Brits with their booze :)


Well-Known Member
hey ive bin down the pub watching footy avin a 8 or 9 pints a couple of vodkas and a ruby murry only 2 see u lot sayin that we brits are piss heads. well when i sober up we shall av words
sorry, what i was really tryng to say was that the sensible brits know their limits.

those fools dont.


Well-Known Member
all cool i never drink ar allow drink in my home , i hate my fellow brit piss heads, they really let us down but the government love the tax off the drink, bastards.


Well-Known Member
I am British and for the most part we Brits are sick of drunken tossers spoiling everyone's night out and getting us banned from football games abroad.
Basically the majority of British people have 0% prospects and no future in comparison to Americans we have absolutely no chance to escalate our positions or jobs in society.

90% of our populous are totally thick,uneducated and hopeless and will never do anything more than stick stickers on packets of mincemeat on a factory line.
Schools are useless,shockingly so by American standards.
So what can you expect.
Poor kids+shit school+shit parents+no real future=drunken tossers:-P


Well-Known Member
I am British and for the most part we Brits are sick of drunken tossers spoiling everyone's night out and getting us banned from football games abroad.
Basically the majority of British people have 0% prospects and no future in comparison to Americans we have absolutely no chance to escalate our positions or jobs in society.

90% of our populous are totally thick,uneducated and hopeless and will never do anything more than stick stickers on packets of mincemeat on a factory line.
Schools are useless,shockingly so by American standards.
So what can you expect.
Poor kids+shit school+shit parents+no real future=drunken tossers:-P
u forgot signing on every 2 weeks to get their 90quid or whatever it is :p


Well-Known Member
u forgot signing on every 2 weeks to get their 90quid or whatever it is :p
Its their fortnightly compensation cheque for having to live in such a shit hole:-P
Should be just enough to fill them with beans and cheap cider so they can beat people up and fuel Britain's newest business,the private prison system:leaf:


New Member
Whatever happened to the British stiff upper lip?

Is there any way we can blame George Bush for England's sad state? :lol: Pile on guys!!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Well I do believe that having a govt. atmosphere which negates individualistic capitalism unfettered leads to a malaise in the populace. Unfortunately according to these posting, a segment of Brit society depends on alcohol to cope with the underlying problem, whether conscience of it or not. Alcohol poisons a society just like it poisons the body....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I do believe that having a govt. atmosphere which negates individualistic capitalism unfettered leads to a malaise in the populace. Unfortunately according to these posting, a segment of Brit society depends on alcohol to cope with the underlying problem, whether conscience of it or not. Alcohol poisons a society just like it poisons the body....

out. :blsmoke:
Yeah and if you actually look real carefully you may even notice that most of the planet is actually pissed right up.
The biggest drinkers and drug takers in the world are usually our leaders and governments.
The whole worlds run by drunken fools,didn't you know:shock:


Well-Known Member
"I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly." - Winston Churchill


New Member
I've always thought it the height of hypocrisy that we need to have a drug free work environment as dictated by the U.S. Govt. Guess who is exempt from drug tests in the workplace? Why the very same senators and reps that make us regulars take them......balls of steel those rat bastards have....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Europe in general shouldn't drink---just look at what happens over soccer---a straight up game for puffs.
Football is NOT for puffs.

to be honest, no sport really is...almost all physical sports are quite strenuous in their own is a game of endurence and skill

oh fuck it, im not gunna defend a sport i dont play no more. but i will commend the brits and their drinking, cause i do play that game.