Burping has NOTHING to do with moisture.
Cannabis gets its goodies from lipid oxidation. The plant must respire (oxidize lipids) to produce its flavor and effect.
Lipoxygenases (LOXs), naturally occurring enzymes, are widely distributed in plants and animals. LOXs can be non-sulfur iron, non-heme iron, or manganese-containing dioxygenase redox enzymes. LOXs catalyze the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids into fatty acid hydroperoxides. Linolenic...
Cannabis sativa is a global multi-billion-dollar cash crop with numerous industrial uses, including in medicine and recreation where its value is largely owed to the production of pharmacological and psychoactive metabolites known as cannabinoids. ...
Grove bags are a scam in that I could take them to court for claiming to have invented the double layer mylar bag. High end commercial producers have been using 2 ply polyethylene since it was invented. Glass jars have been sabotage tactics like most other online grow info. Sorry kids it was a business move. Keeping yall chasing your tales.