Blaze & Daze

Well now, the plants are settling into their new 4 gallon SIP's and getting happy.
Some bushy little cabbages! If they had all sprouted at the same time I would be flipping them today.
Group shot, 3 weeks, 2 weeks and 1 week from sprout.
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Close ups of the 2 mystery plants, sprouted 22 days ago.
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I must now confess, this grow I am a fraud. These plants are all growing in Miracle Grow moisture control potting mix. Don't judge, I wanted to do a grow strictly in some hot potting soil, and that was what was available. My plants have been struggling the last few weeks of flower. I'm hoping this will sustain them for the whole grow. On a positive note this shit really does hold in the moisture, I haven't had to water yet in 3 weeks and the soil is still moist. I isolated the soil to check for gnats and then covered the top layer with diatomaceous earth and then garden pumice as a preventative measure.
Yea I used for houseplants did keep moisture in ,had to perlite. Not so well with nutrients alone though
So I had to go xmas shopping on Tuesday, no golf for me. When I woke up yesterday it was raining! Oh great I blew my golf day.
But wait! By 10 am it has cleared off and this is what I saw.
Looking back from the 11th green of the Conquistador course. This is my home course in Oro valley. Pusch ridge part of the Santa Catalina mountains in the background.