

Ursus marijanus

And while U.S. officials currently believe Putin will remain in charge, there’s quiet fear inside the administration that the Russian leader could reach for the most catastrophic options available to him if he sniffs a challenge to his power.

It’s an internal squabble and none of Nato’s business


Ursus marijanus
This raises the (less-than-even) possibility that the whole thing was staged.

If so, what is opaque to me is for whose consumption, and to what intended effect?
what occurs to me is that the advancing column was not strafed even once.

Also conspicuous in its absence is any vid of the claimed Russian attack on the Wagner camp.



Well-Known Member
Former Russian official claims Putin, Wagner chief are just ‘gangsters fighting’
A former Russian official claimed on Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the chief of the private mercenary group Wagner are just “gangsters fighting for their piece of pie,” after the Wagner chief rebelled and moved his troops on Moscow.

“These guys are all of the same kind of league, all of the same gang rather,” former Russian foreign minister Andrei Kozyrev told CNN. “They are gangsters fighting for their piece of pie, and [the] pie is becoming thinner because of the war, because of the sanctions.”

Kozyrev, who served as foreign minister under former Russian President Boris Yeltsin, called Putin the “godfather of the whole arrangement” and suggested that the Russian leader “created” Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.

“Absolutely,” Kozyrev said, when asked whether he includes Putin among the “gangsters.” “He is probably godfather of the whole arrangement. You know, Prigozhin was his creature. He created Prigozhin.”

“He owns the Russian dictator who depends totally on his support because people, they are against the dictator,” the former official added.
Prigozhin and his troops began advancing toward Moscow on Friday, as he called for an armed rebellion to remove Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu from power.

He ultimately turned his troops around on Saturday, after Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko reportedly helped broker a deal to defuse the rebellion. As part of the deal, the Wagner chief will head to Belarus, and he and his troops will not face prosecution, the Kremlin said.


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a fake out of some sort to me. Maybe he wanted to get the good soldiers out of the area to nuke it, still think that's going to happen.

Idk what the relationship is like between them, maybe its a move so putin can step down to try and avoid facing repercussions from the international community and hand off the empire to a buddy for safekeeping.

Like pro wrasslers having a feud, fight for the public but bffs 4eva behind the scenes.

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Sitting here in the US, I can only watch and speculate. Not speaking Russian, just listening to the translation and watching his face while speaking, I agree that he knows he's in a crisis, both for his regime but also personally. Wouldn't say he's scared but he didn't project confidence to me. His facial expression when speaking the word betrayal showed anger, but also fear often lies behind anger.

I found it interesting, his reference to 1917 that he was placing himself on the side of the tsar. That a rebellion against him was like the rebellion against tsar Nicholas. The rebellion triggered the beginning of the end to Russian war effort in WW1 and the beginning of the Russian Revolution that I think nobody would like to see repeated. But still a former officer of the KGB in the USSR casting himself in the role of tsar causes cognitive dissonance to me. But maybe that's where he sees himself.

We will see as this all unfolds how it will play out in the more distant corners of Russia. It doesn't seem that the central government has ability to suppress internal rebellion at this time.

I'm glad for Ukraine that this is happening. It increases the chance of the war ending sooner than later.
So by now butthole is unclenched and prigo in Belarus. Whod thought Lukashenko would ever be significant? Surprised me, at least.

Not sure if im right, lots of fog of war now, but it seemed to me that Prigo didnt go straight for the King, he seemed to have a one-two punch strategy. He would attack in videos Shoygu and Gerasimov with the fire of a thousand hells. And then do soft jibes on putin up until putin made his speech. I think he wanted first to replace the military top with himself, ideally, in order to then go for putin more ahead. But putin spoke up and then he had to go all in.


Well-Known Member
So by now butthole is unclenched and prigo in Belarus. Whod thought Lukashenko would ever be significant? Surprised me, at least.

Not sure if im right, lots of fog of war now, but it seemed to me that Prigo didnt go straight for the King, he seemed to have a one-two punch strategy. He would attack in videos Shoygu and Gerasimov with the fire of a thousand hells. And then do soft jibes on putin up until putin made his speech. I think he wanted first to replace the military top with himself, ideally, in order to then go for putin more ahead. But putin spoke up and then he had to go all in.
He got away with incendiary words up until now and somehow did not understand that the words plus taking over the military base makes his words dangerous and unacceptable.


Well-Known Member

What's happening in Russia and how could Ukraine war change? - BBC News

188,089 views Jun 25, 2023 #Russia #Ukraine #BBCNews
What is happening in Russia right now? Why did Yevgeny Prigozhin end the uprising? Is Russian President Vladimir Putin weakened? Could the rebellion be a Ukraine war ploy to redeploy Wagner fighters to Belarus?

We answered viewers questions after Russia was thrown into turmoil, as Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin staged an apparent insurrection.

It is unclear what the future holds for Prigozhin, who has left Russia for Belarus, and what impact the events on recent days will have on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


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Ukrainians will ‘exploit’ the ‘weakening’ Russian military | Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges

76,688 views Jun 25, 2023 #TimesRadio
“This will represent a weakening of Russian military capability that the Ukrainians will be looking to exploit.”

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges says ‘there is no sort of cohesive framework of the Russian military’ on #TimesRadio.