I believe capitalism IS great!I say it's time to start washing, but you've completely missed the point! The point is, it's really not about Israel, it's about money. Israel is just a distraction to fool the world while we are raping and pilaging other countries in the region and around the world, the true mantra of capitalism, "They hate us for our freedom", while we are fucking everyone elses freedom including ours, aint Capitalism great?
And YOUR true colors come out too. (someone having a bad day?And then some people, after reading post after post after hateful post from a bitter, angry, emasculated old man, just get fucking sick and tired of his spouting against people based solely upon their fucking last name. All because he couldn't shoot his own wad. He is a bigot, through and through. And a liar. And a piss poor one at that. So, they decide they've had enough of his bullshit to call him on it. As for him, I won't imply or suggest anything of the sort, I will make an unequivocal declarative statement, he's a bigot, and anti-Semitic bigot.
Thanks WE, sometimes the seabitch is pretty ignorant. I don't hate Jews, never have. My nextdoor neighbor is jewish and we are the best of friends. There are many forthright jews in the world, hell, Jesus was a Jew. I hate those in control of our country. The ones that use our country to further their zionist ways. Just so happens most of them are Jews.And YOUR true colors come out too. (someone having a bad day?)
Your calling MM an "anti-Semitic bigot" because knows history and facts. Why don't you debate with him about WHY he believes the Jews are at blame. Why don't you go see which group owns ~90% of the mainstream media.
You remind me of a ignorant person calling RON PAUL a raciest or something(its just silly). MM knows who owns the "Federal" Reserve AND the MainStream Media. These Zionists have a PRIVATE monopoly on the printing our OUR money, AND the information that we perceive as "true". Can't anyone else see how a group of people that have a monopoly on our money and information/media is very dangerous indeed.
So, my point being is that YOU look like a boob calling MM a liar, bigot, anti-Semitic, piss poor, emasculated old man, and blah blah blah. Why don't you try and refute his propositions instead of personally attacking the guy.
It just makes me upset to see a RON PAUL supporter being so closed minded. If you support RON PAUL you should obviously know some of the corruptions that the gov't ensued. I'm not saying that every "conspiracy theory" is correct, but rather look to find the truth before you attack.
From what I gather, MedMan isn't anti-Semitic at all, but rather just against the corruption of gov't and the New World Order. He is putting the pieces of the esoteric gov't knowledge together. I believe most of the mainstream media is controlled by Zionist Jews and thats why the US tax payers are being rapped- its because the Zionist Jews also (partially) own the "Federal" Reserve and thusly a monopoly on news/information and our currency.
YouTube - Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?
Why else would we be spewing so much money to Israel? Why can't we be friends with Iran too? Is it because they "harbor terrorists" too. HAHA
The REVOLUTION has begun!
I agree with pretty much everything you said in your last three posts. I also believe that humans are "piggish" and are greedy. I also believe the downfall of America has been attributed to greed an corruption.3. Under capitalism insensitivity to human needs has developed. For example, Canada and the United States worry about overproduction of food, and actually pay for the reduction of crops while people starve throughout the world, including on our own doorsteps. Also the production of goods is determined by its market and not by human need. At all levels of development industries are run as if they are a good in themselves and should be maintained for their own sake and not for the welfare of mankind. I would like to see a system where production is determined by human need.
So in reply to a question by my American friend “What would replace it (capitalism)?” I would suggest a world government dedicated to seeing that: (a) every*body was properly fed, clothed, and housed; (b) everyone worked and received a fair return for their work with none receiving too much; (c) intellectual deve1opment for all to be encouraged; (d) businesses are the servant to man; (e) the production of war materials end; (f) the ending of all exploitation, including one region by another or one class by another; (g) and the ending of a press which is controlled by those who make up the ruling class.
Only in countries like the United States can people be so ignorant of what is wrong with capitalism as to think it to be a perfectly fine system which needs only occasional slight modifications to insure that it will be a political-economic system lasting for all times. It is time that democracy be practiced by creating an informed, reasoning public.
I know exactly how you feel.Thanks WE, sometimes the seabitch is pretty ignorant. I don't hate Jews, never have. My nextdoor neighbor is jewish and we are the best of friends. There are many forthright jews in the world, hell, Jesus was a Jew. I hate those in control of our country. The ones that use our country to further their zionist ways. Just so happens most of them are Jews.
Thanks WE, sometimes the seabitch is pretty ignorant. I don't hate Jews, never have. My nextdoor neighbor is jewish and we are the best of friends. There are many forthright jews in the world, hell, Jesus was a Jew. I hate those in control of our country. The ones that use our country to further their zionist ways. Just so happens most of them are Jews.
Seabiscuit, or seabitch as your proper name is. You have no Idea what you're talking about, so return to your stall and fuck off. If by chance you do know my address, (Your dickhead husband and his puny ISP job), I'll have your ass and your husbands job. Don't underestimate me bitch. I know a few powerful people. You and your dickhead husband would do yourselves a favor by acting civil.Yeah, and he's black, too, huh? What a fucking liar you are.
Bring it.Seabiscuit, or seabitch as your proper name is. You have no Idea what you're talking about, so return to your stall and fuck off. If by chance you do know my address, (Your dickhead husband and his puny ISP job), I'll have your ass and your husbands job. Don't underestimate me bitch. I know a few powerful people. You and your dickhead husband would do yourselves a favor by acting civil.
They are threatening you by saying they know where you live? They are saying that they are going to attack you? You can't be for real.Seabiscuit, or seabitch as your proper name is. You have no Idea what you're talking about, so return to your stall and fuck off. If by chance you do know my address, (Your dickhead husband and his puny ISP job), I'll have your ass and your husbands job. Don't underestimate me bitch. I know a few powerful people. You and your dickhead husband would do yourselves a favor by acting civil.
You can't be serious..Bring it.Lying twat. I'd tell you to go yank your pud, but I don't think you'd be able to find it under that there dunlap you've got going. Try another one, these are getting good.
YOU, of all people, telling anyone to behave civilly, fucking RICH.
If you guys(Dave and SM) are threatening this guys(MM) life over your differences in political opinion (and because he likes to get people riled up) then I feel sorry for you guys.Oh yes, at this point, medicine (I'm sorry, I can't call you a man anymore), I consider this a direct threat.![]()
Does the quote "I'll knock your cum stained teeth down your motherfucking throat" ring any bells? Duh-Dave? I'd just as soon forget about the two of you, but I can play hard also. After all, this is the internet where 90lb weaklings become supermen, I'm sure you know what I'm saying. The main guy I fight (Argue)with on site is Vi. Actually our, (You two and I) political views are not that far apart, at least not far enough to warrant the attacks you and the seatrout have been pursuing. Actually prove to me that Jews (Rich people with Jewish surnames) don't basically run our government and therefore the world. That might be interesting. seems that this is what sets the Seanob off.I don't believe I've addressed Med in quite some time, thank you in spite of his continued disparaging of me and my wife.