Some good news for a change, Poland is shifting back to the left with a surprisingly high turnout.
From a little over 2 years ago:
Former European Union leader and ex-Prime Minister Donald Tusk was elected head of the strongest party in Poland's fragmented opposition on Saturday.
“Tusk said he is returning to politics to help fight the `"evil'' of the current right-wing government led by Law and Justice [PiS], which has dominated Polish politics since 2016. “
It looks like that might have worked. Donald Tusk was PM of Poland 2007-2014, and from 2014 till 2019 president of EU council. Not the biggest party now but enough to form a coalition on the left, while the right, with PiS still being the largest, doesn’t have a majority by itself anymore.
From today:
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk said that three [pro-EU] opposition parties had sufficient votes to win the general election on Sunday after an exit poll projected that they had enough combined support to oust Law and Justice, the governing conservative nationalist party.
The Ipsos exit poll suggested that the opposition together has likely won 248 seats in the 460-seat lower house of parliament, the Sejm. Law and Justice [right wing ruling PiS], according to the projection, obtained 200 seats, while the far-right Confederation got 12 seats.
“I am the happiest man on earth,” Tusk said. “Democracy has won. Poland has won.”“
Good news is an understatement, this is potentially great for Poland, great for unity in EU (leaving Hungary without a partner in crime, and Tusk will handle their relationship with Germany much better), and great for Ukraine. Tusk is for “unwavering” support for Ukraine, pretty much has been since 2014. Given his experience and seniority Poland’s influence in EU would take a drastic positive turn. Something most urban folks want, rural conservatives not so much.
Because PiS is still the largest they get to try and form a majority coalition first. It’s looking good though.