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Putin’s troops at risk of ‘catatonic state’ as soldiers’ morale hits all time low | Chip Chapman

37,648 views Oct 11, 2023
New intelligence from the Ministry of Defence signals a mental health crisis within Russia’s armed forces. Russia’s ‘failure’ to rotate its troops has severe psychological risks for Putin’s conscripts, explains Major General Chip Chapman.


Well-Known Member
What do you suggest the Israeli army should be hitting instead?
they should replace Netanyahu, for being asleep at the wheel, Hamas should be targeted, not civilians and liberate the Palestinians from there terrorist government.


Well-Known Member
they should replace Netanyahu, for being asleep at the wheel, Hamas should be targeted, not civilians and liberate the Palestinians from there terrorist government.
But Hamas is mixed in with the general population. After all it is the most densely occupied piece of the planet. And the occupiers liberating the people from Hamas when most support Hamas (due to the situation they are in)? How would the occupiers be seen as liberators?


Well-Known Member
But Hamas is mixed in with the general population. After all it is the most densely occupied piece of the planet. And the occupiers liberating the people from Hamas when most support Hamas (due to the situation they are in)? How would the occupiers be seen as liberators?
The problem is they didn't occupy Gaza, it was a ghetto left to its own devices, to occupy it meant to be responsible for it and its people including food aid and social services. If Trump can take over America based on imagined grievances, then Hamas can get elected on legitimate Palestinian grievances about collective punishments forbidden by the UN and a multitude of other abuses involved in driving them from their land and homes.

Israel has little choice but to go in with aground assault and set up camps to sort those in Gaza into while they level the place and dig up the tunnels. I think Bebe wrote the hostages off and it will be full on retribution starting with Hamas in Gaza but not ending there. What they triggered is a response that will last for years and involve a dozen countries or more. Russia is an ally of Iran and was involved in giving captured Ukrainian weapons to Hamas, who even made a video thanking Ukraine for the Russian disinformation operation. This means the Russians were in on it and provided those arms ahead of time to take advantage of the terrorist attack with an operation designed to attack Ukraine funding. I think this will drive Israel closer to Ukraine, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the Jews of Ukraine seem to be a patriotic lot, supporting their government because it is liberal democratic. Both Ukraine and Israel want to strike a blow at Iran, and both are pretty good at technology and drones so they should come up with something to make the regime feel the love.
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Well-Known Member
This article explains the above Russian losses, Russia has been doing its share of attacking too, but they are not as good at it as the highly trained, better equipped and drone supported Ukrainians.



Well-Known Member
found this youtube comment that covers my thoughts on this, thanks johnbumster should learn how to spell Israel tho


1 hour ago

There can be no excusing the slaughter carried out by Hamas gunmen in Isreal , likewise there is no excusing the slaughter carried out as revenge on Gaza and it's inhabitants. Some of us think that state administrated terror is somehow more justified or selective but ask yourself this question, from the point if view of the dead victims and their families, Are missile strikes that slaughters innocent Palestinians in Gaza any less horrific than Hamas gunmen murdering kids at a music festival in Isreal ?


Well-Known Member
The problem is they didn't occupy Gaza, it was a ghetto left to its own devices, to occupy it meant to be responsible for it and its people including food aid and social services. If Trump can take over America based on imagined grievances, then Hamas can get elected on legitimate Palestinian grievances about collective punishments forbidden by the UN and a multitude of other abuses involved in driving them from their land and homes.

Israel has little choice but to go in with aground assault and set up camps to sort those in Gaza into while they level the place and dig up the tunnels. I think Bebe wrote the hostages off and it will be full on retribution starting with Hamas in Gaza but not ending there. What they triggered is a response that will last for years and involve a dozen countries or more. Russia is an ally of Iran and was involved in giving captured Ukrainian weapons to Hamas, who even made a video thanking Ukraine for the Russian disinformation operation. This means the Russians were in on it and provided those arms ahead of time to take advantage of the terrorist attack with an operation designed to attack Ukraine funding. I think this will drive Israel closer to Ukraine, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the Jews of Ukraine seem to be a patriotic lot, supporting their government because it is liberal democratic. Both Ukraine and Israel want to strike a blow at Iran, and both are pretty good at technology and drones so they should come up with something to make the regime feel the love.
Dude didn't you just say that Israel isn't a "liberal democracy" the other day?


Well-Known Member
Dude didn't you just say that Israel isn't a "liberal democracy" the other day?
It isn't because citizenship is based on religion for the most part, there are Palestinian citizens, but they are discriminated against and Palestinians who live there are barred from citizenship, it is a theocracy with liberal democracy for Jews only I'm afraid. By my definition some parts of America aren't liberal democracies either and America as a whole is a deeply flawed liberal democracy with minority rule. Palestinians and Jews are not equal under the law there and the law does not apply to Jews in many cases. It's the same idea as Indians in North America, they were not citizens until recently, their land was stolen, and they were driven onto reservations or simply exterminated. There are liberal democracies and there are flawed democracies that are liberal to various degrees, or not at all like in Iran.

Maybe thousands of Israelis were protesting against nothing all these past months as Bebe is as corrupt as Trump and is trying to destroy what liberal democracy there is there that even the Jews have.
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Well-Known Member
They already have their own air force. Even if it is Russian cast offs. It's still there.
Apparently the one they have is not up to the job, so they need a new one with western equipment and training. Just like the army, they had one of those too, but it wasn't very good until we helped change that starting almost 10 years ago with training and western military philosophy. They have a Navy too, but it doesn't have any ships, yet sinks Russian ones.
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Well-Known Member
The same people who march with nazis want to focus aid on Israel to the detriment of Ukraine and in support of Russia. How much aid does Israel need for this operation? Not much.

Maybe stop fucking the US military and stop holding up promotions and funding for Ukraine, even if they wanted something the republicans can't elect a speaker.

Let's talk about whether we need to divert from Ukraine....


Well-Known Member
The Russians are freaking out trying to create diversionary attacks to distract from the south where things are not going well for them.

Ukraine Daily Update | Day 596


Staff member
nah folks we aint doing that thing where we pick AT someone and start to nit pick what they say instead of talking about the actual problem

you know youre doing it, you do it often consistently, stop it it derails threads to make it about you instead of the topic