Just Cats

The other night , my favorite cat , Cosmo ( a one-eyed Siberian Forest Cat , that I found and brought inside...... he was only a fewweeks old ) was laying and playing around on my lap. He is a real pixie , so lovable , friendly, comical.....he's magical. Anyway , it was during the evening . I had on a pair of very thin pajamas and wearing lightweight boxers on. Cosmo was rolling around and stretching and by accident , he pierced my p.j.'s and boxers and sunk a claw into the end of my " willy ". Fing-A , he really sunk it , drew blood , like a fish hook ! I had one hell of a time getting that claw out.......f'ing ouch ! I was really squealing. It took my breath away ! I finally yanked it out ! It hurt so bad I wasn't sure what to do. I finally decided to put " Ambesol " ( a numbing agent for toothaches ) on my wounds . Be careful out there .
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