do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
What happened there bro bro? Did you see the name, city and state? Or did i make that up?So if you were somehow challenging what i say,, what happened? Just some link about crack dealers in baltimore.

My Bad I thought you had already viewed it... but anyways here you go (cut and paste in a new window) best I could come up with another forum but can't find a link about it and I even goggled the local paper NOLA with date and title but came up empty so U be the judge :dunce::

The link I posted was about
:cuss: stop snitching :cuss:


Active Member
I cant fucking believe pot is illegal when many people I know are addicted to pain killers and zanax and every other man made drug. Im moving to Amsterdam!


Active Member
Next time buy a bunch of tomato seeds and say you grow your own vegetables and spices like cilantro and shit like that. What can they say?Thats the one nice thing about getting older I'm not in their target range for shit like that anymore.


Well-Known Member
your language and spelling show you as less intelligent. just so you know. :peace:
Any other post aside or decent contribution from you fdd, but, with that said, that is some ignunt shizzle there bro!

Any wun of uz can haf problums tie pin or chooze to type how they wunt, perhaps you shoont be so kwik to judge?



Active Member
Wow i would of pulled over as soon as i noticed i was being followed. Not into a burger king or safeway either, I would of pull right over of the shoulder. What is he going to do try and pull you over once you already pulled over? (reminds me of super troopers, "WE'RE ALREADY PULLED OVER, WE CAN PULL OVER ANY MORE!") and if they do stop and ask why you stop just simply say "my car was over heating" or "I had to use my cell phone". If they offer help politely refuse.

If you make stop (at stores and such) and try to "shake" the tail it only makes the want to pull you over more. They know if you start making random stops and going in a store for like one small item, they know you are trying to lose them, so thus they sight you for stupid traffic infraction to pull you over.

Honestly if you are ever being follow just pull over and fake a car problem.... fuck if i was being follow by a cop after i left a hydro I would of pulled over 2 blocks again with "engine" trouble. What is the cop going to do, call you a lair, is he a mechanic? does he know your car? Just don't try and lose them, make them lose interest in you, thats the key.
now thats good thinking! ive always been graced with the gift of the gab, and talked my way out of a few problems, but i like an arsenal of oppourtunity to get me out of sticky messes! wouldnt catch me with bible's mags and kights tho, maybe askin 4 it a bit, but we live and learn


Well-Known Member
Any other post aside or decent contribution from you fdd, but, with that said, that is some ignunt shizzle there bro!

Any wun of uz can haf problums tie pin or chooze to type how they wunt, perhaps you shoont be so kwik to judge?


perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to hit "enter". take the time to check for errors. you know? is 4th grade level spelling too much for you? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
fuck most cops. 1 or 2 out of 10 are actually trying to do their job and focus on important things and only deal with petty crimes when they have to.

as for them searching your car. in Illinois at least i can deny them access even if they "smell weed". smell is not probable cause in my state and i'll be damned if i let any cop touch my car. even tho it is clean.

but that shit is ridiculous! another illinois thing is if a cop "follows" you more then 1/4 of a mile it is harassment if they pull you over without a super good reason. they also can't follow you for 3 consecutive turns.....

in general... MOST cops can suck my dick, the others can keep up the good work.


New Member
screw the guy that said i cant talk about cops on here...

and really what do I say when a cop ask to search my car?

I dont consent of any searches right?

but after that what?


New Member
I'm black so all I could hope for is its a white cop so I could cream bloody raceism blah blah blah can anyone say CHA CHING

are you serious??? come on man... above is exactly whats wrong with this world today.... I cant believe you had the odasity to say that....


Well-Known Member
I'm black so all I could hope for is its a white cop so I could cream bloody raceism blah blah blah can anyone say CHA CHING

are you serious??? come on man... above is exactly whats wrong with this world today.... I cant believe you had the odasity to say that....

are you talking to me? i was told this by several lawyers. it was in one of the law classes at oaksterdam. i thought it was a question off their test. sorry, my bad. :blsmoke::peace:

you using a white cop to scream racism is what's wrong with this world. :roll:


New Member
are you talking to me? i was told this by several lawyers. it was in one of the law classes at oaksterdam. i thought it was a question off their test. sorry, my bad. :blsmoke::peace:

you using a white cop to scream racism is what's wrong with this world. :roll:

uhhhh, Im really stoned and I was talking to the idividual who posted about crying Im white just for the sorry for spelling odasity


Well-Known Member
uhhhh, Im really stoned and I was talking to the idividual who posted about crying Im white just for the sorry for spelling odasity

your stoned? hell i'm stoned too. no wonder i don't get it. lolol :mrgreen::peace: bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
am i being detained? am i free to go?
They hate that one! "Am I free to go officer?" then I wait a bit "No officer I still do not consent to a search, should I contact my lawyer?" :lol: They REALLY hate that one! Its my favorite though:mrgreen: