of control and you were trying to get the hell out of the way :mrgreen:

The weather channel rumor is 49 degrees here today, I'll believe it when I see it. Break 50, might have to blast through town once on the bike for kicks.


Well-Known Member
We have a few HUGE hills on our land its great for sledding .. If the sun comes out and makes the snow packed then i wanna build a igloo


Well-Known Member
I think this cold weather takes away my buzz...it is weird, I go outside to smoke a bowl, just like I do at home, but when I come in the buzz is not as intense. It is the same weed I have at home too. I think the cold is eating my buzz! Maybe I should build an igloo and smoke in there!


New Member
We have 1 hill in the whole town (not including overpasses) that was made by digging to build other stuff. It used to be a really good hill with three steep sides and one long gradual side. Then they dumped a bunch more dirt all over it and ruined it. I dont know if anyone still sleds there or not. At least my kids got to enjoy it before it was messed up.


Well-Known Member
I think this cold weather takes away my buzz...it is weird, I go outside to smoke a bowl, just like I do at home, but when I come in the buzz is not as intense. It is the same weed I have at home too. I think the cold is eating my buzz! Maybe I should build an igloo and smoke in there!
ever try smoking outside, freezing cold weather, in the dark, with the windchill being around 10? its not quite the same as smoking in warm weather lol