XXL Budbox,2 600w HPS,10 White Sharks,Lets have fun


Well-Known Member
Look fuckin sexy =p
umm if you do the 1000watters you will get WAY more yield rather the 600 because more lumen's ect.

but like i said you only need 1 over 2 trays right smack dab in the middle, but the more light the more yield. just make sure you dont have a heat problem!


Well-Known Member
Umm also with the nutes, most nute company's have a little catalogs that you can look into and see how much each cycle needs and how much to put in per gal.


Well-Known Member
fantastic! love em!
Hey mammal thanks for stopping by ive been reading your journal and it looks very good, your about 2 weeks ahead of me so ill be keeping an eye on things, however 1 thing i disagree with in ur journal is using organic nutes instead of chemical nutes.....maybe its the scientific person in me but the chemical elements that are absorbed by the plant are the same whther organic or chemical, but then i read on and saw you give them chemical nutes aswell so i might try a mix on my next grow see if it helps at all...........thanks for the comments though and good luck :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Look fuckin sexy =p
umm if you do the 1000watters you will get WAY more yield rather the 600 because more lumen's ect.

but like i said you only need 1 over 2 trays right smack dab in the middle, but the more light the more yield. just make sure you dont have a heat problem!
Yeah i think im gonna start with 2 x 1000w's and then see if i can add another 2, i'm gonna control the heat with cooltube's but if worst comes to the worse ill just by an aircon unit and use that, i do wanna try get 4 x 1000w though just to get the best results everytime......

Anyways i will add some pics in a coupla days but everything seems to be going ok except i checked canna's nute schedule calculator and they reckon i should be putting 220ml of each A + B in whereas at the moment its 175ml...with 220 it says it would be 2.1ec and at the mo its 1.6/7ec so i dunno what to do, i was gonna up it to 200ml for the next res change after that but i didnt really wanna go higher than that, any opinios or experience would be greatfull, please comment anyone........thanks



Well-Known Member
umm i dont really know what your trying to say about your nute levels besides the 175 ml per thing. i normally just follow their schedual but i also use a variety of nutes, about 7 or so


Well-Known Member
Lookin sweet, i hope my White Widow comes out like that =p
Yeah it should look similar cos white shark is white widow x skunk 1 i believe but the grow is goin great im 3 weeks into flower now and the plants have started smelling stronger and when i touch the the leaves near the bud they are sticky with resin that smells so so great.....im doin a res change tomorrow i checked the ec and ph today and they were 2.0ec and 6.0 ph so ill readjust when i change tomorrow.....

Also next sunday i will be using the Canna pk 13/14 which is supposed to be very good for the plants as it will be week 5 so all looking good, however im going away for 5 days 22nd to 27th and last time i did the plants died so im checking everything before i go an makin sure



Well-Known Member
really??? thats only the 3rd week? my plants are just barely throwing out nugs now and its the 3rd week as well!?
i wonder why mines going slower?


Well-Known Member
If u read through my thread i had a little incident with no watering which meant they spent about 7 weeks in veg and now they're 3 weeks into flower, also dunno if ur using soil but im doin hydro they grow a lot bigger an a lot quicker than most soil plants an also dunno what lightin usin but i use a 600w lemme know what ur using an aint u got any pics?????


Well-Known Member
Ok im using a ebb and flow (hydro) i use 1000w hps right now, for veg i use 1000w mh and ill post some pictures, and mind you this was about 2 weeks ago, i had them in veg for about 1 month.



Well-Known Member
Glad to see some bud growing Shark!!! I know you had some tribulations:cuss:a while back with the not getting home for a couple of days and whatnot.

Sure did pull it out of the dumper.

+rep for you


Well-Known Member
Ok im using a ebb and flow (hydro) i use 1000w hps right now, for veg i use 1000w mh and ill post some pictures, and mind you this was about 2 weeks ago, i had them in veg for about 1 month.
Hey insane im only packing a 600w hps directly above table and i vegged with a 600w MH so i dunno why mine look maturer, you using right amount of nutes or maybe cos i vegged for longer they flowered quicker but i dunno..............

Glad to see some bud growing Shark!!! I know you had some tribulations:cuss:a while back with the not getting home for a couple of days and whatnot.

Sure did pull it out of the dumper.

+rep for you
Thanks KPW yeah its nice to finally look like getting some return but its all good ill keep pluggin away i should have something for jan 20th so im jst watchin the days go by, however i am goin away next week monday to saturday and its week 5 of flowering so im usin canna PK 13/14 hopefully i wont come back and find my plants fried lol......any advice?? And thanks for the rep man ill get back to you on that one soon.....:peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
well idk, i do have my 1000w between 2 trays not directly over the 1, but idk im using the right amount and everything. i might switch to mk or blueberry idk yet


Well-Known Member
Maybe its cos the 600w is straight over the tray but i dunno, aint u got any recent pics?? Im gonna add some pics tomorrow but mine are fluffing up all over even the lower branches bud sites are packing out quite nicely......i like this strain very much it grows fast and is pretty resistant when u look at what happened before, all i need is some nice looking an smoking bud an i think i will have found my strain for my 4 tables, it looks like its gonna yield ok aswell but lets see.......


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone a few more pics then ill post an update after...

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

Pic 11

Im gonna write an update now......


Well-Known Member
Ok lemme give you a quick update on the pics but they are pretty obvious:

pic 1 - Just a pic of the stem near the top of the plant showin bud development

pic 2 - A pic showing the top of the plant also showing bud development

pic 3 - A pic of a different plant stem showing bud growth

pic 4 - A pic of 1 cola of a plant that i had to 'top' when the no-watering incident happened, turned out pretty nice

pic 5 - A pic of all the plants from one side if you look closely all the white fluffy tops are bud growth

pic 6 - A nice pic of the top of a plant a bit more developed than others

pic 7 - Another pic of the stem of another plant with lots of growth

pic 8 - Another top of plant with a bit less growth

pic 9 - Another group shot with loads of budsites if you look closely

pic 10 - A pic of some more under growth not at the top of the plant

pic 11 - Some more budsites

Overall i think they're looking good ive got loads of budsites and even buds below the canopy are fattening up nicely i think im on course for a 8-9 week flower this being 3 weeks and 3 days or 27th day flowering.....

Ok so this weekend i changed the res, i upped the nutrients to 200ml of each A + B so 400ml total in a 90l res....it upped the ec to 1.8 which the plants seem to love....however when i checked the ec before i changed the res it was 2.0ec which i think was because i didnt top up with water halfway through the week, which i will do this week. It seems its using the water faster than the nutes so i will make sure i top up with water tomorrow to try and keep the ec constant for the whole week between res changes...

Ok so im gonna do the res change on sunday and i go away on monday.....and also this week i am using some Canna PK 13/14...i think im gonna down the nutrients to 175ml each so 350ml in total, and then add 150ml if Canna PK 13/14 which i hope wont be too much but if anyone has any opinions please let me know....it says on the greenhouse seed co video on utube that they can withstand a lot of feeding so hopefully they'll take it without burning.

Apart from that everything going ok im gonna start buying some equipment soon for the 4-tray setup i need another 3 tray kits and 2 ballsts and lights as i have 2 already, also some ventilation but ill leave that until the last minute when i know the exact dimensions...

Any comments are more than welcome i think the plants are coming along nicely one thing that surprised me was the development of the plants which dont get too much light because of the leafs above...it has been a lot so all the little nuggets further down should come in handy and im hoping for a good overall yield.....but as i said all comments are welcome especially any advice about Canna PK 13/14 :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey KPW it says in the write up but its at 3 1/2 weeks or 25 days flowering, what do u reckon they look ok dont they????