We gotta be able to work WITH the GOP

I really am not getting why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would try to work together here....... I've never once pointed fingers at either party in my comment. Would it make things better if I said I hope they all argue like children? Is that what you all want to hear!

I really don't understand why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would work together. I never pointed to either side as being worse or better than the other. I personally vote for who I think is the better choice, and not by party. I'm just saying let's work together to get things fixed cause it's not working the way it's going.....
I won't blast you for it but I will point out that until the tactics of demonization of the opposing side stop being effective, you can bet they will continue.
here i'll help ya
lets start here:
View attachment 5318115
That's not as helpful as it might seem.

The definition of Fascism, a word coined by Benito Mussolini, is the confluence of control of both government power and corporate power.

What he did not mention, because he did not foresee it, is that in his time Fascism led with the power of government, in which three power of corporations played a subordinate role, while today the reverse is true;

Who runs America's foreign policy? Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing and a few others. Who runs America's health care? Big Pharma and the health insurance corporations. Agricultural policy? Big Ag, such as ADM, Swift, etc. And so it goes.
I don't think anyone was trolling me, I also don't think I was trolling anyone either. Call it naïve bet yes I think people working together will achieve more than people bickering about everything. Like the article I attached said. Rep vote party lines 93% of the time, dems vote party lines 92% of the time. Yes it's not 100%, but that rounds up to it. I think Trump is a blow hard that is abrasive and needed to put down the dang Twitter, but he isn't president anymore...... he won't go away if people won't let him. My opinion is a lot of federal topics need pushed to state level, and a lot of the state topics need to go away. I've always said, Indiana and California are not the same and can't be governed the same. Indiana don't want abortions, fine. Cali wants them, fine. Truthfully what someone else does is simply none of my business. And I think people minding their own business would solve a lot of things. Unfortunately we don't live in that world anymore. Your rights end where mine begins is the way we all go around. Remember when people didnt call the cops for everything? I just think working together would solve a lot of thinfs. A bunch of people screaming has never fixed anything.
She Wasn't Able to Get an Abortion. Now She's a Mom. Soon She'll Start 7th Grade.
If the GOP is to survive, it must eschew the extremism of Trumpism in favor of a more traditional (slightly shittier) stance
Bill Clinton's strategy of "triangulation" captured the center right for the Democrats and forced the Republicans to the far right.

Therefore, there is only room to the Left of Democrats on the ideological spectrum. That's why there's a resurgent Left, in spite of constant demonization by every element of American society with a vested interest in keeping things as they are.
I firmly believe that neither side wants to work together. They say they do but they do not. Instead of either side finding common ground and get something done on that basis they had rather dig in and stay deadlocked. The Dems will put up bills that they know the repubs will not be on board with and the repubs do the same to the de!s and then they can point fingers at one another and get nothing done. Just my 2 cents.
I firmly believe that neither side wants to work together. They say they do but they do not. Instead of either side finding common ground and get something done on that basis they had rather dig in and stay deadlocked. The Dems will put up bills that they know the repubs will not be on board with and the repubs do the same to the de!s and then they can point fingers at one another and get nothing done. Just my 2 cents.

There are two ways the bolded can occur.

1) neither party wants to cooperate
2) only one party is open to cooperation

If one of the parties has decided upon and is implementing a policy of obstruction, that is all that is needed for deadlock.

Compounding the problem is that the obstructionists claim there is a path to bipartisan action, but that path involves coercing the other party to act against its core principles. A recent and unsubtle example had to do with holding the national budget hostage to extremist demands.

That is entirely one party’s fault.
Still think we should all take up a go fund me to bribe officials. Can’t be that much to buy Clarence Thomas a vacation
He's like a call girl for billionaires, or maybe like one of those whores or mistresses they keep on their super yachts. For a good time or decision call Clarence for some vacation time, call early the summer season is over but the holidays are coming up and Clerance has a full docket in DC. Thomas is turning out to be the Trump of the SCOTUS, I think it would be wise if Clarence retired, and I figure he will, if the democrats win in 24, or he and his wife will face a hostile house impeachment investigation followed up by the DOJ. Winning in 24 is the most important thing and between Trump and the fuck ups in the GOP, I figure it should be possible for democrats to make gains federally and in the states. Trump's troubles, democracy and abortion will be the biggest issues IMO. If women and young people turn out (and they have been lately) then the republicans are fucked, especially if the magats are pissed at the party for ditching Trump over the 14th and for being convicted over J6 and in jail.
Let’s face it, the left has gone too far left, the right too far right. There is no apparent middle ground to be reached.

we don’t have a government hell bent on working together to better our country, wehave a government of middle school kids. It’s as if bills are proposed only to piss off the other side.

Of course this method of division has worked splendidly for both parties. Both parties have gone too far out. Depending on which side you’re on, the other side is the crazy!
Let’s face it, the left has gone too far left, the right too far right. There is no apparent middle ground to be reached.

we don’t have a government hell bent on working together to better our country, wehave a government of middle school kids. It’s as if bills are proposed only to piss off the other side.

Of course this method of division has worked splendidly for both parties. Both parties have gone too far out. Depending on which side you’re on, the other side is the crazy!
Which party is attacking democracy domestically (Jan. 6) and abroad (Ukraine)? And what is the other party doing that compares?
As a lifelong dem and left leaning person, I think the democrats have moved to the right quite a bit. They have been all aboard for war and love them Wallstreet cash, they have moved away from organized labor(that was mutual).

In what way do you think they moved too far left. It's something that sounds good and reasonable, but I just don't see it.
Let’s face it, the left has gone too far left, the right too far right. There is no apparent middle ground to be reached.

we don’t have a government hell bent on working together to better our country, wehave a government of middle school kids. It’s as if bills are proposed only to piss off the other side.

Of course this method of division has worked splendidly for both parties. Both parties have gone too far out. Depending on which side you’re on, the other side is the crazy!
I’ll join the others and request you post links to concrete examples of “too far left” documented in respectable text media outlets.
The current Democratic Party is center right at best.
Their aggressive environmental policy isn’t.

(add) I don’t think the Democrats have voluntarily moved right. They’re reduced to politics of the possible by GOP noncooperation. They’d start fixing our tax structure (and then put the revenue to work rescuing schools, Medicare etc.) in a hot heartbeat if there were a way.
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I firmly believe that neither side wants to work together. They say they do but they do not. Instead of either side finding common ground and get something done on that basis they had rather dig in and stay deadlocked. The Dems will put up bills that they know the repubs will not be on board with and the repubs do the same to the de!s and then they can point fingers at one another and get nothing done. Just my 2 cents.
But of course! That's how you pull in more campaign funding dollars and if you make commissions on that money (they do), you definitely want to keep the fight going!
Let’s face it, the left has gone too far left, the right too far right. There is no apparent middle ground to be reached.

we don’t have a government hell bent on working together to better our country, wehave a government of middle school kids. It’s as if bills are proposed only to piss off the other side.

Of course this method of division has worked splendidly for both parties. Both parties have gone too far out. Depending on which side you’re on, the other side is the crazy!
Point one; bullshit. The Democratic Party is NOT 'too far left' by any objective measure- and America's Overton Window is anything but objective. They are only as far left as their donors will let them go, while the narrative spinners sell us a line of bullshit about how far 'left' they are. Every country in Europe, even the ones tilting towards Fascism, preside over policies much farther to the Left than the Democrats, starting with healthcare.

Point two; we have a government full of CRAFTY ADULTS who realize that partisan rancor is more profitable than bipartisanship in every way that matters. And they act accordingly. This would change instantly if both parties didn't work hand in glove to eliminate any third party or independent challengers. Never forget that Marjorie Taylor Greene is the 4th biggest fundraiser on Capitol Hill, that's both Houses.

Point three; we have a government that is behaving exactly as it is incentivised to, which is to engage in noisy fights that have little to do with taxes, subsidies or entitlements- because those issues favor the donor class. Senators and Representatives aren't middle school children; that's just a convenient excuse that gives them cover to continue the program of theft from the 99% in order to enrich the .1% and they are very, very good at it.

After all, they have you and most of the regular commenters in this sub completely fooled.