Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, I finally cleaned out my closet and hung up my mylar.Now I'm gonna make the old man set up my light and I'll do a test run to see what it does to temps in there.


Well-Known Member
Was watching the news, and theres some kind of peanut butter crisis goin on or somthin, two people died, has anyone heard of this? i was like wtf, imagine eatin your fav PB&J and bam, next thing you kno, your DEAD

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Peanut butter hasn't been marked yet, but things made with peanut butter have, like peanut butter crackers and snacks.I don't know if that means reese's too.[quote="SICC";1957584]Was watching the news, and theres some kind of peanut butter crisis goin on or somthin, two people died, has anyone heard of this? i was like wtf, imagine eatin your fav PB&J and bam, next thing you kno, your DEAD[/quote]


Well-Known Member
Oh aight, thats crazy, i was gonna say, my sister gave my Niece a PB&J the other day, whew i was trippin haha


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone. It is a COLD 11 degrees here and I am packing up and going the hell home! I have never been so happy to leave here!!! I am not coming back until spring, this winter crap really sucks. This has been the longest week of my life. I have forgotten what it is like to be stuck inside all the time, I am going stir crazy! Oh well, in a few more hours I will be home. Poor Ozzie bird is miserable, he cannot take this cold. Atleast it made him behave better, he was too cold to be bad, lol.

Firing one up for the plane ride home!:leaf::leaf::leaf: