I was detained in Manitoba (Winnipeg airport) coming in because thier system showed I had a DUI 8 years prior. They held me for about an hour and a half. It was actually an APC , which is not as serious as a DUI, but …. They got it squared away… Canada doesn’t mess around.
its pretty well known you cannot go into canada with a DUI because its class is considered a felony .. though not the same terminology.
the same is said to coming into the usa, canada and the usa do not recognize each others legal systems for example my mom has been denied access to the usa over a shoplifting charge which was PARDONED by canada since it happened when she was 15 and shes 70 now. and she still cannot cross the boarder.
this is why you call ahead back in the old days or look online, you need a waiver to get into eachothers country.
dont act like america isnt the same it is.
im genuinely concerned about the lies you believe and are being misinformed.
alot of this stuff is not as black and white as you make it.
I know this because i am immigrant, we dont just go and get voting rights thats not how it works.
I think you should genuinely look into things a little more, because i think youre being fed alot of bs you believe that isnt true.