Canadian Stuff

Don't be distressed, be positive and look at it as an opportunity, put up "bait flags and displays" with hidden cameras and other traps to identify those responsible for these acts. Follow convictions for hate crimes up with lawsuits using organizations to fund them. Some people only understand pain, so make them feel it and make them concerned about the certainty of getting caught. Cameras are cheap and set up a few to catch them not just in the act, but the plate numbers of the cars they drive. The same goes for damaging LBGTQ displays in stores goods, hate crimes followed up by civil suits and letters to their employers by activists, if they have jobs. They can boycott all they want, right up to growing their own food and brewing their own beer because it sure looks like that is where they are headed.

vote her off the board...
It is a religious school board; Ontario still has a parochial school system with a separate catholic system and so do several provinces including Alberta. IMO the provinces need to get rid of them as they are a carryover from the past, I believe no religion in public schools should be permitted or a separate publicly funded religion-based school system, its time taxpayers stopped paying to teach iron age superstitious bullshit and hate. It is a provincial decision though, not a federal one and can only happen with a change in the provincial government.
Where are the anti-mask anti vaccine freedumb crowd now! You know, the ones who think they have freedom to do whatever they want and fuck their neighbors and communities. Where are the protest fires? This is the same fucking thing as masks and vaccines, the government will ruin their lives over this and has a RIGHT to. So where are the trucks blocking the fire department and the backyard protest fires? I mean having fire is an ancient right and they don't need big government telling them what to do! Besides it's fake news and all those people didn't really get burned out of their houses, right? Does this make some people realize how fucking stupid they were to support anti mask and anti-vaccine bullshit? How anti-social it was?

those packs never made me quit smoking the only thing that did was getting pregnant.
Smokers are a minority and are being treated like one! Men tend to quit for health reasons and women for appearance and pregnancy, both men and women quit to reduce the impact on kids and not to negatively affect their life choices. I found it was especially true for pot, people either quit or never used it in front of their kids so as not to affect their life choices and not so much out of a sense of shame. Booze and cigarettes were a bit different though, maybe the legal statues had something to do with it, but I've found pot smokers seem to care about such things more.
Smokers are a minority and are being treated like one! Men tend to quit for health reasons and women for appearance and pregnancy, both men and women quit to reduce the impact on kids and not to negatively affect their life choices. I found it was especially true for pot, people either quit or never used it in front of their kids so as not to affect their life choices and not so much out of a sense of shame. Booze and cigarettes were a bit different though, maybe the legal statues had something to do with it, but I've found pot smokers seem to care about such things more.
all iremember is if we got a really gross photo pack we just covered it in tape , lol
all iremember is if we got a really gross photo pack we just covered it in tape , lol
I dunno if they did any studies on the effectiveness of such things, but younger minds are more impressionable and social attitudes towards smoking have changed. Not many people smoke inside other people's houses these days and ashtrays and lighters are hard to find in houses and new cars. Smoking with a kid in the car is illegal in many places including here.

Something is working though, because people are not getting any smarter! :lol:

In 2021, it showed that: Older Canadians are more likely to report smoking cigarettes: 11% of Canadians aged 25 and older reported current smoking compared to 3.5% of Canadians ages 15-19. Smoking was more prevalent among men than women: 12% of men reported that they currently smoked compared with 9% of women.Dec 19, 2022

Smoking in Canada: What we know
all iremember is if we got a really gross photo pack we just covered it in tape , lol
Here are the numbers from America, do they put such things on cigarette packs there? If not, it only appears to have a marginal effect.

The survey includes responses from 27,000 people age 18 and older. In 2020 and 2021, about 12.5% of adults said they smoked cigarettes. This is a significant drop from when surveys like these started. Surveys of Americans in the 1940s found that about half of all adults said they smoked cigarettes.Apr 27, 2023

US cigarette smoking rate falls to historic low, but e ... - CNN