
It is the reservoir. And the soil. There is 4 inch perforated drain tube on the bottom. The soil goes directly on top of that. A 1/2 drain is drilled in at the top of the drain pipe to provide an air gap. A pipe goes through the top for watering.
They arn't suitable for large plants.

I use them on my houseplants and need several to keep them sufficiently hydrated. For even larger plants they couldn't keep up.
You need at least 2 carrots per a 10gal pot; 180 deg apart. Have gotten away with using a single for a 7gal but it’s not advised. Still need to give roots a good soaking by hand every week or so but one will do for a short vacation in a smallish size container. Using fabric pots virtually guarantees no overwatering. Currently running 8 carrots in 4 ten gal pots; plants are 3-4’ tall. Tropf also makes jumbo size carrots for outdoor raised beds; system is customizable. Start up cost can be significant.. bongsmilie
You need at least 2 carrots per a 10gal pot; 180 deg apart. Have gotten away with using a single for a 7gal but it’s not advised. Still need to give roots a good soaking by hand every week or so but one will do for a short vacation in a smallish size container. Using fabric pots virtually guarantees no overwatering. Currently running 8 carrots in 4 ten gal pots; plants are 3-4’ tall. Tropf also makes jumbo size carrots for outdoor raised beds; system is customizable. Start up cost can be significant.. bongsmilie
Uhmm, this thread is about the classic blumats. They work differently.
quick easy cheap
Plastic milk jug.... poke holes in cap fill with h2o Prop the jug upside down with cap slightly in the dirt.
When the dirt is too wet, the air can't get in so only a little get out.
I had to bug out for 3 days and they were fine for a few more would of been ok.
The jugs were a lot thinner .:hump:
Biggest problem with blumats is most people growing MJ use around a 3rd of aeration in their soil mixes. So when you push the Blumat into the soil you get even more aeration contacting the terracotta clay on the blumats causing issues. If you pull the blumat back out after insertion and line the hole with peat or coco then put the blumat back in they will work right. Doesn't matter what kind classic or tropf they will both mess up if in contact with too much aeration.
Tropf are a much better option for growing cannabis I use two in a 30 gallon smart pot with blusoak hose. You can get the kits from this place in Blouder Co . 2023-10-20 133128.png