XXL Budbox,2 600w HPS,10 White Sharks,Lets have fun


Well-Known Member
So i have a question for you, everyone says different but, how often do you do a resi change
Hey insane i do a res change every week mainly because i like everything to be cleaned and also to mix some new nutes in, also the tank gets emptier as the week goes on, and by the end of the week its half-full and the ec has moved up to 2.4 which is high so i change it.....

Many ppl may have different views but i have seen a lot of people do it at 1 week for this kind of ebb & flood setup.....anyways im gonna do a pic update in a bit gonna go take some now, also only 2 weeks left and thats 8 weeks flower so hopefully they'll be ready, if not then ill let them go a bit longer............:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hi all heres a pic update as promised.....

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

Pic 11

So hi all heres the pic update as promised but to be honest not really too much change recently although ive heard they pack on a lot of weight in the last 2 weeks so hopefully they gona fill out nicely.......anyways lemme know what you think the plants have really started to stink now and even with the carbon filter im smelling strong skunk outside my grow tent but luckily smell isnt too much of an issue.....also the buds/plants have so much resin on them anytime i touch them im smellin potent skunk on my fingers for the next few hours........

O also the plants have started to have brown hairs on them which is expected near the end of a grow but good signs the plants are healthy and well developing.....

Anyways comment all.......:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lookin great dude, keep it going for a few more weeks then flush and crop it and make sure you cure it right =p


Well-Known Member
Hi all, so i done another res change today with the same nute mix however i didnt have to add as much ph down as im using a new brand which seems to be stronger, so here is what i put in...

200 ML Canna Aqua Flores A
200 ML Canna Aqua Flores B
15 ML Ph down

I plan on flushing next week as it will be week 8, this week being week 7 and i hope to harvest after that, looking at the buddage i got and my knowledge of amounts i think im looking in the region of 10oz dry, which would be about 1.3 oz per plant which isnt bad but i may be wrong....

A friend of mine also just harvested his plants he was doing a soil grow with basically no knowledge of growing at all and he got 11oz dry but he had 10 plants, but as i said i got a nice bit of bud on my plants so im hoping for the best.....

Anyways i got some vitalink flush free when i brought something does anyone think i should use that or should i use plain old tapwater when flushing next week?? Any opinions would be appreciated ive had like 6000 views on this journal but not too many commenters....

Anyways i will pic update again in a coupla days as i always do let me know what u think about my estimates and also any other opinions anyone may have,one thing i been think is 1 of the plants is so much more frosted than another one, so i wish id cloned but hopefully ill get another good lot of seeds was thinkin just straight white widow makin an oz a plant but 20 at a time in the same ebb & flood tray, on a perpetual harvest but we'll see soon anyways......:weed::weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
so i just read your whole thread, amazing plants and towards the end amazing bud shots! from start to finish. even when almost half of your crop died! perseverance and persistence. im drooling and very anxious to see the final pics!


Well-Known Member
yeah umm i used some sort of flush to clean it out i forget the name, on the resi change thats the same as i do and i have the same setup i was just curious


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow dude!

I hope my DurgaMata's get some skyscraper nugs like that, I'll have to purchase another HPS for sure!


Well-Known Member
Ive grown in the big outdoors, under the best light.

I will say you could expect 3 to 4.5 ounces per plant dry.

maybe more :p



Well-Known Member
Ive grown in the big outdoors, under the best light.

I will say you could expect 3 to 4.5 ounces per plant dry.

maybe more :p

Hey whoreable thanks for the comments however i dont think im gonna get 3oz a plant as much as id wish to believe lol, im thinking and hoping i get more in the region of 1.5oz a plant but ill let eveyone know the dry weight as soon as its cut an dried, anyways plz feel free to comment some more wheneva u get a min, thanks :weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah off my 1 plant that was 2 1/5 feet tall i got 4 oz dry about 12 wet or something like that i forgot


Well-Known Member
To be honest the state they were in im happy with anything im on to bigger and better this year so this is just an experiment but we'll see im definately chopping at 8 weeks i was thinking i might harvest the top and let the bottom fill out a bit more, any suggestions???


Well-Known Member
umm start from the bottom and move your way up, dont just cut down the whole plant at 1 time, so that way just in case you get interupted you can still finish it up later cause otherwise the buds will be all flat and look weird due to laying on the table, counter, ect.


Well-Known Member
Hi all quick photo update, i turned the lights off and used the flash because the hps always emits a yellowish light onto them, and in my opinion they look 100x better....... lemme know what you think.......

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Sorry about the quality of the pics i took them quickly and its the 1st time ive taken some without the light on..............what do you guys think they look like theyre almost ready with then natural light, i NEED to harvest on sat 17th so thats another 10 days, and it will be 8 weeks in total......im flushing with some vitalink secial flush for 4 days then water for 3 im hoping this will be ok,

I need some opinions please thanks :weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
looks done but ya needed to zoom out a bit lol. but yah its done just flush, you can even do it with strait water for 2 weeks. or so ive heard.


Well-Known Member
looks done but ya needed to zoom out a bit lol. but yah its done just flush, you can even do it with strait water for 2 weeks. or so ive heard.
Hey insane, im gonna let them carry on for at least 8 more days just so they pack out a bit but to me they look done aswell, i might get a microscope and look at the trichs but not sure,

Anyways anyone what does everyone think do they look like theyre almost done........??????



Well-Known Member
Hi all, i know i posted pics yesterday but i tried to get some clearer ones....

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Hope these pics are better,lemme know what you all think but the plants looking good to finsh in a week at dead on 8 weeks, also i done a bit of research and watched the vid on youtube for great white shark and i can definately chop at 8 weeks, some sites say flowering is 7-8 weeks......anyways opinions please........:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Fuckin awesome mate, job well done ;-)

Havnt had time to read through yet but them buds look tasty man. +rep