We gotta be able to work WITH the GOP

...Like we USED to be able to, before Trump's splitting maul hit our country

it would be helpful if he was to just die on his own
Even with defendant becoming marginalized, the GOP has gone all in on the far-right agenda, and has censured its moderates for the sin of being moderate.

Before we can work with the Republican Party, it must decisively move away from overthrow/minority rule and other fascist politics.

I suspect that the pathology is too advanced. A new center-right party that does not gain its sustenance from dark-money fascists is needed imo. But launching one such with the GOP “doing ok” by embracing grievance politics seems hard to impossible to me.

The only short-term strategy (Job One imo) in reach is to starve the freedom-caucus bastards, and those who don’t openly disalign themselves with the bastards, out at the polls.

I consider it more likely that today’s Democrats will fission into a progressive party and one that is center-right. Either scenario has major problems.
...Like we USED to be able to, before Trump's splitting maul hit our country

it would be helpful if he was to just die on his own
The republicans are unfit to govern and will be for a while, the base has been poisoned and it will take some time for the establishment types to regain control of the party, if ever. A two-party system is only one party better than a one-party system, but that is what you have and the only option for patriots. These guys were and in some cases are still in bed with the Russians FFS and their talking points are identical to the Russian propaganda and trolling. Who else has hundreds of nukes pointed at you now and is pissed at Uncle Sam? Thankfully the democrats respect the rule of law and defend the constitution, most republicans support someone who publicly said he wants to destroy it and be above the law.

The GOP position in the electoral system is too valuable to lose to a bunch of lunatics and morons controlled by foxnews for a profit. The big money doners and smarter people had their con hijacked by a better con artist who drove the remaining moderates and patriots out of the GOP while filling it white trash. A better name for the GOP these days is the white trash party, trump is an asshole magnet, and he filled the GOP with likeminded types. If the republicans didn't have a dedicated propaganda network in foxnews who gave them decades of illegal free advertising, where would they be?
It sure is to be hoping for sanity and reason within the GOP now or in the near future. The fervent idiot on the street in their official Trump regalia is beyond salvation.

I agree on that point, but what about the others? The people who AREN'T outwardly Trumpy, but would still vote for him?
I agree on that point, but what about the others? The people who AREN'T outwardly Trumpy, but would still vote for him?
How many of those limpdicks would go for DeSantis? He’s another loathsome political creation. The Republicans with any sense of duty to the nation aren’t even polling. If they are it’s in single digits. Ramaswamy - another piece of animal feces. Climbing in the polls.
We do need to all work together, but eh, I've been spit on enough trying reach out that hand that I don't think I will do that again.

I do think the reasonable republicans have become democrats. What's left over there isn't something I can imagine being willing to compromise or work with me, I sure as hell am not going to join their war on wokeness or whatever silly shit. There aren't topics to reach over the aisle on, by all means...continue demanding we look at hunter bidens dick pics instead of dealing with education.

I think we gotta whoop em, either in their coveted civil war or at the ballot box, before things get better. They have been the drunk guy in a bar talking shit trying to fight everyone for 10 years now. Sometimes you gotta throw that guy into the back alley. Maybe they can come back the next day to sheepishly claim their credit card.