The Junk Drawer


Well-Known Member
This has got to be linked to screen time and our modern communications technology and it is affecting the young more than older people, it just affects older people in a different way. These issues have tracked with the rise of technology, the internet, social media and cellphones. This is more than people adapting to a new social norm, it is about developing social skills and being connected to our bodies in a fundamental way. The more time we spend with technology, the less we spend with other people, and we were designed to interact with other people, only on a more profound level than social media offers. There is a plague of loneliness upon the land and the hundreds of celebrities they know about are a substitute for real people in their lives at one level or another. With an endless selection of entertainment at our fingertips we have less time for those around us and attend to the real world less on a basic level. Smartphones and always being connected has exacerbated this trend and puts a lot of social pressure on kids, videos of embarrassing moments live forever online. These are not the observations of one person, it has been noticed by many and studied by scientists. Radio and TV influenced their generations and TV grew to hundreds of channels, but the internet, cellphones and social media make things an order of magnitude worse. We need more down time offline, and we need real life social time with family and real friends.



Well-Known Member

A Global Mental Health Crisis? Really?

It's in the headlines everywhere that the world is going through a mental health crisis. Though, when you take a closer look, most headlines are about the United States. Is there a global mental health crisis? Or is it an American problem? That's what we talk about today.


Ursus marijanus

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has pushed back at the Australian government’s calls to end the pursuit of Julian Assange, insisting that the WikiLeaks founder is alleged to have “risked very serious harm to our national security”

The Australian foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, confirmed she had raised the case with the US government.

At a joint press conference alongside Blinken, Wong said: “We have made clear our view that Mr Assange’s case has dragged for too long, and our desire that it be brought to a conclusion, and we’ve said that publicly and you would anticipate that that reflects also the position we articulate in private.”

Assange’s brother, Gabriel Shipton, said it was now up to the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, to “put Australians’ views in front of the president himself” during a forthcoming visit to the US.

“Secretary of state Antony Blinken’s snub to Australians demanding Julian’s freedom cuts deeper knowing the American who allegedly leaked the information has been free since 2017,” Shipton said.

I could of posted this in Right wing nuts world wide i spose.
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Well-Known Member
The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has pushed back at the Australian government’s calls to end the pursuit of Julian Assange, insisting that the WikiLeaks founder is alleged to have “risked very serious harm to our national security”

The Australian foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, confirmed she had raised the case with the US government.

At a joint press conference alongside Blinken, Wong said: “We have made clear our view that Mr Assange’s case has dragged for too long, and our desire that it be brought to a conclusion, and we’ve said that publicly and you would anticipate that that reflects also the position we articulate in private.”

Assange’s brother, Gabriel Shipton, said it was now up to the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, to “put Australians’ views in front of the president himself” during a forthcoming visit to the US.

“Secretary of state Antony Blinken’s snub to Australians demanding Julian’s freedom cuts deeper knowing the American who allegedly leaked the information has been free since 2017,” Shipton said.

I could of posted this in Right wing nuts world wide i spose.
As soon as a court finds him not guilty then he is free to go, but right now the UK is holding him, and he has not had a day in court yet. Are you suggesting that he not be prosecuted, even if there is evidence that he committed a crime? That is the same argument that they are using with Trump, that he is somehow above the law. He will have his day in court, grand juries indict, judges hear cases and juries decide guilt or innocence. If he is found not guilty, then he is free to go. In the meantime, the Australian government can pay for his legal bills, as long as they do it for all citizens. This question will be settled in a court of law, not in the court of public opinion. He is yet to be extradited and when he is, all he has to do is rat out Roger Stone and I'm sure he will be on his way fairly quickly with a deal from the prosecution. There is a price to be paid for being Putin's useful idiot and Julian is paying it in a UK jail cell. Perhaps they should take it up with the UK government, they are the ones holding him and have been for years.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
As soon as a court finds him not guilty then he is free to go, but right now the UK is holding him, and he has not had a day in court yet. Are you suggesting that he not be prosecuted, even if there is evidence that he committed a crime? That is the same argument that they are using with Trump, that he is somehow above the law. He will have his day in court, grand juries indict, judges hear cases and juries decide guilt or innocence. If he is found not guilty, then he is free to go. In the meantime, the Australian government can pay for his legal bills, as long as they do it for all citizens. This question will be settled in a court of law, not in the court of public opinion. He is yet to be extradited and when he is, all he has to do is rat out Roger Stone and I'm sure he will be on his way fairly quickly with a deal from the prosecution. There is a price to be paid for being Putin's useful idiot and Julian is paying it in a UK jail cell. Perhaps they should take it up with the UK government, they are the ones holding him and have been for years.
We know Right Wing countries just ignore the UN don't we?

UN calls for Julian Assange's release from UK high-security jail

UN experts say British government is breaching WikiLeaks publisher’s human rights

UN experts have called for Julian Assange to be released from prison and criticised the British government for breaching his human rights.

The courts already ruled against extradition once. Julian has spent many days in court. The UK gov think like the Australian gov but they need the US to just drop the charges. Its Americas ball. It's left over trump mess, embarrassing stuff for Americans that should be tidied up. As America and Europe go further to the right freeing him becomes less likely and harder. Far right wing countries do not like free and factual journalism nor appreciate their war crimes being known to their voting public.
Instead like the Germans they prefer to say they had their head in the sands and as Sgt Schulz says "I saw nothing!"
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Well-Known Member
We know Right Wing countries just ignore the UN don't we?

UN calls for Julian Assange's release from UK high-security jail

UN experts say British government is breaching WikiLeaks publisher’s human rights

UN experts have called for Julian Assange to be released from prison and criticised the British government for breaching his human rights.

The courts already ruled against extradition once. Julian has spent many days in court. The UK gov think like the Australian gov but they need the US to just drop the charges. Its Americas ball. It's left over trump mess, embarrassing stuff for Americans that should be tidied up. As America and Europe go further to the right freeing him becomes less likely and harder. Far right wing countries do not like free and factual journalism nor appreciate their war crimes being known to their voting public.
Instead like the Germans they prefer to say they had their head in the sands and as Sgt Schulz says "I saw nothing!"
He can go to America and end his UK detention tomorrow, he is fighting extradition, why if one rightwing extremist government is like another? All he has to do is go to America, rat out Roger Stone and I'm sure something could be arranged to get Julian back home, but he might have a sore asshole when he gets there.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
He can go to America and end his UK detention tomorrow, he is fighting extradition, why if one rightwing extremist government is like another? All he has to do is go to America, rat out Roger Stone and I'm sure something could be arranged to get Julian back home, but he might have a sore asshole when he gets there.
Yes, we are all aware he is fighting extradition. If the Republicans win the next election then there is no way the charges will be dropped- especially so if Trump is Prez. He needs Biden to do the right thing before the next election. Biden just needs to do what Obama would do.

The US has apparently mentioned a plea deal in return for Julian's admission of some guilt.

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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
As Ecuadorians go to the polls on Sunday they must not only decide between eight presidential candidates but also vote on an unprecedented referendum question that could set a new course for the oil-reliant nation.

The poll will decide whether to halt drilling at the Yasuní Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) oilfield, also known as oil block 43, which lies in an Amazon national park and one of the world’s richest pockets of biodiversity. Ecuador’s largest protected area is also home to the Waorani people and the country’s last Indigenous communities in voluntary isolation, the Tagaeri and Taromenane.

When casting their ballots in a snap election that has been marked by the brutal assassination of a presidential candidate, a second referendum question will ask voters just in Quito whether to allow mining in the Chocó Andino, a vast area of land near the capital.
