XXL Budbox,2 600w HPS,10 White Sharks,Lets have fun


Well-Known Member
Hey KPW it says in the write up but its at 3 1/2 weeks or 25 days flowering, what do u reckon they look ok dont they????

I re-read the post and found the flowering days, I never said that I am real bright Shark.:dunce:

They look nice and healthy dude, your gonna get some ganja soon man. I might be just a few days ahead of you in flowering.


Well-Known Member
they look great, whats the humidity? keep it under 40 or you can be seeing mold soon enough
Hey insane thanks for reminding me im gonna buy a dehumidifier cos its been up at 70% for a while now but have a look below i had a bigger problem today maybe you can help....

I re-read the post and found the flowering days, I never said that I am real bright Shark.:dunce:

They look nice and healthy dude, your gonna get some ganja soon man. I might be just a few days ahead of you in flowering.
Hey KPW thanks for dropping in im keepin an eye on urs aswell lookin good bro hopefully things will go good for both of us...

Very nice set up...:clap::clap::clap:
am quite impressed by it all
the pics look great as well as the buds :joint:
keep up the good work:blsmoke:
Thanks Scalded Dog for passin by im tryin to keep it all up an runnin nicely but just today i had an issue...

Ok so i came back home from work at 5pm and my light was off, seems like the ballast failed or i dunno but it werent on, however i have a spare ballast that i plugged in and fired it up...so basically it had a 17hour dark period cos the lights were supposed to be on at midday....

What does everyone think i should do..go an extra 5 hours to make up for it or just leave it as usual and hope for the best. I dont wanna give it a short photoperiod so im thinkin today will just have to be a 1 off 7 hour lights (5pm-12pm) then back to 12 dark 12 light....what do you think



Well-Known Member
just keep it on the regular time schedules and you might want to call the company you got the ballast off of, because i have a ballast that takes a few tries to get the mh to turn on, thats just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres a pic update i'll update with some commentary in a bit....

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Hope you all enjoy.......:weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok so an update on the pics -

Pic 1 - Just a pic of the res under the tray i took while i was changing it earlier

Pic 2 - A pic of the Canna PK i added to the nute mix today as its week 5 of flowering

Pic 3 - A pic of all my fluffy tops

Pic 4 - A very nice pic of 1 of my colas looking good so far

Pic 5 - A pic of a branch coming off the main cola, which considering it isnt the main cola is fattening up nicely

Pic 6 - Another sidebranch coming off the plant budding up nicely

Pic 7 - A bit further down a main cola with some other branches budding nicely

Pic 8 - Some more budding

Ok so hi all again it is the 21st so only 4 days til christmas but i am goin away until friday (26th) and again i have to leave my plants unattended but ive made sure all the pipe connections are secure and also someone is going to check it everyday so hopefully no repeats of what happened before.....

I obviously changed the res today and as you can see from the pic i used some Canna PK 13/14 as its week 5 of hopefully 8 and i wanted to give them a boost, however it might backfire because im not around to see if it fries my plants but im gonna risk it....

So i mixed the res today but as i added the canna pk i only used 175ml each of flores A + B and then 135ml of PK 13/14 which gave me an EC of 1.8 which should be cool for the plants....it said use a 150ml per 100 litres and ive got a res of 90 litres so makes sense.....and theyve been fed twice since and no sig of burn although i will check again before i go tomorrow....

1 thing that bugged me was that on inspection 2 plants look like they has some signs of male hormones growing but right at the very bottom and also very small, i cant be 100% sure it was but i pulled them off along with a very small bit of bud but it got me a bit worried, im gonna keep ispectin and removing if they re-appear but i hope they dot, and to be honest it wouldnt surprise me if it did because of all the stress previously in the grow, but im hoping it doesnt affect things too much as long as i inspect an remove all the time, but it may have been some early igns of more female budding so ill keep my fingers crossed....

All in all i think its going pretty good, im 4 weeks into flower so halfway there, and maybe in 4 weeks ill have some decent bud which will justify the investment and also put a big smile on my face, but im just gonna hope for now even though some of the bud looks beautiful....also whenever i touch the bud growth i touch my fingers together and they stick, loads of resin, and also when i smell the resin it smells like potent high grade skunk which is what i want....

Anyways all i might post again quickly before i go otherwise have a very good christmas everyone and ill be back on friday hopefully to a still fully up an running op........

MERRY XMAS EVERYONE SPEAK TO YOU ALL SOON :weed::weed::weed::weed: :peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
The pics look sweet dude! I'll be watching this one.
Thanks dude i update with pics often so keep watching i will also be posting dried pics and dry weights as this was all an experiment to see if i should move it to a bigger scale, Merry Xmas :weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
white shark, an amazing plant i allways wanted to see a journal of.

thnx for making one ;) Excellent stuff, when i was looking at the pics, i could smell them, i bet there realy strong smelling, nearly suffacted me in my mind - ROFL !

nice... mmmmm i think i am gona dream about white shark now :D


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone and let me just say i hope everyone had a decent christmas and are lookin forward to a good new years celebration and also a good new year.....

So i went away for 4 days and i just got back, and a little bit of BAD news....one branch got so heavy it snapped lol which is not a bad problem to have, they have grown so much with the Canna PK i put in this week so i am really happy, also the watering went fine on the timers so i am very happy because last time i went away they almost died......

Also i inspected the plants and no more signs of any male growth which is excellent, its lights off at the moment until the morning o i ill do an extensive pic update when the lights come on, also i got a new digital camera for christmas so hopefully the pics are gonna be good, 10 megapixel :hug::hug:

Anyways i shall post tomorrow have fun all



Well-Known Member
white shark, an amazing plant i allways wanted to see a journal of.

thnx for making one ;) Excellent stuff, when i was looking at the pics, i could smell them, i bet there realy strong smelling, nearly suffacted me in my mind - ROFL !

nice... mmmmm i think i am gona dream about white shark now :D
Hey DWR thanks for stoppin by and taking the time to post on my journal, i have read a lot of your journals content and you rank very highly in my growers ratings i have seen you try and do some amazing things so its very nice to see you comment on my experiment, anyways keep posted cos i will be updating with pics every 3-4 days and also a final dry weight report and smoke report.....and keep up the good work with ur grows :weed::weed::weed:

:weed: Thanks for the updated pics looking great :clap: :leaf: :clap:
Hey scalded dog thanks for postin the pics will keep coming and hopefully they'll look sweeter and sweeter as it gets further, only 3 weeks left and if the watering incident hadnt have happened a lil while ago i would be smokin it right now, but hey u learn from ur mistakes :weed::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
hey, stuff happens right? i had my main cola cut off by a wire about 5 weeks into veg (bonzi) but it sucked...


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear everything went well while you were away Shark. I hope to be able to leave mine for a few days as well when I am fully built out. Right now I would be a little nervous.


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres a pic update as promised, im just getting to grips with my new camera so some better images will be uploaded soon but this is what ive got for now, thanks all.....

Enjoy all :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Looking good, my buds are filling out GREAT, they are slowly starting to look almost just like that
Hey insane thanks for the comments my plants are coming along nicely i done a res change yesterday done a few things im gonna post an update in a sec but stay tuned.........


Well-Known Member
Hi all, so i done a res change yesterday basically cleaned it all out as usual disinfected it and mixed the nutes in again.

This time i used 200 ml each of Canna A+B so 400ml total and also i thought i might aswell put 50ml of PK 13/14 just to give it a little boost but if anyoe reckons i shouldnt have then please say so so i now.....

The plants are looking good in general 1 thing i know im gonna pay a lot of attention to on my next grows is the pruning because if id kept the fan leaves to a minimum i reckon i could have got more light to the lower branches but they are still budding up nicely but again i think they might have to go for 9 weeks instead of 8 but its not long 25 days max they been going for 38 days already i think so should be on course to finish before i move out......

Anyways anyone if u wish to comment please do so i will update with pics in the next couple of days........:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

White E

Active Member
Awesome Grow, Been Watching silently for a while now. i am also growing white shark. a couple weeks behind you as i can tell.

1 thing i know im gonna pay a lot of attention to on my next grows is the pruning because if id kept the fan leaves to a minimum i reckon i could have got more light to the lower branches :bigjoint:
I was also Wondering about that as the fan leaves are rather large and block alot of light. From what i have read its not good to cut fan leaves so i was too scared to cut any off.