Blaze & Daze

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
My husband told me a few tales of stripping his barracks room floor with second hand Boone's Farm, :spew:
I once fell off of then got run over by a floor stripper in the barracks while riding it and drinking a bottle of wild Irish rose, which is what made me think of it in the first place. I didn’t break my leg but was limping for weeks. We would sometimes ride the buffer/stripper to add friction, made it strip the floors faster, but better done when sober.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I once fell off of then got run over by a floor stripper in the barracks while riding it and drinking a bottle of wild Irish rose, which is what made me think of it in the first place. I didn’t break my leg but was limping for weeks. We would sometimes ride the buffer/stripper to add friction, made it strip the floors faster, but better done when sober.
Night shift hospital buffer rides, gurney races, chair spinning, mop jousting, god it was fun to be young before cell phones.


Well-Known Member
All my chores are done. I've swept up mesquite beans, watered the outside plants and best of all trimmed and jarred the lower half of the last harvest. The crop is in, my estimates were spot on, 12 jars altogether. Not quite a pound, 15.6 oz. The mixed nuts drug the total down.
Whatever should I do next?


Well-Known Member
Night shift hospital buffer rides, gurney races, chair spinning, mop jousting, god it was fun to be young before cell phones.
Came into work one morning after the night shift had a firecracker war.
They had shot off a couple of bricks of firecrackers and the exploded paper was everywhere.
Oh and they had forgotten to throw away a couple of cases of beer cans that they left in a sack by the door. Which the VP found as he walked in right behind us.
I honestly thought the VP's head was going to explode as he walked into his office muttering fire the whole fucking shift.
They didn't fire them but they did end the shift and brought them all on days.


Well-Known Member
Oooh Gelato, I'd go with your Gelato.
I've been wanting to grow some more Gelato. My last plants were so pretty. I think I can get the nutrients dialed in a little better next time. They say the 41 is the strongest "we're gonna test that". It is my understanding that Jealousy is like Gelato on steroids. We're going to test that too. That leaves room for Unicorn poop and Jungle cake x wedding tree. Putting them on water tomorrow.
My previous Gelato 33.