Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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Have you guys heard about the Rothschild family? Who is the richest family IN THE WORLD? What religion is the richest family in the world? How much money do they own? Do they store paper money or GOLD? Who owns the "Federal" Reserve? What handful of companies own ~90% of the mainstream media?

Or is this all just a big "conspiracy theory"?

So you guys think its a joke than? Do you know what the Zionist Jews stand for?

I believe Zionist Jews are on par with Muslim extremists and Nazis. All three of these groups believe they are superior beings and their race/religion should control and encompass the world. (Coming from an open minded Christian) And any Christians that have the same mentality are just as guilty.

The REVOLUTION has begun!


So you guys think it's a joke then? Do you know what the Zionist Jews stand for?
zionism is nothing more than the perverse combination of rabid nationalism and and religious fervor, neither one is too terribly healthy. though it may be a volatile combination, trying to compare it with the militant designs of radical islam is merely grasping at straws in order to justify the attempt to mollify jihadists through kowtowing to their backward ideals.
Jews jews everywhere, not a mick in sight.



RIGHT! Glad you got that bit into the right thread, I was beginning to mistake you for, you know, a stoner... :lol:

Ok, so... let's see what we can come up with, shall we?

Let's start with Oprah Winfrey. Apparently, she's a BLACK Jew. One of the richest people on earth, has become a media mogul, building a media empire as it were, clearly, a Jew.

Bill Gates. He's a GEEK Jew. Built his own empire on the backs of poor software workers, completely unfair. He controls the world through Windows (I bet it's your operating system, because I bet you wouldn't know a Linux if it bit ya in the ass). Anyway, apparently he's one of the richest men on earth.

Lakshmi Mittal, Indian. INDIAN JEW, that is! Industrialist. Steel.

Warren Buffet, plain old white Jew. Stockholder, philanthropist (but we all know that can't be true because, well, because he's a Jew).

Ooo, you're gonna just LOVE Carlos Slim Helu', he's a MEXICAN Jew! Second richest man on earth who has built the world's largest telecommunications empire, and, the home of the best in telenovellas, TeleMundo. I can list his telecom companies, which are sizable considering, well, the size of Latin America. But, I think since he's half-Lebanese, he may be a special kind of Mexican Jew.

Shall I continue, med? I have more, and I've only just begun. A whole lot more.

And, this is fun. :) I want to see the bigot twist in the wind.
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what the op seems to completely over look is that the majority of aid to Israel comes directly back into the USA 1000 fold in technology and money spent. this money actually stimulated the economy unlke money funneled into monetary black holes like mexico that only use our money to screw us more!
Aid to most other countries never comes back in any way shape or form.
Israel on the other hand has more Educated people per Capita then just about any other country on earth and we see the benefit of that Every Day. you can start with your Intel Chip that you have so Gracefully used to bash them with today .
what the op seems to completely over look is that the majority of aid to Israel comes directly back into the USA 1000 fold in technology and money spent. this money actually stimulated the economy unlke money funneled into monetary black holes like mexico that only use our money to screw us more!
Aid to most other countries never comes back in any way shape or form.
Israel on the other hand has more Educated people per Capita then just about any other country on earth and we see the benefit of that Every Day. you can start with your Intel Chip that you have so Gracefully used to bash them with today .
Let's look at the money we have spent on Israel between 1949-2007
Total expenditure= $84,854,827,200, or $14,630 per Israeli.
Total cost to US taxpayers, including interest: $134,791,507,200 or $23,240 per US citizen.
Now lets wonder what that Intel chip cost, eh?
How about, what could we have done with that money for some things like schooling, health care, a lot of beneficial things, agreed?
Now lets look at what that money has wrought: Never-ending war between Israel and the arab countries surrounding it. The killing of thousands, tens of thousands of arabs. I'd just as soon kept my $23,240.00 And put it in my retirement account, I wonder how other Americans feel.
BTW, I'm pretty sure that by now, some American would have figured out a chip that would work every bit as well as intel's, and I'd still be using my computer to post on this site.
what the op seems to completely over look is that the majority of aid to Israel comes directly back into the USA 1000 fold in technology and money spent. this money actually stimulated the economy.

Yeah, what the government does is instead of taking the money and paying a defense contractor to build free military hardware for Israel, it gives the money to Israel directly with the stipulation that it has to spend the money on American defense contractors, which is just a smoke screen for giving Israel free military hardware. Sure there might be some jobs generated in this country as a result but it's just a drop in the bucket and always benefits the same people.

Israel on the other hand has more Educated people per Capita then just about any other country on earth.

Who cares?

and we see the benefit of that Every Day. you can start with your Intel Chip that you have so Gracefully used to bash them with today .

Could you be more specific. I'm not sure what chip you're referring to.
Let's look at the money we have spent on Israel between 1949-2007
Total expenditure= $84,854,827,200, or $14,630 per Israeli.
Total cost to US taxpayers, including interest: $134,791,507,200 or $23,240 per US citizen.
Now lets wonder what that Intel chip cost, eh?
How about, what could we have done with that money for some things like schooling, health care, a lot of beneficial things, agreed?
Now lets look at what that money has wrought: Never-ending war between Israel and the arab countries surrounding it. The killing of thousands, tens of thousands of arabs. I'd just as soon kept my $23,240.00 And put it in my retirement account, I wonder how other Americans feel.
BTW, I'm pretty sure that by now, some American would have figured out a chip that would work every bit as well as intel's, and I'd still be using my computer to post on this site.

Thanks for this excellent post, medicineman. It contributes greatly to this discussion.
Thanks for this excellent post, medicineman. It contributes greatly to this discussion.

The jewish lobby controls both houses of congress and a lot of control over execetive branch also total control of all mainstream news
it was distgusting watching secretary od defense Chuck Hagel have to lie and deny the jewish lobby intimidates our senators, congressmen and presidents.
  • Israel is an economically, technologically, and militarily advanced country, with a per capita rate of $14,000, which is higher that that of all neighboring Arab countries, including the oil-rich Saudi Arabia. It is ranked as the world's sixteenth wealthiest country, yet the US aid to Israel constitutes 30% of the total US foreign aid budget.
  • Israeli population is 5.8 million, which only constitutes one thousandth of the world's total population. Between the years 1949 and 1998, the US has provided a total of $84 billion in aid to Israel, which exceeds that given to all countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined, with a total population of about 1.054 billion people.

youre a fool.

japan is also economically and technologically advanced, but WE provided their entire military defense. they dont pay for any of it. but i must confess i dont know what japan's per capita rate rate might be so it could be the Rate Rate is the issue.

we give some money to israel, and some military hardware, and they BUY the rest. if we CHOOSE to give israel 30% of the shit we are gonna give away, thats our choice, and china mexico argentina or cuba dont get to vote on where our foreign largesse goes.

why should i care if you think our giving is inequitable? i wouldnt piss on africa, or south america, nor do i feel bad about not giving a fuck about their plight, since they manufactured their own problems themselves, while israel is beset with issues from OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS including some african nations who are particularly revolting shitbags.
jews did 9/11, jews plotting to overthrow amerca, jews invented capitalism, jews invented communism, jews eating christian blood moatzos, jews making sader cookies from ground up bones of palestinians, jews decaying inner cities, jews racial unrest, jews poverty, jews bad movies in the cinema, jews economic problems in botswanna, jews nothing good on TV, jews cant find my left sock, jews the reason im fat, jews caused the fall of rome, jews are hiding under my bed, jews invented slavery, jews put Dharma And Greg on the air.

did i miss anything?

good, now all you cockbags can go jack each other off on Stormfront or Podblanc.
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