I see the disqualification trial as something separate from the click bait poll you posted earlier. We are seeing history being made in the disqualification trial. It is the first time that the 14th amendment has been tested to determine if it may be used to disqualify a candidate from running for president. So, yes, it's important. I think it will set an important precedent that should be reviewed by the SCOTUS and either struck down or confirmed. Personally, I'm of two minds on this matter. I agree with those who say it is the electorate who should decide who should be prez. On the other hand, I agree with the people who wrote that clause in the 14th that reasonably prevents a person who violated their oath to protect the Constitution from holding an office that is empowered by the Constitution. This is a sensible measure and ensures the continuance of our Constitutional Republic.
Yes, things look bad for Trump. Yes he could be cleaned out by being held accountable for fraud that netted him hundreds of millions of profit from lower interest rates than he would not have received had he submitted honest statements to banks. Yes he should be held accountable for trying to overthrow the election. But at this time, whether or not he can be disqualified from holding any office in government, from President to dog catcher remains to be seen. We are seeing history being made here and we are only spectators, not deciders. I am fascinated by what is going on and agree that the result will be monumental regardless what is decided. There is no need to follow our thoughts down rabbit holes into "if land" where speculation is based on something that has yet to be realized.