
Well-Known Member
Jr said some shit about the judge.

Judge Chutkan apparently left Mr. Trump leeway to attack her as well.
the NY Judge, yes....and he's apart of the law suit there......

as far as the DC judge she has granted a limited stay on her gag order at the moment...



Well-Known Member
Jr said some shit about the judge.

Judge Chutkan apparently left Mr. Trump leeway to attack her as well.
The judge in his NY civil case is the one they need to worry about, and judges are protective of each other and their staffs.


Well-Known Member
the NY Judge, yes....and he's apart of the law suit there......

as far as the DC judge she has granted a limited stay on her gag order at the moment...

She almost appears to be stretching things out and saving them up for a disqualification decision before thanksgiving (according to the Colorado judge) and when that happens it will be about a month until the SCOTUS rules and I doubt they will disagree with a lower court's decision to disqualify him on appeal. She already stated that the only reason he is not locked up already is that he is running for office as the GOP front runner, once he is disqualified that reason will be removed.


Well-Known Member
Now this would be interesting, two TV trials instead of one, the trial in Georgia will be televised and the disqualification civil case in Colorado too I believe. I dunno about the federal trial though, Chutkan might be for it though, justice must not just be done, it must be seen to be done, is an old saying.

LOL: Trump's criminal trial might be TELEVISED LIVE


Well-Known Member
Now this would be interesting, two TV trials instead of one, the trial in Georgia will be televised and the disqualification civil case in Colorado too I believe. I dunno about the federal trial though, Chutkan might be for it though, justice must not just be done, it must be seen to be done, is an old saying.

LOL: Trump's criminal trial might be TELEVISED LIVE
So I need to figure out how to do picture in picture for the trials?


Well-Known Member
So I need to figure out how to do picture in picture for the trials?
They will be sequential, and I doubt the federal trial will be televised. The disqualification case in Colorado should be on TV soon though. Georgia could be moved up to January however with the early birds pleading out and that will be on TV. I'll be disappointed in not seeing Trump on TV in Georgia wearing a jumpsuit then. We could see a rearrangement of Trump's trial dates with the trial in Georgia before the one in DC on March 04.


Well-Known Member

Trump prison fears surge: Two MAGA lawyers flip as ‘all arrows’ point to coup

212,925 views Oct 20, 2023 #msnbc #trump #georgia
Kenneth Chesebro is the second Trump lawyer to plead guilty in the Georgia election interference case. NYU Law Professor Melissa Murray joins MSNBC's Ari Melber to discuss.


Well-Known Member
Chesebro attorney argues client never believed Trump’s ‘big lie’ of election fraud
Kenneth Chesebro, one of former President Trump’s 18 co-defendants in the George election fraud case, didn’t truly believe the 2020 election was stolen, according to his attorney.

“First of all, Mr. Chesebro never believed in ‘The Big Lie,’” attorney Scott Grubmann said Saturday in an interview on MSNBC. “If you ask Mr. Chesebro today who won the 2020 presidential election, he would say Joe Biden.”

Chesebro became the second of Trump’s former lawyers to accept a plea agreement in the case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. He pleaded guilty Friday to conspiracy to file false documents relating to his attempts to set up a regime of fake electoral college votes in Georgia. His trial was scheduled to start Monday.

Prosecutors claimed the former lawyer wrote legal memos on behalf of the Trump campaign creating a false legal backing for the fake elector scheme.

As part of the plea, the former lawyer agreed to testify in future cases if called upon. That would include the trial of former President Trump, scheduled for early next year.

Grubmann said Chesebro’s guilty plea doesn’t implicate any other defendants, and that Trump should “not be worried.”

“He did not implicate anyone else. He implicated himself in that particular charge,” he said. “He is required to testify truthfully if he is called by the state, and Mr. Chesebro is a man of his word.”

“At the same time I will say, if he is called by a defendant he will testify and testify truthfully,” Grumman added.

The attorney also said he doesn’t believe his client would have much to add for the prosecution in any further case, predicting that he won’t be asked to testify in the future.

“It’s not that Mr. Chesebro is wanting to protect Donald Trump. He’s not. He’s ready to move on with his life,” Grubmann said. “While Mr. Chesebro was ready for trial, we were ready for trial, this was the best outcome. He is now home with his family and he can put this behind him.”

Chesebro’s plea comes a day after another former Trump attorney, Sidney Powell, also pleaded guilty.

Both defendants filed speedy trial requests pushing their trial dates up to next week, months before the case’s other defendants. However, an attempt to separate their cases was denied by a judge early last month.

Sure, cheeseburger says he is sorry and will now go about his quiet life.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know once this case is decided, it can go immediately to the Colorado supreme court, where I don't expect the appeal to take too long, then to the SCOTUS where there is a deadline before the end of the year in some states. If the state supreme court disqualifies Trump, then the secretary of state will disqualify him too. This fuck got away with violating the law and is getting special treatment, if the SCOTUS allows him to break the US constitution by running in the election too, the country is fucked, but the GOP will be fucked first, and so will they eventually.

If Trump is not disqualified by the 14th amendment, you might as well not have it and if it can be ignored, so too can the second amendment. They can't pick and choose what parts of the constitution they want to enforce, and the 14th is spelled out a lot clearer than the 2nd amendment. They can't duck this case either, it must he heard, and this constitutional question must be answered in a timely manner.

Lawsuit to block Trump from Colorado 2024 ballot survives more legal challenges

A judge has rejected three more attempts by former President Donald Trump and the Colorado GOP to shut down a lawsuit seeking to block him from the 2024 presidential ballot in the state based on the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.”

The flurry of rulings late Friday from Colorado District Judge Sarah Wallace are a blow to Trump, who faces candidacy challenges in multiple states stemming from his role in the January 6, 2021, insurrection. He still has a pending motion to throw out the Colorado lawsuit, but the case now appears on track for an unprecedented trail this month.

A post-Civil War provision of the 14th Amendment says US officials who take an oath to uphold the Constitution are disqualified from future office if they “engaged in insurrection” or have “given aid or comfort” to insurrectionists. But the Constitution does not spell out how to enforce the ban, and it has been applied only twice since the 1800s.

A liberal watchdog group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed the Colorado case on behalf of six Republican and unaffiliated voters. The judge is scheduled to preside over a trial beginning October 30 to decide a series of novel legal questions about how the 14th Amendment could apply to Trump.

In a 24-page ruling, Wallace rejected many of Trump’s arguments that the case was procedurally flawed and should be shut down. She said the key question of whether Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has the power to block Trump from the ballot based on the 14th Amendment “is a pivotal issue and one best reserved for trial.”

Wallace also swatted away arguments from the Colorado GOP that state law gives the party, not election officials, ultimate say on which candidates appear on the ballot.

“If the Party, without any oversight, can choose its preferred candidate, then it could theoretically nominate anyone regardless of their age, citizenship, residency,” she wrote. “Such an interpretation is absurd; the Constitution and its requirements for eligibility are not suggestions, left to the political parties to determine at their sole discretion.”

Wallace also cited a 2012 opinion from Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, when he was a Denver-based appeals judge, which said states have the power to “exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office.” She cited this while rejecting Trump’s claim that Colorado’s ballot access laws don’t give state officials any authority to disqualify him based on federal constitutional considerations.

Trump already lost an earlier bid to throw out the case on free-speech grounds.

The current GOP front-runner, Trump denies wrongdoing regarding January 6 and has pleaded not guilty to state and federal charges stemming from his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. His campaign has said lawsuits are pushing an “absurd conspiracy theory” and the challengers are “stretching the law beyond recognition.”

The 14th Amendment challenges in Colorado and other key states face an uphill climb, with many legal hurdles to clear before Trump would be disqualified from running for the presidency. Trump is sure to appeal any decision to strip him from the ballot, which means the Supreme Court and its conservative supermajority might get the final say.

In recent months, a growing and politically diverse array of legal scholars have thrown their support behind the idea that Trump is disqualified under the “insurrectionist ban.” The bipartisan House committee that investigated the January 6 attack recommended last year that Trump be barred from holding future office under the 14th Amendment.

The Colorado challengers recently revealed in a court filing that they want to depose Trump before trial. Trump opposes this request, and the judge hasn’t issued a ruling.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know once this case is decided, it can go immediately to the Colorado supreme court, where I don't expect the appeal to take too long, then to the SCOTUS where there is a deadline before the end of the year in some states. If the state supreme court disqualifies Trump, then the secretary of state will disqualify him too. This fuck got away with violating the law and is getting special treatment, if the SCOTUS allows him to break the US constitution by running in the election too, the country is fucked, but the GOP will be fucked first, and so will they eventually.

If Trump is not disqualified by the 14th amendment, you might as well not have it and if it can be ignored, so too can the second amendment. They can't pick and choose what parts of the constitution they want to enforce, and the 14th is spelled out a lot clearer than the 2nd amendment. They can't duck this case either, it must he heard, and this constitutional question must be answered in a timely manner.

Lawsuit to block Trump from Colorado 2024 ballot survives more legal challenges

A judge has rejected three more attempts by former President Donald Trump and the Colorado GOP to shut down a lawsuit seeking to block him from the 2024 presidential ballot in the state based on the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.”

The flurry of rulings late Friday from Colorado District Judge Sarah Wallace are a blow to Trump, who faces candidacy challenges in multiple states stemming from his role in the January 6, 2021, insurrection. He still has a pending motion to throw out the Colorado lawsuit, but the case now appears on track for an unprecedented trail this month.

A post-Civil War provision of the 14th Amendment says US officials who take an oath to uphold the Constitution are disqualified from future office if they “engaged in insurrection” or have “given aid or comfort” to insurrectionists. But the Constitution does not spell out how to enforce the ban, and it has been applied only twice since the 1800s.

A liberal watchdog group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed the Colorado case on behalf of six Republican and unaffiliated voters. The judge is scheduled to preside over a trial beginning October 30 to decide a series of novel legal questions about how the 14th Amendment could apply to Trump.

In a 24-page ruling, Wallace rejected many of Trump’s arguments that the case was procedurally flawed and should be shut down. She said the key question of whether Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has the power to block Trump from the ballot based on the 14th Amendment “is a pivotal issue and one best reserved for trial.”

Wallace also swatted away arguments from the Colorado GOP that state law gives the party, not election officials, ultimate say on which candidates appear on the ballot.

“If the Party, without any oversight, can choose its preferred candidate, then it could theoretically nominate anyone regardless of their age, citizenship, residency,” she wrote. “Such an interpretation is absurd; the Constitution and its requirements for eligibility are not suggestions, left to the political parties to determine at their sole discretion.”

Wallace also cited a 2012 opinion from Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, when he was a Denver-based appeals judge, which said states have the power to “exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office.” She cited this while rejecting Trump’s claim that Colorado’s ballot access laws don’t give state officials any authority to disqualify him based on federal constitutional considerations.

Trump already lost an earlier bid to throw out the case on free-speech grounds.

The current GOP front-runner, Trump denies wrongdoing regarding January 6 and has pleaded not guilty to state and federal charges stemming from his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. His campaign has said lawsuits are pushing an “absurd conspiracy theory” and the challengers are “stretching the law beyond recognition.”

The 14th Amendment challenges in Colorado and other key states face an uphill climb, with many legal hurdles to clear before Trump would be disqualified from running for the presidency. Trump is sure to appeal any decision to strip him from the ballot, which means the Supreme Court and its conservative supermajority might get the final say.

In recent months, a growing and politically diverse array of legal scholars have thrown their support behind the idea that Trump is disqualified under the “insurrectionist ban.” The bipartisan House committee that investigated the January 6 attack recommended last year that Trump be barred from holding future office under the 14th Amendment.

The Colorado challengers recently revealed in a court filing that they want to depose Trump before trial. Trump opposes this request, and the judge hasn’t issued a ruling.
The judge is scheduled to preside over a trial beginning October 30 to decide a series of novel legal questions about how the 14th Amendment could apply to Trump.

Get your popcorn ready.


Well-Known Member
The judge is scheduled to preside over a trial beginning October 30 to decide a series of novel legal questions about how the 14th Amendment could apply to Trump.

Get your popcorn ready.
She said there should be a decision before Thanksgiving, that's November 23rd, and the Colorado Supreme court should deal with it by the first week of December. This will be the first big test for Trump, and I don't think his chances in this case are any better than in his criminal cases. It will completely upset the GOP nomination process and remove any impediment to locking him up for Chutkan. She said the only reason he wasn't locked up was his bid for POTUS and leading the GOP, once disqualified that will suddenly change, politics will no longer be a factor.


Well-Known Member

Donald's very bad rotten year is about to begin soon, first up disqualification inside 30 days for his civil trial and inside 60 days until the SCOTUS makes the final call. Donald could also be bankrupt by Christmas depending on how much NY cleans him out for, his properties will be sold by the receiver. Then it's all downhill in the Newyear with his ass in prison by spring after a slam dunk trial in DC. Meanwhile if he is disqualified, he will cause havoc inside the GOP primaries, endorsing and condemning candidates, while trying to extort a pardon from the republican nominee. After April we might not hear much from Donald if he is incarcerated upon conviction, except at his other trials of course, one of which in Georgia might be on TV during election season or before the republican convention. Canon in Florida with the secret docs case has been turned into an irrelevant sideshow with these other cases, but it too is likely to be heard before the election



Well-Known Member

Donald's very bad rotten year is about to begin soon, first up disqualification inside 30 days for his civil trial and inside 60 days until the SCOTUS makes the final call. Donald could also be bankrupt by Christmas depending on how much NY cleans him out for, his properties will be sold by the receiver. Then it's all downhill in the Newyear with his ass in prison by spring after a slam dunk trial in DC. Meanwhile if he is disqualified, he will cause havoc inside the GOP primaries, endorsing and condemning candidates, while trying to extort a pardon from the republican nominee. After April we might not hear much from Donald if he is incarcerated upon conviction, except at his other trials of course, one of which in Georgia might be on TV during election season or before the republican convention. Canon in Florida with the secret docs case has been turned into an irrelevant sideshow with these other cases, but it too is likely to be heard before the election

Oh darn.

I read that thinking somebody else wrote it. Oh well, it was nice to think it was likely.


Well-Known Member
Did someone start a pool on when Donald would be jailed for fucking up his conditions of release.

Trump Gets RIPPED TO SHREDS by Judge, THREATENS Imprisonment

225,693 views Oct 22, 2023
A New York State Court Judge just warned Donald Trump that one more false move and lie to the court and he could end up being found in contempt and go to jail as a result. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on Judge Engoron in the Fraud case fining Donald Trump $5000 for already violating his gag order, while also giving Donald Trump an ominous warning about future potential jail time for the next violation.