
Well-Known Member
tRump is now the first president to ever get indicted. The charges are still under seal, but its assumed that the charges are going to go way beyond just the Stormy Daniels debacle. But its speculated these are Felony Charges.

And dont forget tRump pled the 5th 450 times which are all 450 are potential crimes. Hes in really deep shit. Charges wont be unsealed until Arraignment.
Oh Happy Day!
The fact the reporter calls him "Drump" made me giggle loudly.

This really shows how scared the democrats are. This will invigorate the GOP. Many that were leaning toward desanctamonius will cast their vote for the martyr.

It aint gonna invigorate Independents though. Ds pray they will nominate tRump, so he can get creamed again.

Its also said hes facing at least 30 charges on this first round of indictments.

The latest Poll ( March 20-23 ) also says the investigations into tRump are fair, and not a witch hunt. And mainly among young people, who are becoming the biggest voting demographic, and vote Democrat in high numbers.

60% of the American People dont want tRump to be president aagain.

Don't call them 'witch hunts.' Most Americans say investigations into Trump are fair
The latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll shows that a majority of Americans do not want former President Donald Trump to hold that office again, as his campaign for 2024 is in full swing.

A majority of Americans say the multiple criminal investigations into former President Donald Trump's conduct are fair, despite Trump's continued efforts claiming they are conspiracies against him, the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.
The survey of more than 1,300 adults also found that despite the love for him among Republicans, Trump remains highly disliked, continues to struggle mightily with independents — and 6 in 10 Americans don't want him to be president again.
The results come as Trump has raised the specter of his potential arrest, due to a hush money investigation out of New York. Trump faces at least three other criminal investigations — two federal, stemming from classified documents found at his Florida home and one examining his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection, as well as one from Georgia, looking at his pressure campaign to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election he lost.
They also come as Trump held his first presidential campaign rally Saturday in Waco, Texas, where he baselessly described the investigations as the result of "prosecutorial misconduct."
"Prosecutorial misconduct is their new tool," Trump said, "and they're willing to use it at levels never seen before in our country. We've had it, but we've never had it like this. We must stop them and we must not allow them to go through another election where they have yet another tool in their tool kit."
But most Americans don't agree with him. By a 56%-to-41% margin respondents said the investigations are fair and not a "witch hunt."
As expected, there's a huge partisan divide — 9 in 10 Democrats say they are fair, while 8 in 10 Republicans call them a witch hunt. A slim majority of independents call them fair, but they are closely split, 51% to 47%.
Those most likely to say the investigations are fair are those in the Gen Z and millennial generations, people who live in big cities and suburbs, and white college graduates, especially college-educated white women.
The latter is a demographic that's been one of the most reliable Democratic voting — and anti-Trump — groups.
Those most likely to say the investigations are a witch hunt were core Trump supporting groups: white men without degrees, white evangelical Christians and those who live in small towns.
Three-quarters say Trump has either done something illegal (46%) or unethical (29%). Only a quarter (23%) think he's done nothing wrong.
In a mirror of public perception about the ongoing investigations, those most likely to think Trump did something illegal are white college grads, especially white, college-educated women, women who live in small cities and suburbs and people who live in the Northeast.
But just 10% of Republicans think Trump did something illegal. They are more split when it comes to whether Trump did something unethical or nothing wrong — 45% say nothing wrong, 43% say he's done something unethical but not illegal.
That reflects the split in the GOP primary. About half of rank-and-file Republican voters appear to be open to someone else, but Trump clearly still has a lock on a significant portion of the GOP.
Republicans also like Trump a lot — 8 in 10 have a favorable opinion of him. But, more broadly, Trump remains highly unpopular.
Just 39% overall have a favorable opinion of Trump, 51% have a negative view. That includes just 37% of independents who have a positive view of him.
Even though Trump's 2024 campaign is well underway, 61% of respondents don't want Trump to be president, including almost two-thirds of independents.
For Republicans, it's a different story — three-quarters do want Trump to be president again.
So Trump remains very popular with the base, but politically toxic with everyone else. That represents a real conundrum for the GOP because with numbers like those, it's hard to see how Trump wins a general election, but also hard to see how he loses the Republican nomination — without a sustained effort from others in the party to go after his glaring vulnerabilities that have cost the GOP in recent elections.
The survey of 1,327 adults, including 1,226 registered voters, was conducted from Monday, March 20 through Thursday, March 23. It was done by telephone with live callers to cellphones and landlines, as well as by text message and online and in English and Spanish. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percentage points.
This really shows how scared the democrats are. This will invigorate the GOP. Many that were leaning toward desanctamonius will cast their vote for the martyr.

How much money did you give him?

We think they are both trash and just like watching them fight with each other. We don't care which guy it is Joe bidens old ass beats. As trump and DeSantis fight to out maga each other it just keeps driving away anyone reasonable (the independent swing voters you need to win).

So by all means...please proceed.
OK so
How much money did you give him?

We think they are both trash and just like watching them fight with each other. We don't care which guy it is Joe bidens old ass beats. As trump and DeSantis fight to out maga each other it just keeps driving away anyone reasonable (the independent swing voters you need to win).

So by all means...please proceed.
Winner winner chicken dinner IMO

the idea that an indictment would somehow invograte trump's chances of winning the presidency again is BEYOND insane for so many reasons. The more likely outcome of this, as stated, is that swing-voters will throw away their red hats in favor of some aviators or a nice pretty scarf :lol:
OK so what's the next step??

Does he get to blow off an indictment, the same way he blows off subpoenas and court orders and so forth?

When does anything actually happen?? When does he get hauled in??
OK so what's the next step??

Does he get to blow off an indictment, the same way he blows off subpoenas and court orders and so forth?

When does anything actually happen?? When does he get hauled in??
If he chooses, he can stay in Florida and force the NY DA to extradite him. Photos of DeSantis signing the order would be worth the delay IMO. He can cause a shit storm at Mar a Lago by calling for demonstrations and protests to form a human wall to hinder his arrest. I'm kind of expecting that. But that would be against the will of the Secret Service who are tasked with protecting Trump. A mob around Trump would be something they want to avoid. So, Trump might not even get to make the decision. As when the SS agent told Trump he would not allow him to go the the Jan 6 protest at the Capitol Building, they might just haul his ass to NY themselves. All of this is speculation of course.

Most analysts and Trump's own lawyers are saying he would turn himself in at a negotiated time and place. Probably next week. The arraignment hearing would be not long thereafter. The trial is maybe a year away, assuming there is one.
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This really shows how scared the democrats are. This will invigorate the GOP. Many that were leaning toward desanctamonius will cast their vote for the martyr.
The money going to flow. His MAGA base are going to click that DONATE! button and send millions his way. It might help Trump win the nomination too. The primary is a year out, so, maybe, maybe not on that. But the grift will keep on grifting.

That said, help Trump in the general election? That's pretty unlikely. The 2024 election is Biden's to lose. Your fantasy about the trial swaying independents seems like a hopeful thought. Like me hoping to win that 1 Billion dollar lottery.
The money going to flow. His MAGA base are going to click that DONATE! button and send millions his way. It might help Trump win the nomination too. The primary is a year out, so, maybe, maybe not on that. But the grift will keep on grifting.

That said, help Trump in the general election? That's pretty unlikely. The 2024 election is Biden's to lose. Your fantasy about the trial swaying independents seems like a hopeful thought. Like me hoping to win that 1 Billion dollar lottery.
I sure hope they unchecked the Donate Weekly default button.
This really shows how scared the democrats are. This will invigorate the GOP. Many that were leaning toward desanctamonius will cast their vote for the martyr.
There are not enough Republican voters. Scared Democrats? No, more like their belief in the rule of law may be rekindled.

Might even get some more new posters in the Political section. Fun times (no disrespect to the regulars).