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G1-class Geomagnetic storm set to hit Earth as NOAA warns of cannibal CME
NOAA experts have warned that there are chances of a G1-class geomagnetic storm soon.

Dramatic fossil shows pugnacious mammal attacking a dinosaur
While there is little doubt that many a Mesozoic mammal became a meal for a dinosaur, it may come as a surprise to learn that some mammals also dined on dinos. A dramatic fossil unearthed in northeastern China shows a pugnacious badger-like mammal in the act of attacking a
I usually search for an article and when the news site does not want me to visit without conditions I hit a link that is more friendly. Yahoo does reprint other's articles, not the best source but one that does not mind my reading without giving them my email or having cookies accepted. But every once in a while they have a good science article, surprising, I have come across interesting ones on Newsmax (not that I visit much any more). I am trying to limit how much time I spend online. Mind you I do multitask, doing work on another computer and using this one to browse with. I did bookmark your site, so much for limiting myself I guess.I read about that yesterday at Must of been exciting as hell for the people that found and uncovered that one.
Much better site than Yahoo for science news. I check it out every day.
It Turns Out An Ancient Creature Actually Preyed Upon Dinosaurs
The Cretaceous world seems to have been a perilous place to scratch out an existence, a land of