The Long March to 11/24

It's weird, I keep seeing posts about him on reddit and it's like a copypasta. He is getting a Tulsi Gabbard style push as being a real candidate.

It's as transparent as those "UAW/auto workers for Trump" people.
between that toolbag and No Labels, it’s all part of the overthrow party’s campaign to dilute the blue vote.

RatFK is a science denier, just what the nation needs now.
When it comes to disqualification, Donald is down to the third that every country has that are antisocial assholes with a chip on their shoulders. How does that mesh with the polls that say he is even with Biden? A large number of people would vote for someone who they feel should be disqualified and unfit!

Right now, Trump has the backing of 58 per cent of Republican voters and even after disqualification and conviction he should still command 30% of republican voters and his endorsements will count for a lot in some primaries. The only thing that might save the GOP is Donald being jailed early for fucking up and if he is convicted this spring in DC and then held in custody until sentencing which is highly likely. If disqualified and out loose, he will haunt the republican party primaries while he goes down in court, flailing, freaking out and panicking, he will pull out all the stops. If they are lucky and he is convicted and incarcerated, he will be out of the news and muzzled, until his TV trial in Georgia and that will be a national TV spectacle with wall-to-wall coverage and might happen during election season or in the summer of 24 when Jack is done with his ass (for now) and has him in an orange jumpsuit for his TV trial in Georgia.

24 will be an interesting election year with lots of court news concerning Donald and his cronies as the reckoning approaches and the rats jump ship and start squealing for deals. I would be shocked if the SCOTUS didn't disqualify Trump in December and I think the majority of the legal community would be too. Mitch would be mortified if he wasn't disqualified and the SCOTUS would have serious constitutional issues if a secretary of state dug in their heels about the 14th. They could demand a 2/3s vote in the house and senate to reinstate Trump after the SCOTUS refused to disqualify him, they would be up against the plain language of the US constitution and the opinion of originalists and federalists. I can see them having little choice but to disqualify Trump considering the case and evidence against him and the plain language of the US constitution. If the 14th doesn't apply to Trump, who would it apply to?

No disqualification case would ever make it before them unless there was a mountain of evidence and just cause, all would be dismissed locally or on appeal. Trump is special, he did try to overthrow the government and there is a huge volume of evidence proving this to the standards required.

2024 polls: Majority of voters say Trump should be disqualified

Follow the latest updates ahead of the 2024 Republican primaries

A new poll by Politico and Morning Consult has revealed that a majority of voters would support an attempt to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the ballot in 2024.

Fifty-one per cent said that Mr Trump is prevented from running under the 14th Amendment because he was part of an insurrection following the 2020 election.

Before the survey respondents were asked about disqualifying Mr Trump, they were asked a number of questions concerning the Constitution and Mr Trump’s behaviour after the last presidential election.

Thirty-four per cent said that Mr Trump should not be disqualified.

This comes as Mr Trump has the biggest polling lead since George W Bush in September 1999 during the 2000 campaign.

According to a CNN polling average of five national surveys conducted between 7 and 24 September, Mr Trump has the backing of 58 per cent of Republican voters.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is supported by 15 per cent – 43 points behind Mr Trump.

At a similar time in the 2000 campaign, in September 1999, Mr Bush was a 62 per cent in the polls to Elizabeth Dole’s 10 per cent – a lead of 52 points.

Fifty-one per cent said that Mr Trump is prevented from running under the 14th Amendment because he was part of an insurrection following the 2020 election.

Before the survey respondents were asked about disqualifying Mr Trump, they were asked a number of questions concerning the Constitution and Mr Trump’s behaviour after the last presidential election.

Thirty-four per cent said that Mr Trump should not be disqualified.
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Bankman-Fried explored legality of paying Trump not to run for reelection: book
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, who is set to go on trial this week over fraud and money laundering charges, explored the legality of paying former President Trump not to run for reelection, according to a new book.

An excerpt from Michael Lewis’s “Going Infinite: the Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon” was published in The Washington Post on Monday and details Bankman-Fried’s last year in the crypto industry. It includes insights into how he allegedly looked into paying Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to stop the former president and his supporters from running for election.

The excerpt describes a conversation between Lewis and Bankman-Fried as he was on his way to 2022 dinner between McConnell and the FTX founder, who was planning to give $15 million to $30 million to the longtime GOP leader “to defeat the Trumpier candidates in the Senate races.”

n McConnell, Sam had found someone as interested as he was in another existential threat to humanity: Donald Trump,” the excerpt reads. “Trump’s assault on the government, and on the integrity of U.S. elections, belonged, to Sam’s way of thinking, on the same list as pandemics and artificial intelligence and climate change.”

The conversation took place on a plane headed to Washington, D.C., where Bankman-Fried was scheduled to meet with McConnell. He also revealed to Lewis he was considering paying Trump to not run for reelection and suggested the price for doing so was $5 billion.

“His team had somehow created a back channel into the Trump operation and returned with the not terribly Earth-shattering news that Donald Trump might indeed have his price: $5 billion. Or so Sam was told by his team,” the excerpt states.

The book noted Bankman-Fried was President Biden’s second or third biggest donor, donating $5.2 million to his presidential campaign in 2020.

Bankman-Fried is now slated to face trial this week as prosecutors will argue he stole billions of dollars in FTX customer deposits and allegedly used the money to boost his hedge fund, invest in real estate and make illegal campaign donations.
Bankman-Fried explored legality of paying Trump not to run for reelection: book
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, who is set to go on trial this week over fraud and money laundering charges, explored the legality of paying former President Trump not to run for reelection, according to a new book.

An excerpt from Michael Lewis’s “Going Infinite: the Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon” was published in The Washington Post on Monday and details Bankman-Fried’s last year in the crypto industry. It includes insights into how he allegedly looked into paying Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to stop the former president and his supporters from running for election.

The excerpt describes a conversation between Lewis and Bankman-Fried as he was on his way to 2022 dinner between McConnell and the FTX founder, who was planning to give $15 million to $30 million to the longtime GOP leader “to defeat the Trumpier candidates in the Senate races.”

n McConnell, Sam had found someone as interested as he was in another existential threat to humanity: Donald Trump,” the excerpt reads. “Trump’s assault on the government, and on the integrity of U.S. elections, belonged, to Sam’s way of thinking, on the same list as pandemics and artificial intelligence and climate change.”

The conversation took place on a plane headed to Washington, D.C., where Bankman-Fried was scheduled to meet with McConnell. He also revealed to Lewis he was considering paying Trump to not run for reelection and suggested the price for doing so was $5 billion.

“His team had somehow created a back channel into the Trump operation and returned with the not terribly Earth-shattering news that Donald Trump might indeed have his price: $5 billion. Or so Sam was told by his team,” the excerpt states.

The book noted Bankman-Fried was President Biden’s second or third biggest donor, donating $5.2 million to his presidential campaign in 2020.

Bankman-Fried is now slated to face trial this week as prosecutors will argue he stole billions of dollars in FTX customer deposits and allegedly used the money to boost his hedge fund, invest in real estate and make illegal campaign donations.
He is not too big to jail or send to prison an example of what billionaires with lots of cash are capable of, $5 billion might well buy other things and people too. How much cash is Elon splashing around inside the GOP with dark money and such? I mean, who wins the election could mean a lot to him financially, spaceX could be broken up and he might lose control of starlink. Elon made a lot of enemies among democrats, and they wouldn't mind taxing him and a few others heavily, or at least make them pay the same real rate of taxes as everybody else who does well with wages.

Revealed: Internal GOP donor memos show 2024 fears as party becomes 'Cult of Trump'
52K views 3 hours ago #GOP #Trump #Republicans
Donald Trump skipped the second Republican presidential debate of the 2024 race, declining once again to share the stage with his GOP rivals whom he leads in the polls. Trump’s absence sparked criticism from Republican candidates on the debate stage.
Court picks new Alabama congressional map that heightens Black voting power
A panel of federal judges approved a new congressional map for Alabama on Thursday after versions drawn by the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature were struck down for diluting the power of Black voters.

The new map maintains Alabama’s one existing majority-Black district and nearly adds a second one, boosting Democrats’ chances of flipping a seat in the state.

The ruling caps a high-profile legal battle over Alabama’s congressional map that had zig-zagged through the courts since the state’s redistricting process began.

The Supreme Court in June struck down Alabama’s previous map for likely violating the Voting Rights Act, and the state subsequently drew up a new design that still did not add a second majority-Black district.

The panel of federal judges then rejected that design, ordering a court-appointed official step in to propose new boundaries instead. Alabama filed an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court, but the justices refused to revive state Republicans’ map in a brief order last week.

The judges Thursday selected from three remedial maps proposed by the court-appointed official after hearing objections from the parties.
The selected design, which will be used for the 2024 elections, maintains Alabama’s singular majority-Black congressional district, which is represented by the state’s lone congressional Democrat.

It also shifts another district’s boundaries so that the Black voting age population there is now just below a majority, at 48.7 percent.

The judges wrote that their selected plan “better respects” municipal boundaries and communities of interest as compared to the other proposals.
“In the light of the submissions received by the Special Master, the comments and submissions in response to his Report & Recommendation, and after extensive analysis, we conclude that Remedial Plan 3 completely remedies the likely Section Two violation we identified while best preserving the State’s legislative preferences, as expressed through the 2023 Plan, and otherwise complies with the requirements of the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” the panel of judges wrote in their ruling.

The panel comprised one Clinton appointee, Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus, and two Trump appointees, District Judge Anna Manasco and District Judge Terry Moorer.

Many Democrats dread Donald Trump’s sprint to the Republican nomination and console themselves that his voters are almost exclusively coonskin cap-wearing, Capitol-invading, racist, supremacist deplorables.

But be afraid, my fellow progressives, because the real Trump voters are nothing like that.

They are so worried about being cancelled out of their carpools or golf foursomes that they’ll never mention that they’re still down for the Donald and ready to vote for him for the third time in a row.

Ardent always-Trumpers live in posh zip codes. They floss, use napkins and are actually quite pleasant, as long as you don’t get them started. You won’t see mug shot coffee mugs in their cubicles or MAGA hats in the backs of their Teslas, because then you wouldn’t let your kids play with their kids. Yet the haute base views Trump as the only good president since Reagan.

Here’s why: The former president, whose very name is painful for me to type, deregulated businesses and, before COVID hit, presided over the strongest economy and stock market in half a century. More Blacks and Latinos were employed in the first years of the You Know Who administration since LBJ was picking up dogs, and reporters, by the ears.

The First Step Act was also the first piece of criminal justice reform in…well, forever. In the 16 years of the Clinton and Obama presidencies, Democrats failed to do anything like it. As a result, a lot of people who should never have been imprisoned got sprung.

The haute base are also fond of his three Supreme Court picks, believing as they do that the court is the only remaining bulwark against the overthrow of traditional society (that is, themselves).

In terms of foreign policy, everybody thought that Voldemort, once he had his finger on the button, would do more with it than order a Diet Coke. They thought he’d bomb everyone else back into the Stone Age. Yet he put exactly zero troops into new wars, your closeted conservative friends are probably bursting to tell you.

Not that they will tell you, of course. Playdates and tee times matter.

In the quiet of their own homes, they applaud Trump for pegging China as the major threat to the West, with its unfair economic competition, espionage and encroachment into Africa and Asia through its payday lending program — er, Belt and Road initiative. Even the Chinese were surprised that the former president meant what he said. They expected him to be transactional and naïve. And we on the left laughed at the Space Force, but where exactly do you think the next war is going to start? Montreal?

His silent supporters even like the fact that he tried to engage with Little Rocket Man, Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, instead of kicking that can down the road, as did his predecessors for decades. The little guy wouldn’t get on board, but you’ve got to give DT credit for trying. OK, you don’t…but they do.

They approve you know who’s move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, an act the Senate reapproved twice a year for decades when no president was willing. They adore the Abraham Accords and wish MBS weren’t quite so, you know, murderous — but aside from that, they like teaming up with him against Iran.

They will tell you, if asked, that the Dakotas were rich and the Russians were broke when Biden took office, and that today, it’s the reverse. We were energy self-sufficient and net energy exporters…until we weren’t. When gas prices rose, the Strategic Oil Reserve was drained to lower prices just prior to the midterms, the Russians got rich, and now they had the money to invade Ukraine, which they wouldn’t have dared to do with Mr. T in the Oval.

Your silent conservative neighbors were just as outraged as we were by the murder of George Floyd. Yet they whisper to each other that they don’t see the connection between a genuine quest for social justice and the opportunistic looting of luxury stores downtown.

They don’t believe in defunding the police, or in decriminalizing…well, crime. They believe, but keep to themselves, that the poor suffer the most when the police vanish from their neighborhoods or are otherwise demoralized or deactivated. When organized gangs of pharmacy looters cause CVS and Walgreens to close stores, it means that now grandma has to ride three buses to get her prescription. Not their grandma or yours, mind you, but someone’s.

As for impeachment, they look at Hunter Biden the way they would at their own adult kid who got caught up with hookers and blow. Someone who needs a hug and a stint in rehab, not prison time. Unless, of course, somebody finds a tape of him telling the Ukrainians or the Chinese, “Let me put Dad on the phone.”

They don’t like Trump’s coarse language or behavior, although they’ll argue that he’s no worse than Johnson or Nixon (or maybe even a Clinton or a Bush or two.) A role model for the kids he’s not, but we’ve all learned to separate the political from the personal.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump voters declined to identify themselves to pollsters. Today, Trump voters decline to identify themselves to anyone, because it’s just not worth being shunned.

So, my fellow Democrats, don’t let the fantasy that those MAGA voters are toothless, backwoods, brain-dead, monobrows who couldn’t spell cat if you spotted them the “C” and the “A.”

Plenty of them are living quietly in our neighborhoods, and they can spell big words and write big checks to Trump-supporting PACs. And they might just bring him back next November if Democrats remain complacent.
Sow division among them wherever you can, they are a volatile bunch.

Let's talk about Biden getting on Truth Social....
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Joe should mention that he is wondering how long until this Trump business go bankrupt! He will either delete Joe's account or go out of business and it looks like it is going out of business anyway. Joe's final post there will about Donald's disqualification! :lol: He would have loved to run against Trump but alias it is not to be with Donald disqualified in a couple of months and a federal prisoner byelection day. He should also be having his TV trial in Georgia before election day too and should appear there as a convicted felon in a jumpsuit.

Maybe these guys should remember Joe has been pretty busy trying to keep a lid on things in the middle east and the media is explaining the situation there to the public for now. Other than that, I agree with what they are saying about rightwing political forces like Bebe and Trump damaging their country's national security and it is obvious with Trump and his band of magats.

Steve Schmidt explains how chaos in Israel should be a warning to America | The Warning

810 views Oct 19, 2023 The Warning Podcast
Steve Schmidt and Greg Sargent of the Washington Post discuss how the right wing nationalism rampant in Bibi Netanyahu's government has some striking parallels to Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans in America. Steve and Greg break down how the chaos caused by these extreme factions within the Israeli government left them more vulnerable to an attack from their enemies, like Hamas, and that should serve as a stark warning to the United States as chaos continues to spread throughout our government.
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Looks like the republicans promoting RFK was a bad idea, Trump won't be running IMO, but whoever will, could see him erode their support. Most of the crazies are on the republican side and a lunatic like RFK appeals to some of them. With a guy like RFK in the race he will take away the antivaxxer and lunatic vote that Biden wouldn't get anyway. Look for the GOP and Trump in particular to attack RFK as much as Biden.

It will be interesting to see the polling once Trump is removed from the choices and later when he is removed from society.

BREAKING: Donald Trump gets devastating news about the 2024 election as new poll reveals that RFK Jr. running as an Independent takes a huge bite out of his support.

According to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, a three way race results in Biden getting 44%, Trump getting 33%, and Kennedy getting 16%.
Only 3% of voters were undecided.

When RFK is removed from the mix, Biden’s lead shrinks to just three points, 49% support to Trump’s 46%, with 5% undecided.

Clearly, anti-vaxxers who would otherwise support Donald Trump are flocking to RFK.

“Kennedy’s presence erodes Trump’s lead among independents and cuts into his support among Republicans,” explained Marist Poll. “Trump’s loss among his base is double the loss Biden experiences among Democrats.”

‘It’s not polling, it’s real’: Dems overperform in 24 of 30 special elections so far in 2023

3,151 views Sep 20, 2023 #msnbc #elections #republicans
Five Thirty Eight compiled the 30 different special elections so far in 2023. In 24 out of these 30 races, Democrats over performed their baseline. “That says something robust and inspiring about where we stand at this moment,” says Chris Hayes.
I missed this when it first came out.

Cite public opinion polls all you like. They don't matter. These polls matter. Suck it, MAGA.
Should not invoke the C-word as the chant may start up again but will the orange one subbed in.

New Trump ad claims Hilary Clinton wanted to brainwash voters
Former President Trump, in a new campaign ad, took a swipe at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — alluding that his 2016 presidential rival wanted to brainwash voters into supporting President Biden.

The advertisement, posted to his Truth Social account, shows voters lining up to be brainwashed and blindfolded with clips of Clinton praising the work Biden has done.

The clip took a snippet of Clinton’s recent interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour where the former first lady called for a “formal deprogramming” of MAGA — or “Make America Great Again” — “cult members.”

“Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” Clinton said in the interview earlier this month.

“And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure,” Clinton added. “He’s only in it for himself.”

The ad also targeted “Bidenomics,” the nickname given to the president’s economic agenda.

“But there’s one small problem. Working Americans aren’t idiots,” the narrator said in the ad. “And they know who’s on their side.”

The video then shows a clip of Trump speaking at a rally about economic issues including inflation, a touchy subject for Trump supporters who often site the economy as one of Biden’s worst handlings.

“To American workers watching their take home pay stink and watching inflation destroy their family and their lives, to all of you, I have your back,” Trump said in the clip.

“BRAINWASHED,” he wrote on Truth Social, sharing the video.

The new ad comes as a 2024 rematch between Trump and Biden looks more likely — as both are clear frontrunners for their respective parties.

But when you have no more new ideas...
Should not invoke the C-word as the chant may start up again but will the orange one subbed in.

New Trump ad claims Hilary Clinton wanted to brainwash voters
Former President Trump, in a new campaign ad, took a swipe at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — alluding that his 2016 presidential rival wanted to brainwash voters into supporting President Biden.

The advertisement, posted to his Truth Social account, shows voters lining up to be brainwashed and blindfolded with clips of Clinton praising the work Biden has done.

The clip took a snippet of Clinton’s recent interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour where the former first lady called for a “formal deprogramming” of MAGA — or “Make America Great Again” — “cult members.”

“Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” Clinton said in the interview earlier this month.

“And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure,” Clinton added. “He’s only in it for himself.”

The ad also targeted “Bidenomics,” the nickname given to the president’s economic agenda.

“But there’s one small problem. Working Americans aren’t idiots,” the narrator said in the ad. “And they know who’s on their side.”

The video then shows a clip of Trump speaking at a rally about economic issues including inflation, a touchy subject for Trump supporters who often site the economy as one of Biden’s worst handlings.

“To American workers watching their take home pay stink and watching inflation destroy their family and their lives, to all of you, I have your back,” Trump said in the clip.

“BRAINWASHED,” he wrote on Truth Social, sharing the video.

The new ad comes as a 2024 rematch between Trump and Biden looks more likely — as both are clear frontrunners for their respective parties.

But when you have no more new ideas...
Hey millions of magats believe she eats babies for breakfast after two decades of brainwashing and character assassination by republicans and their screwball media.