Growing secrets from badass growers

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Im with BCTHC. It should be no secrets and bullshit info from Asshole growers! Whats up with that? That was the most bullshit I have ever read on this site. Never say it coming!


Well-Known Member
Even if a leaf is blocking another leaf, both leaves are still getting useable light, the second only gets ~85% that the first did if I recall the numbers correctly.

It won't look that way to you because it blocks all the green, which is mostly what we see so it appears really dark but the plant doesn't give a crap about green it's favorite colors are red and blue.


Well-Known Member
Munchausen Syndrome by Pot. :roll:

"Münchausen syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which those affected fake disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. It is in a class of disorders known as factitious disorders which involve "illnesses" whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome."
i dont quite follow.. isnt that known as a hypochondriac or something like that as well?


Well-Known Member
ahh i gotcha now :clap::clap::clap: aint that the truth! hypochondriac underground botanists ahhh whats next!:fire:


Well-Known Member
I think in this day and age it's not called hypochondriac anymore. I believe it's psycosamatic. But what do i know:P



Well-Known Member
wikipedia also says:
"The term weed in its general sense is a subjective one, without any classification value, since a "weed" is not a weed when growing where it belongs or is wanted."

blowing my mind and further educating.

can I chew gum while on the site? haha


Well-Known Member
I think everyone needs to shut the fuck up and stop complaining that people aren't sharing their secrets. There is plenty of information floating around to grow some dank ass weed. You guys don't need to find some secret lighting schedule or a secret feed. Figure it out for yourself after growing a little bit. And, I understand completely what growtech has been trying to express to all of you. He has been passed on a secret... it wasn't something he figured out. So like he said, he is being loyal and is a man of integrity.

IF your best friend had a secret and would only tell you IF you would keep it a secret... wouldn't you keep it a secret?? If you wouldn't, thats fucked up.

This is a hobby and we should share information with each other, but we shouldn't try and pry secrets out of people that have figured out different techniques that books don't tell you because they have put their blood, sweat and tears into their crops.

Order Jorge Cervantes's book Indoor/Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation, or something like that and you will find out a whole lot of info. He even explains the science of the plant and how it works. With that info, make your own secrets! It will be that much more rewarding once you are able to figure these things out on your own.

So don't stop asking questions cause we are all here to help... Just don't jump on people for not wanting to share their growing secrets. Like I said before and others have already on this thread.... THERE IS ALREADY PLENTY OF INFO OUT THERE TO GROW GRADE A CANNABIS!!! Just read a little bit!!! :o


Well-Known Member
i think this thread has gotten outta control... one topic, 500 tangents, just as many disgruntled stoners..

calm down, go read the faq's, and leave it be.. there are no secrets, only techniques.. deal with it



Well-Known Member
FloJo is right , there is no secret to growing its how you grow your plants , feel them , how much and what kind of lights and more that make the diffrence. Some people perfer to use HID bulbs , some perfer HPS , some perfer HID and HPS , some perfer to use CFLs some perfer to use a mix of CFLs/HID/HPS.

Sorry no secret its just how to do things that makes the diffrence


Well-Known Member
HPS are HID... MH (metal halide) and HPS (high pressure soidum) are different forms of HID (high intensity discharge) lightning


Well-Known Member
HPS are HID... MH (metal halide) and HPS (high pressure soidum) are different forms of HID (high intensity discharge) lightning
thank you for correcting me

but as I was saying its not a secret to anyone its how people use the nutes , lights , top , leaf and such that makes the diffrence

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
No secrets, get the best most potent seeds you can buy and buy it femalized
Use good water and ck pH daily
Grow the bubbleponic way
Stick with one nutrient product
Get cool CLF and the more the better
Don't tell anyone it's a secret kiss-ass

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
if there was really any secrets dont you think it would already be here posted somewhere. hey then it wouldnt be a secret anymore, so there is no secrets.

you got any tips for a broken, down on his luck grower