Seed Germination strategy 2024


Active Member
I have to mention that the Exotic Genetix brand/breeder had the best looking seeds!

(Exotic Genetics Prime Time) seeds were fat/round and they all 6 Cracked and Breached fast with Spring Water!

Gotta keep trying EG seeds I vaped Gouda Berry and it was really really impressive!


Well-Known Member
Tap water, Rapid Rooter or Root Riot. That's it, couldn't be easier or more reliable.

I had some issues with rockwool, might have been too wet, IDK. Sowing directly in coco, peat, soil, whatever, works fine most of the time. Paper towels work, just make sure they aren't sopping wet. All methods work or no one would use them. I prefer Rapid Rooters but use whatever you want, the seeds just want moisture without being drowned, and darkness, they don't care otherwise. I've mostly used Greenpoint sees lately but have used others, including bag seeds, and never had a problem with germ rates as long as they were mature seeds and I didn't drown them.


Active Member
Soak overnite in tap water. Then in wet paper towel wrung out in zip loc on top of water heater. 1-2 days.

But truth be told best plant I have this year is one I just stuck in a red solo cup with dirt/coco/perlite mix. Filled with water and drained. popped up an a couple days and took off. Granted it was skunkx mixed bag seed. :lol:


Well-Known Member
if germinating in a paper towel placed into a Ziplock, I make sure I spray about 5 squirts inside and also that the Ziplock is puffy when you seal it for plenty of air. I do get the towel quite wet.
I put mine on top of my tent under an old boot box.