The "democrats" didn't do this.....a NY Grand Jury (a jury of his peers) did this..... :clap:
and that jury had two lawyers on it and was a mix of GOP and Democrats (they won't say how many of each). To people saying it will invigorate voting for Trump. I feel sorry for you. I wouldn't let Menendez even win a primary let alone get to the White House. President is not a job for convicted felons especially when they stole secret documents and refused to give them back; kiss up to PUTIN (yes, he borrowed MILLIONS from Putin affiliated businesses....and YES he offered to let Russia conquer any nation in exchange for rigging this election for him).
"NBC News has not verified...":wall:
Is Merchan going to jump at every rumor? Maybe he thinks it was planted by the defense?
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"NBC News has not verified...":wall:
Is Merchan going to jump at every rumor? Maybe he thinks it was planted by the defense?
Even so, the bit that NBC News has not verified is peripheral. The post appears to be fact. What Merchan does with the requested info is a whole nother thing.
Even so, the bit that NBC News has not verified is peripheral. The post appears to be fact. What Merchan does with the requested info is a whole nother thing.
Yeah, the post is fact but is it true? Why did he take that post as troubling, there's got to be a lot of those. Judge has some 'splainin' to do.
Yeah, the post is fact but is it true? Why did he take that post as troubling, there's got to be a lot of those. Judge has some 'splainin' to do.
Mind you, my law knowledge is not good. Even so,

I assume that there was a feature to the post that made for more of an open&shut. Merchan strikes me as very impartial … neither beholden to nor bearing animus against the guy in his court. So my first impulse is, there’s something there, something objective, that he saw, and outsiders like me are not primed to notice.
If trump is not actually incarcerated for his crimes he will be placed on felony probation. In NY felony probations require a minimum of 5 years supervision and must provide a DNA sample to be entered into the federal data base and also provide random drug tests along with regular visits to or from his friendly probation officer....
If trump is not actually incarcerated for his crimes he will be placed on felony probation. In NY felony probations require a minimum of 5 years supervision and must provide a DNA sample to be entered into the federal data base and also provide random drug tests along with regular visits to or from his friendly probation officer....
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I've never before thought that being a probation officer would be a desirable job.
Mind you, my law knowledge is not good. Even so,

I assume that there was a feature to the post that made for more of an open&shut. Merchan strikes me as very impartial … neither beholden to nor bearing animus against the guy in his court. So my first impulse is, there’s something there, something objective, that he saw, and outsiders like me are not primed to notice.
"A professional shit poster" exposed.


George knows.

We have to call crazy as crazy. Mock him without taking the MAGA anger bait. Eventually the MSM will report crazy as crazy.
I knew there were intelligent conservatives out there.

It would be nice to meet one here.

I guess it's even happened here but what would we disagree over? Not feeding kids? I mean, after we agree about putting the boot to Trump in November, I might not agree about not feeding kids but I'm willing talk about THAT.
Hence the laughter when MAGA Republican leaders and followers say "Biden's justice system" is going after Trump unfairly.

The laughter is more to mock than actual comedy. This is getting real.

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He won't serve jail time but the lawyer who lied for him and later flipped in order to avoid even more charges regarding this crime -- did.
All I know is to see such obvious truths beaten,dragged to tatters,flipped 180 w/absolutely outrageous statements by the most deceitful menace to democracy in my lifetime gobbled up by so many has me miffed as to what is actually reality now. For our nation to be so distracted by tactics so outright ridiculous and a decade wasted in hashing out this na na na adolescent MAGA stupidity w/such real threats/issues that confront our nation unattended to has me wondering if we are sleepwalking while another 9/11 / Pearl Harbor is in the wings ready to slap us in the face. Even if wrong a decade has been wasted confronting Social,Debt,Climate issues while we engage in playground politics,all brought upon us by the Orange dickhead who should have stayed in his lane as a regional fraudster,majoring in screwing investors/IRS/contractors and business associates while running around w/a raging libido,we'd all have been better off had that escalator ride from hell never occurred.
i dunno about that, he might not have a place to go to after Erogorn trail, remember he's on the hook for a 175mil that actually cover almost 500mil, Lago might be on the chopping block since it's owned by the Trump Org

I mean, I'm not trying to smash any hopes, but if any normal folk did the things he did, they would already be in prison or being held without bond. He's not because there is a different tier of justice for the very wealthy.

But he's also in a different class because he's a former president. I don't think the powers that be want to put a former president in prison just due to global optics, but maybe I'm wrong about that.

Realistically, though, the only thing people can hope for is him going broke, but he knows how to grift too well for that and has a sea of suckers to fleece, it seems.

Hence the laughter when MAGA Republican leaders and followers say "Biden's justice system" is going after Trump unfairly.

The laughter is more to mock than actual comedy. This is getting real.

View attachment 5398272

He won't serve jail time but the lawyer who lied for him and later flipped in order to avoid even more charges regarding this crime -- did.

Well, yeah, all the people who touch him get very dirty. It's always surprising how many people are willing to do his bidding just for a little fame in hopes it will propel their careers and wind up jail while he laughs.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall there. I heard his lawyer wants to be with him. The convict just can't tell the truth and needs someone to reel him in.