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Political coup in Russia? | Jason Jay Smart | TVP World

4,786 views Jun 23, 2023 #TVPWorld
Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has accused the Russian military of "destroying" his fighters and vowed to stop the "evil" of the military leadership. The Defence Ministry quickly responded, issuing a statement saying Prigozhin's accusations "are not true and are an informational provocation". What are the latest developments in Russia? Jason Jay Smart, a political analyst, answers this question.


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How Would Ukraine Liberate Crimea? - Russian Invasion DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on Modern Warfare continues with a video asking if Crimea is really difficult to take, as we deduce how Ukraine may liberate the peninsula, possible strategy and the historical context. Previously in this series we explained why we call the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the War in Ukraine unprovoked, by going through various Russian claims and debunk them, including biolabs, NATO expansion, Nazis in Ukraine, a claim that Russia is fighting an existential threat, the so-call Donbas genocide and more.


Ursus marijanus
FSB opened a criminal case against Prigozhin because of the call to rebellion
The Federal Security Service of Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of calling the head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin to an armed rebellion, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) reported.
The department emphasized that all the statements distributed on behalf of the founder of the group have no basis."

"In connection with this, the FSB has opened a criminal case on the fact of calling for an armed rebellion. We demand that illegal actions be stopped immediately," the committee said in a statement.

Earlier on Friday, the Ministry of Defense reported that all the information published on behalf of Yevgeny Prigozhin about "strike" on the rear camps of the Wagner group is not true. The ministry called these accusations an informational provocation.

They also noted that Russian troops continue to carry out combat missions on the line of contact with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the special operation.

According to the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin is informed about all the events around Prigozhin, the necessary measures are being taken.

The discussions are lively.

I don’t know what to think. Whom to believe. Especially after Prigozhin’s tough appeals to various generals

What about Strelkov, what now Prigozhin - they all have something going on from some resentment that they were not allowed to enter Kiev on a
Who to believe

Isn't it time to impose a ban on the spread of all sorts of information stuffing, regardless of who they come from. Issues related to SVO should be decided behind closed doors. And then they put on a PR show! Chatterboxes are enough!

"Give us shells, we will fight with you!"

Isn't it time to imprison Prigozhin for discrimination? And then they put you in jail for an accidentally misunderstood comment, and then direct
Why hasn't Prigozhin been summoned to the Ministry of Defense until now to resolve the conflict?

Listen. A man with his units took Artyomovsk at the cost of heavy losses, and some people didn’t like that the merit belongs entirely to PMC Wagner. Further more. They just want to silence Prigozhin ...

Maybe, of course, the cissists are dropping fakes, but today you can’t trust anyone without checking the information on other sources and waiting for

Of course it's absurd! PMC Wagner camps are invulnerable!

It's strange, but for some reason I believe Prigogine more

What provocation? Did the Wagnerites shoot themselves with rockets?

Fatigue from the Gerasimovs, Shoigu and SUVs. Guys at the front are dying, and these...

I understand that everything is going according to plan and that only the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation should be believed, but ... I would still like to hear a refutation from Prigozhin himself.

What the fuck is going on?

Someone will stop Prigogine? Or will everyone see the Makhnovshchina like that?

Well, of course, they will refute, what else will they say - yes, it was us, because someone there looked at us the wrong way?

Well, do the farmers who mounted this fake seriously believe that someone will believe it? Well, if someone still believes, then this is a direct path to the psychiatric ward ...

which one? cips bot or real?

So you are only happy if Evgeny takes the post of Minister of Defense, waited
Information war.

Your panic is the target of the enemy!

I think it's all fog of war. To deceive the enemy. The enemy must believe in what is happening and throw all the remaining forces into the attack and his back will be broken. Then Prigozhin will receive the hero of Russia from the hands of Shoigu. Something like this

Did they start a civil war there? If this is all fake, then why doesn't Prigogine personally announce it?

I don't understand what's going on anymore.

I don't know myself anymore.

There is no video message from Prigozhin, and the audio can be easily faked, but Peskov said that information was conveyed to Putin, we hope he will figure it out. Pray!!!

A case was brought against him.

Didn't understand? How can he refute it when he spread it?...

and who is he anyway?

fake it

Now he is praying for Prigogine or something.

Maybe Prigozhin decided to hit the road to the west and now he's playing for high stakes??? He has something to merge with the enemies ...

Since 2014, we have been shelling ourselves, bombing and blowing up our facilities. Yeah. I am surprised by the people leading me to such provocations. Or are they instigators who sow doubt.
Could it be aliens? Green men?
And these are in command, aren’t they?..... Together as the supreme commander in chief?.....

It's time for Putin to personally lead the NVO, he is also the Supreme Commander
Well, what can you do? Such a system has been created over the past decades?

No, well, this is not the case, or all the common work is done to win or some kind of relationship to find out so nothing will come of it

Don't wait. Chel, really, starred to the moon! "Zychara, he is "thieves" in Africa too!

Well, what can you do? Such a system has been created over the past decades? ....
Prigozhin did not take and did not command. He is an administrative and financial officer, a manager with murky goals, who parasitizes on the heroism of the fighters.
Like a fight of bulldogs under the carpet, right? .....
Maybe decriedation?......
What meanness on the part of Prigogine. It's gotta get to this point
Nothing strange, he was not noticed in a lie.
To carry out this kind of showdown at a difficult time for the country is a betrayal. From a hero, Prigozhin can turn into an ordinary provocateur who will greatly help our enemies. I did not expect this from him, if all this is true of course.
Why is a rebuttal necessary, you think?....
Apparently the "arguments" are over)
Now I will cover you for a long time.
The Telegram channel spread it, posting the audio with Prigozhin's voice. But it sounds strange, how they blinded it from different things.
Did they shoot? Info about shelling only in strange audio.
Tell me who then took, besides the Wagners, whose units and under whose command? Haven't heard of anything other than them taking part.
What a powerful cisso organization, a dozen specialists, are capable of undermining the psyche of the population of a vast country. What's wrong with you Russians?
What is he dissatisfied with? The special operation, in fact, should be led by the General Staff, headed by Gerasimov. It smacks of banal betrayal on the part of Prigogine. Arrest immediately, and Wagner immediately disarm, out of harm's way. He rinsed all his brains with Artemovsk, "I'll leave - I won't leave," now he has carried on! crests in orgasm with joy!
It is better to wait with conclusions. It could be anything. No need to hurry.
How are you mobilizing?
I'm throwing diza from the bottom of my heart.
Misha calm down your tsipsoshny quirks will not work here.
Tsipsoshniks and tsipsoshnitsy ran up and write like a blueprint. You won't get anything! Let's not fall for your tricks!
I think I've already read about all this once - Ernst Röhm, SA, "the night of the long knives"...
The start of sweeps for the upcoming presidential elections ..
On behalf of Prigogine. Is this a mystery? Who actually spoke on behalf of Prigogine?
And he doesn't know what's going on.
Generally speaking, the General Staff should be in charge of the special operation. And the incompetent minister and the president directs.
in fact, Joseph Prigogine said it.
Volodymyr is probably


tangentially, “tsipsoshnik” seems to mean someone from TsIPSo, a Ukrainian psyops unit.


Well-Known Member
It could just be political theater to have Ukraine think Russia is distracted and then go all in with their reserves. Once Russia sees where Ukraine is going they can act in response. I bet it is unscripted theater though, until shots are fired in Russia it is all fun and games. Good time for the Russians doing the cross border raids into Russia though. Maybe a few more drones but flown from the direction of Prigozhin's forces to Moscow, some Iranian drones (or reasonable facsimile) back would also be in order.


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Russian generals accuse mercenary leader of munity attempt

6,432 views Jun 23, 2023 #msnbc #russia #ukraine
Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of a Russian-affiliated mercenary group, posted online vowing to punish Russian military leadership after he says the Russian Defense Minister oversaw a deadly attack on his troops.


Ursus marijanus
Ooooo, ooo, oooo! I had an idea. Putin can drop a tactical nuke on Prigozhin, show Ukraine he is serious.
That is probably one of the very few scenarios in which a tactical nuke possibly won’t lead to immediate and full-scale (conventional) Nato assault. Assumption: the mike’s effects are fully contained in Russian borders.

This is my wild-ass guess, but what might uhm fall out from that is Nato air power deploying to Ukraine and halting any Russian air operations over pre-2014 Ukrainian territory. Missiles and drones included.
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Well-Known Member

Political coup in Russia? | Jason Jay Smart | TVP World

4,786 views Jun 23, 2023 #TVPWorld
Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has accused the Russian military of "destroying" his fighters and vowed to stop the "evil" of the military leadership. The Defence Ministry quickly responded, issuing a statement saying Prigozhin's accusations "are not true and are an informational provocation". What are the latest developments in Russia? Jason Jay Smart, a political analyst, answers this question.
Speculation that the Secretary of Interior is behind this and Putin will be assassinated. If arrested Prigozhin would not live very long. The promise is that this will be resolved tonight.