Seed Germination strategy 2024


Active Member
Germination strategy:

Pete moss.
Paper towel.

Which is the one you are using now that is better than the rest?
Germination strategy:

Pete moss.
Paper towel.

Which is the one you are using now that is better than the rest?
I've used paper towel method in the past, usually results in a broken taproot when trying to place it into the growing medium. Haven't tried the others. as always, drop the seed(s) into a glass of water for 12 hours or so, then I would recommend just placing the seed(s) in a seedling pot and watering them lightly, from there just let em germinate and water sparingly after germination.
I've used paper towel method in the past, usually results in a broken taproot when trying to place it into the growing medium. Haven't tried the others. as always, drop the seed(s) into a glass of water for 12 hours or so, then I would recommend just placing the seed(s) in a seedling pot and watering them lightly, from there just let em germinate and water sparingly after germination.
I've heard you can also add a very small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the glass of water to help older seeds germ, though when I tried this it didnt seem to make more sprout than the water itself. just an anecdote
tell me please haha
I think most people make planting a seed way too complicated.......heat mats, domes, special kits, paper towels, glasses of water.
I use rapid rooters and have been for decades. I can't remember the last time a seed didn't sprout.
Soak the rooter in tap water.
Squeeze out the excess.
Stick the seed in the hole and put it in a drawer.......3-4 days later you got sprouts.
I just threw a bunch of seeds on the ground. :D


Seriously though, since seeds are so damn expensive.

After considerable reading..... I soak the seeds in a 1.5% peroxide solution for around 16 hours, wet some paper towel and squeeze the water out so the towel is moist not wet, wrap the seeds in the paper towel put them in a sealed container, set them somewhere warmish & check daily.
I'll change out the paper towel every few days.

Good luck
I soak seeds in a glass for 12 hours or so, then put in a small pot with soil and water. I have used H2O2 and not, it doesn’t hurt to use the peroxide I’m sure, can’t say I’ve seen a bid difference in germ rates, they usually sprout either way. One thing I’ve noticed, when you start soaking the seeds they will float. After 12 hours if you shake the glass a bit or gently give the seeds a push under water they will sink, those seeds are ready to plant and will almost always sprout. If they don’t sink give them a bit more time and plant anyway, but odds start going down if they never sink, just my observation, not science.
Papertowel guy here. Place seed in the damp papertowel and fold it over the seed in a bowl with plate over it. I try to have the seed stuck against the wall of bowl so it can agitate the seed shell off.

Give it a spray of water, dump the access which I do as needed over the course of 3 days. Usually once or twice. I just did a few seeds recently.

I learned to have some nail ready on your fingers. If shell stuck real bad I learned how to place it just right on my fingers and have nails pull it open.

I place it somewhere close to 70F and 45-60%rh. Heat mats make it dry out easy idk I just find it rough on them. Not like when I use the mat for clones.

Clones.. I found them to be much easier and less unsettling. 100% success never worry always on time easy to plant.

Oh so seeds I poke a small hole in media like a pinky. I easily just gently get it to lean on and over one side of the hole and gently fill in that hole. Never had an issue with that.

The conditions mention keep the paper towel damp enough overnight and the plate helps keep rh up. Without molding up like Id think im a sealed baggy. It will only mold if its above 65rh.

I know because I tried to put it in a ground floor bathroom and the showers taken.. Thought it would help keep humid, too humid. Much mold arrived to the party.

Id try the plant direct method to KISS (keep it simple stupid) a real method of approach that tends to work best. On some seeds I dont care about.

When it comes to 60-100$ 5 pack beans oof I just stick to my roots pun intended. Ive done this all my time. Its easy to check condition of seed and plant another or wait it out. No harm.

The thing is if they have all that uumph it probably would of been fine planting direct. Il try it soon, I got lots of beans I dont care about.

I would ship them to anyone here but in short idk how I feel about that overall just yet. It doesnt feel legal yet even though bean shipping is.
I did this:


Paper Towels.
Spring Water.
Ziplock Bags.

Put it in the dark.


Should I open the bag?
Empty the excess water?

Or leave the shit alone till the 3rd or 5th day?

I would to avoid mold even though people do I see it all the time with the baggy method. Yes empty access water it can suffocate the root when they sprout but then again Ive seen it work.

Really no need to complicate it youll find your way. Trial and error. I just say no excess water as even when plants grow large they dont like water wwith low dissolved oxygen.

In hydroponics like dwc thats bad. When cloning its night and day results when supplying rich oxygen. No need to split hairs some people have methods that kinda mixes other methods.

Its just a seed. Playing on seeds you dont care about really helps. I used to think clone roots were sensative till I played with some I didnt care. No fear when planting now even if I was rough.
Now that I say about the clone roots I will include its not like that with seedlings, its super easy to break the root. Easy to kill the leaf membrane thing if you peel a stuck shell too soon.

I just meant try not to worry if it dont work out. Yea some people have 100% success but I simply get issues sometimes like others. I can clone %100 but after the 100 beans Ive popped many didnt make it.

Ive gotten a male from fem seeds twice when its never supposed to happen virtually. Love when they say milage varies.
I’ve done this multiple times, just think there’s key aspects forgotten when I had this process dialed.

One of those key aspects is spring water over tap!

Had the Peat pellets down before.

Do you think the Germ is better than the:

Peat Plug.
Peat Pellets.

Figured out how to hit a 100% ?

Only been (35 hours), and I’m pretty sure I got 100% to breach with the root coming out the bottom and the leaves coming out the top!

Id have to give most of the credit to the (Root Riot and Spring Water)!

Germinate them for 20hrs in a sealed ziplock bag/ paper towel with (Spring Water).

Place seeds in the Root Riot Seed Starter cubes.

*They almost all cracked from the ziplock paper towel germ.


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