MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
A few things about the lollipop method: Some growers that have never seen this method at first look at the pics and laugh or say WTF due to the fact of the stripped down stems in the first weeks of flowering but as MHM said in a prev post--light penetration in an indoor garden can only reach so far down and with lots of vegetative matter blocking the light--small loose buds would develop on the bottom part of the stems. One of the things that makes this method work so well is the fact that the root-mass has developed to a size that can feed the entire plant before it's striped down, Then not only is the energy of the plant directed to the top main colas but the root-mass is developed to a size that can promote larger/faster cola growth with more density and size once its been lolipoped. And on a side note trimming is soooooo much easier to deal with and takes a lot less time.


New Member
I wasn't trying to be negative at all----Pathogens/virus/mold spores/bacteria and other nasty stuff you don't want in your garden can multiply very fast and cause major problems--I'm sure the time you've put into your garden is valuable and I would hate to see you or anyone loose a crop. 10% bleach solution takes care of 99.99% of these problems with a regular schedule and a little elbow grease.
Just teasin' ya bro. ;-)

he was jokin....plants dont like dirt...soil hahaha funny
cause u said his room was "filthy" aka dirty....

and marks your gettin ripped on so hopefully your end product justifies your other pictures
personally i think they look fine just a little bare....but thats the idea i guess
Who's rippin' on Mister's grow? Lemme at 'em. I'll K- their ass into the negatory! :cuss:

I think he was being sarcastic towards doc... But yeah, try and keep everything clean and tidy... All the dust getting kicked up has to land somewhere... I get the recycling, I forgot you were growing in coco coir...

Ever try AN Monkey Juice? I hear great things about it...

UserFriendly- those are the Blueberries and 9Miles that grew fricking huge... It's one way to tame a huge plant, and yes there are many...

I think if I were to ever bloom large plants like these again, I'd do it vertical instead of with the hoods... But cooling would be an issue, and I don't like having to fuck with massive plants...

The super skunks didn't get nearly as much stalking, and yes they are stocky as fuck, they could be mistaken for cabbage...
Shit man... if only I could afford to grow trees..... uh... I would...? Uh huh. :p

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Ive done lollipopping before. And it was ok but here is my friends pics. these are the same strains that im growing. they were off the same moms. He has a little better set-up then mine though. He uses two 4x4 and 600hps and 600Mh on a light mover they were staked up. And these are some of the biggest cola's that I've ever seen in my life, These strains consist of amensia haze 1 and 2, sour thia, sour mist, and chocolate trip. I think these plants were somewhere around day 90, But not 100% sure on that
The buds look nice but in general the plants are being over-feed--a lot of nute burn as seen in pics(look at the margins of the leafs and tips) a few other minor plant problems as well but other than that nice work---he could get better results with going with another HPS instead of mixing in the MH. I don't see alot of branching so even he could have benefited from loli-poping in that set-up.


Well-Known Member
I also see a whole lot of wasted space... Unless he's a med grower, or already harvested earlier strains... He could put a lot more plants in there.

Also, the pics I posted were of a 45-50 day strain... Not a 90 day.

And thanks doc for filling in on the explaination ;)
no different flowering times.. the table on the right is used to flush those pictures are at the end of that run.. they were filled at one time. believe he knows what he is doing.. but im going to delete that post for his personal safety
I also see a whole lot of wasted space... Unless he's a med grower, or already harvested earlier strains... He could put a lot more plants in there.

Also, the pics I posted were of a 45-50 day strain... Not a 90 day.

And thanks doc for filling in on the explaination ;)

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Man everyone is in the loop but me:confused:----How the hell do you delete a post?---I thought the mods had control over that???????? shit---i'm alwas the last to know!!!


Well-Known Member
i figured it out when he started talking about it. for a short period after you post you can go back and edit it, one of the edit options is to plain old delete the post. its only a couple hour window so....


Well-Known Member
I think it's more of a post # thing, not a timeframe...

But yeah, when you hit edit post, there is an option to delete it, right by the "reason for editing" there is a "reason for deletion" and a "delete post" button...

I never delete my posts... It makes shit confusing...

I could ask a question like, "Do you love to smoke weed?"

-you answer "of course."

Then I go back and edit it to, "do you love to suck cock?"

And now your reply, "of course" is to a different question entirely... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Until I saw the pictures here, I always imagined that lollipopping was just getting rid of all side branches to have a single cola. This is WAY different than that. If you look at my current plants, they have never been topped in anyway although I've removed plenty of bottom branches for cloning. They are hairier than a Romanian lady shotputters ass. I'm using a big sidelight to make sure the lower half gets plenty of light.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I think it's more of a post # thing, not a timeframe...

But yeah, when you hit edit post, there is an option to delete it, right by the "reason for editing" there is a "reason for deletion" and a "delete post" button...

I never delete my posts... It makes shit confusing...

I could ask a question like, "Do you love to smoke weed?"

-you answer "of course."

Then I go back and edit it to, "do you love to suck cock?"

And now your reply, "of course" is to a different question entirely... :mrgreen:
Now thats somw funny shit:bigjoint:

Until I saw the pictures here, I always imagined that lollipopping was just getting rid of all side branches to have a single cola. This is WAY different than that. If you look at my current plants, they have never been topped in anyway although I've removed plenty of bottom branches for cloning. They are hairier than a Romanian lady shotputters ass. I'm using a big sidelight to make sure the lower half gets plenty of light.
and thats some hairy shit!!!:mrgreen:


Active Member
I have a question about topping even though it's been explained like a million times already :-(

So would you grow the plants not touching them until they are about 1' - 2' or so and then put them into flower and start cutting off the lower branches as they come in or wait until the plant gets bigger to start chopping branches off? I guess I get what you are doing and why just wondering on the timing of cutting off the branches. And I can attest to the hundreds of tiny buds being a pain in the ass to trim, was up until 4 in the morning on a school night no less trimming. But man, what a night! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Actually i never relly did any topping... I supercropped the tops, in order to let the side branches catch up... then trimmed up the underbrush, and small buds all the way to the tops...

yeah, I can trim a pound in an hour ;)

It does take some serious practice.


Well-Known Member
Actually i never relly did any topping... I supercropped the tops, in order to let the side branches catch up... then trimmed up the underbrush, and small buds all the way to the tops...

yeah, I can trim a pound in an hour ;)

It does take some serious practice.
Im sorry, what is suppercropping again? If you have some time, could you stop by my thread:
Would love to get some input from you. Great job on the journal by the way. Ive been taking notes. Must have missed the supercropping explaination though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, trimming a pound of nothing but colas doesn't take nearly as long as trimming up little side buds...


A lot of it is done at harvest... I trim off all the leaves that I can see the stem too...

I found this also has a lot to do with keeping your buds dense and retaining the flavour... Because the water and sugars don't have anywhere to go hide...

Oh, and supercropping is when you pinch the main shoot until you hear a crunch... It'll make the nodes form closer on that particular shoot, and allow the lower branches catch up...

If you do it to all of them, you will form bigger colas, (lollypops) because instead of being a side branch, or smaller lower bud, it goes into the cola...


Active Member
So you pinch all the side branches other than the cola so all the nutrients go to the cola? I think I might try that with only a couple plants this harvest to avert fucking everything up... lol :)

Or do you pinch the main stalk near where the cola would be so all the buds grow close to that point?... I'm confused