Are you better off today, than you were 4 years ago when Trump was POTUS?

Republican Study Committee, of which some three-quarters of House Republicans are members, released its 2025 budget entitled “Fiscal Sanity to Save America.” Tucked away in the 180-page austerity manifesto is a block of text concerned with a crucial priority for the party: ensuring children aren’t being fed at school.

Eight states offer all students, regardless of household income, free school meals — and more states are trending in the direction. But while people across the country move to feed school children, congressional Republicans are looking to stop the cause.

The budget — co-signed by more than 170 House Republicans — calls to eliminate “the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) from the School Lunch Program.” The CEP, the Republicans note, “allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.”

That's not a reliable source.

That's not a reliable source.




It leans in the “right” direction and rates Mostly Factual.

New York Post, now —



Wrong-Center bias and Mixed factuality because it is a Murdoch outlet for neoliberal propaganda.

It’s an open secret that the objective of the neoliberal agenda is to do away with the irritating republic. An authoritarian regime is far more clement for billionaires who want it made law that they are better than us.
I just recently read an article that California now holds 1/3rd of the US homeless population? This is sort of on subject... any of you Cali's can confirm this?
I just recently read an article that California now holds 1/3rd of the US homeless population? This is sort of on subject... any of you Cali's can confirm this?

(edit) found it, from a good source.

With our weather it makes sense. How many homeless choose to stay in ND or MT?

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California voters approve Prop. 1, delivering a win for Newsom
California voters have narrowly approved Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide ballot measure, Proposition 1, which authorizes $6.4 billion in bonds to fund treatment and housing for homeless people with a mental illness or substance-use disorder.
It’s an open secret that the objective of the neoliberal agenda is to do away with the irritating republic. An authoritarian regime is far more clement for billionaires who want it made law that they are better than us.
The podcast linked below isn't just about the neoliberal agenda or a conspiracy of the wealthy to do away with the republic. It's about their lack of concern whether the US goes toward Trump's dictatorship or continues to muddle on as a troubled democracy. Jamie Dimon is quoted as saying his Bank doesn't care and is as ready for Trump's agenda 25 as it is for Biden's presidency. Luce makes the point that democracy needs capitalism but capitalism doesn't need democracy.


(edit) found it, from a good source.

With our weather it makes sense. How many homeless choose to stay in ND or MT?

Comparing CA housing crisis to ND or MT is like comparing apples to oranges. The main driver for homelessness is cost of living, not the weather. MT and ND are not experiencing a rapid rise in these costs. CA, on the other hand, costs are going through the roof. Literally.

Comparing CA housing crisis to ND or MT is like comparing apples to oranges. The main driver for homelessness is cost of living, not the weather. MT and ND are not experiencing a rapid rise in these costs. CA, on the other hand, costs are going through the roof. Literally.

I stand corrected.
I may have mentioned this in another thread, but yeah, the cost of owning stuff is getting out of control. ...... or even renting. Our property insurance went up 45% this past year, and we own everything. So, it really feels like you truly never own anything. I feel like they are making it so expensive that you'll be forced to sell out, or forfeit your property because it's just so expensive (especially you West coasters... and ANE folks)... I just can't imagine the stress of trying to pay for all the bullshit taxes if I had a mortgage and car payments. Maybe it is true that one of these days you will own nothing, and be happy..... Im not really sure what they mean by that, but if you wanna pull up and try to get me to hand over my deed.... Im gonna die on my front porch, guns a blazing'. I've worked hard for it, Im not giving it up to BlackRock or Vanguard, no matter what they offer me..... or demand.
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If I were to somehow be able to uproot my 12 acres, 2 homes, 3 shops buildings and magically plant them in a good part of Cali,.... I couldn't afford it at all. I have unlimited water here, great sunsets views, and plenty to do. My taxes are, in hindsight, nothing compared to some of you... so I really shouldn't be complaining, but I do feel for a good portion of the US that are going though these troubling times.. which seem to be getting worse. The ebb and flow of all of this will find it's valley..... I hope.
And that being the case, why are we not this strict with Mexico?
Where do you get the information we are not. As for sunni's experience with her mother I can second it for my daughter-in-law's mother who isn't allowed to cross our southern border and so my kid's go to Costa Rica to visit her (they are from Brazil) but they meet to visit in the middle.

I can also second how badly we need immigration funding. They 'lost' my daughters paperwork at least three times. Finally my son hired an attorney but how is it possible they've been married for about 7 years and my granddaughter is 4 and she is still not a citizen?

I think many people are confusing an intentionally broken system with an incompetent system, ours worked when it was funded. I remember when La Migra was funded.
Comparing CA housing crisis to ND or MT is like comparing apples to oranges. The main driver for homelessness is cost of living, not the weather. MT and ND are not experiencing a rapid rise in these costs. CA, on the other hand, costs are going through the roof. Literally.

I would love to see a good study on the migratory (and reasons for the movements as they move) patterns of homelessness. I agree it is apples and oranges, but also think that finding the reasons someone is homeless, is not the same as the reason people become homeless in those states that they are currently in.

I stand corrected.
I think you were still onto something about the weather, if I were to become homeless, while I might at first try to stay in Michigan, if I were able to, I would for sure be moving west/south, and all those 'bus tickets out of town' would likely mean I'd end up in Cali.
I would love to see a good study on the migratory (and reasons for the movements as they move) patterns of homelessness. I agree it is apples and oranges, but also think that finding the reasons someone is homeless, is not the same as the reason people become homeless in those states that they are currently in.

I think you were still onto something about the weather, if I were to become homeless, while I might at first try to stay in Michigan, if I were able to, I would for sure be moving west/south, and all those 'bus tickets out of town' would likely mean I'd end up in Cali.
I'm not sure on actual numbers, I may try to look into it a bit more after this post, but in Canada, I'm pretty sure Vancouver is the most popular city for homeless people because it has milder winters in general. It's also one of the most expensive cities to live in, so that may contribute as well.
I can also second how badly we need immigration funding. They 'lost' my daughters paperwork at least three times. Finally my son hired an attorney but how is it possible they've been married for about 7 years and my granddaughter is 4 and she is still not a citizen?

Remember when i waited 5? fucking year and USCIS kept telling me "nothing was wrong with your case youre just waiting" turns out they denied me 5 fucking years before due to them fucking up paperwork ...

so i was unknowingly ILLEGALLY LIVING HERE for FIVE years MARRIED to a Military member who has one of higher security clearance levels who THE MILITARY DOES REGULAR CHECKS ON ME

than they reopened my case and i went to their location to do biometrics on a computer which transferred your fingerprints DIRECTLY TO THE FBI and UCSIC security AND THEY LOST IT.

..meaning someone didnt operate the machine properly.

And to top it all off you physically cannot go to a uscis location to talk to an immigration agent about your case everything in done via their call center. which doesnt work.

and thwe ONLY REASON ANY of this got "fixed" and i got my permanet residency is because my husband worked at the federal building in our city and walked into one of the offices of the head guys and said hey this fucked up can i get some help..

and low and behold i had my green card a month later.....

if it wasnt for my husband id probably still be denied.

This story isnt a one off..this happens to everyone..USCIS is fucking a piece of shit they do the paperwork by hand still nothing is electronic they can can simply misplace your papers and youre fucked.

because the cog is one but the machine is so big they cannot control anything.just look up basic shit on the internet people in my situation are in the plenty.
Remember...gas prices are not just about GAS prices. It costs money, to buy fuel, to:

  • Transport food and other products
  • Deliver goods and services
  • Commute to and from work (for those still fortunate enough to have jobs)
Some more wonderful statistics of "Bidenomics"...

You wanted "Build Back Better"? . . .
Well...Here it is!!!
Walmart is closing 23 stores in 8 states (all blue).
Target is closing 9 stores in 4 states (all blue).
Walgreens is closing 900 stores (mostly blue)
Bed bath and beyond is closing its remaining 360 stores.
Lowes has closed 50 stores.
Macy's is closing 150 stores (mainly blue)
Starbucks has closed 61 stores (mainly blue)
Home Depot is closing 15 stores
Dollar Tree is closing 1,000 stores
Foot Locker is closing 400 stores
Gap is closing 350 stores
Party City is closing 24 stores (mainly blue)
Big Lots is closing stores in Cali and Colorado
Burger King is closing 400 stores
Best Buy is closing 20 stores
Boston Market is closing 27 stores
Kmart only has 2 stores left
Sears closed all but 22 stores
Regal Cinemas has closed 429 movie theaters
Kroger grocery chain has closed 413 stores
US Bank is closing 23 branches
Wells Fargo is closing over 60 branches
Capital One is closing 50 branches
Bank of America is closing 20 branches
All because the economy is so wonderful.
Remember...gas prices are not just about GAS prices. It costs money, to buy fuel, to:

  • Transport food and other products
  • Deliver goods and services
  • Commute to and from work (for those still fortunate enough to have jobs)
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caseys are never found in cities though theyre crapshoots in small towns on little highways. like in the middle of butt fuck no where illinois

also gas is up all over the world. so your argument that the president sets the gas pricing is silly. Its the Gas companies who control the pricing so youd need something else either than a president to do something since its a world wide issue.

Im not saying it isnt a valid issue gas pricing is absolutely outrageous but if this is your reason for voting trump...than it not going to change it because again as above its world wide and it isntset by a president. its a corp problem