MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow, wish I could find bud like that in stl, damn.

I'm sure you can man. I live in the greater chicago land area and there are tons of great bud out here. St. Louis is right down the way. Plus your right next to Eastern IL University right? Look around :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you could look around... Or you could look around for an area in your house to grow. :bigjoint:


I really only supercrop the main shoot, where I want the main cola to start...

I do it pre-flowering to get the growth even among the branches, then trim up underbrush. This is repeated after week one and two... And maintained throughout flowering.

For example, last night I knocked a few stretching colas over with a pinch between nodes, then a 90 degree bend... They'll be fine and try to right themselves.

I could take some pics of plant knuckles from supercropping to give an idea of what happened preflower and where that is now...

Basically, where I first pinch preflower is where I want the "lollypop" to start, the nodes will form closer above the pinch, and during the stretch period it's important, i've tried other ways of cutting back the stretch like foliar B vitamin, topping, FIM etc. But supercropping seems to work the best for training the plants in my case.

-----On Topic-----

Been gone for 4 days, they're starting to look like nugs now, only a week or two before they start to bulk up.

The blueberries aren't very comfortable at nights, they're already starting to tinge a bit of purple on the fans... It's been getting down to 56-58 F degrees at night, outdoor temps are -10 F at night, everything else seems alright.

I also noticed a slight burn on the tips of the Blueberries...

Whereas the Super Skunks look like they could use some more food...

The 9Miles and larger Blueberries are loving the nutrient level...

I'm going to feed them different levels tonight... Which will be a peak feeding, after the light (800 PPM) feeding/flush they got 4 days ago.

In the mix, we have a special recipe...
AN Barricade
AN Humic/Fulvic
AN 2part
AN Mother Earth
AN Sweet Leaf
AN CarboLoad
FF Big Bloom
FF Tiger Bloom
FF Beastie Bloomz
HB Honey Bee ES

The Blueberries get 900 PPM

Large plants 1200 PPM

Super Skunks 1400 PPM...

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Very nice brother--can't wait to see the pics. You still have to give yourself a pat on the back-even with a little burn on one strain your doing a great job. Your growing multiple strains at the same time with different nutrient tolerances and rates of growth. Great job!!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
I wimped out and only fed the Super Skunks 1200 with the larger plants... They seem to be growing just fine, so I'll let them be for now.

I've heard of people feeding the crap outta super skunk and getting good results, I'll try that out next time around.

The largest blueberries are really turning purple on the fans... Nice iredescent colors, I imagine the buds will also change in time... It's still way early, trichrome production is just starting to really kick in, and the smell is pretty strong when you bump into a plant... Carbon filter is still working great so no worries.


Well-Known Member
Oh we gotta see the colors daddy....! "pleeeeeease"

i think we needs a porn chant, "who's with me"


All togethier now oooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

that was pretty good, ok a bit louder now....


Bring on the nauty


Active Member
So I just got a Hanna Combo meter and was wondering what a good ppm to keep my reservoir at for plants in early vegetative stage? Right now it's at about 330 after I measure the water when I got home. I was thinking about raising it to 400-450 ppm next time I change the water, is that good?



Well-Known Member
Sure Nacho, bump em up a bit if they're matured enough to handle it... Are you subtracting the base ppm? As in what the ppm of the water is before you start adding nutes...?

I'll post up some pics in a minute...


Well-Known Member
Alright... Lets do our favorite last week this week...

Jan 14


and a white balance adjustment... gives us this

Jan 14



Well-Known Member
I recently learned that you can adjust the white balance to get natural looking pics under HPS. Depends on you camera - on my Canon you hit the function button, arrow down to AWB, and then arrow over to Custom. Hold something white in front of you camera and press the set button. Obviously the preocedure will differ depending on your camera.

Plants look fucking awesome in any case.

Thanks... once again... I think everyone can thank you.

Funny thing... under the whit balance, the setting that works best is "indoor"... and when it's set on "indoor" a little upside-down light bulb with rays is on the screen... :mrgreen:
I still don't understand why you cut so much back? it looks like you had plenty of light to reach those lower branches but either way nice grow..looking good..Im going into flower by the end of this weekend so check it out in about 3 to 4 weeks