Canadian Stuff

Sharing opinions, and reading ideas and thoughts from people, with whom I do not agree with, is essential to my ongoing learning and growth. Everyone has a right to express themselves, whether it be to Websters standards of gramatical 'correctness', or not, is still worthy of some attention, to me. It's always a problem when more emphasis is placed on 'who' says something, as opposed to what they are saying. Somewhat like question period. Never address what the issue is, just banter back and forth determining that we 'don't like the cut of someones' jib'.
Sharing opinions, and reading ideas and thoughts from people, with whom I do not agree with, is essential to my ongoing learning and growth. Everyone has a right to express themselves, whether it be to Websters standards of gramatical 'correctness', or not, is still worthy of some attention, to me. It's always a problem when more emphasis is placed on 'who' says something, as opposed to what they are saying. Somewhat like question period. Never address what the issue is, just banter back and forth determining that we 'don't like the cut of someones' jib'.
I’ll bet you’ll form an immediate judgment of someone who omitted the step of putting on pants before getting on the bus.

Literacy is like basic grooming. It’s a first-pass way to decide if the words, and the ideas they carry, are worth reading.

Unarticulated walls of text correlate with poor intellectual rigor. Auto skip.
I’ll bet you’ll form an immediate judgment of someone who omitted the step of putting on pants before getting on the bus.

Literacy is like basic grooming. It’s a first-pass way to decide if the words, and the ideas they carry, are worth reading.

Unarticulated walls of text correlate with poor intellectual rigor. Auto skip.
Wow! I love the eloquence of your wildly disconnected metaphors.
Rex is just looking for attention and a chance to play the victim card
Just reading what the Canadian political focus group has to say, but keep tangling with members, who want control. On a cannabis site...
@Cannasaurus Rex - if your post is spaced out differently it would be easier to follow. I pulled some pieces out that I want to address:

I don't believe the rich are the cause of our decline in personal wealth, or the ability to become rich with effective choices, education, inheritance and hard work are a problem either. I believe the loss of a large manufacturing based labour market, is at the root of our decline.
Who are you referring to when saying "the rich"? Are you referring to high income earners only? What about corporations or generational wealth? The loss of manufacturing is the direct result of the pursuit towards maximum profit, agreed? Who do you believe benefits from the extra profit if not "the rich"?

We don't produce enough GDP per person (proportionetly) to have general individual wealth levels like the past. High tech industry and manufacturing don't require the same amount of human bodies to produce income, for business owners, yet they are literally the hands that feed us.
Let's try to compare the history of Canada's GDP to corporate profits and tax rates, the timeline doesn't match exact but close enough for this discussion:
So we have seen GDP increase, profits increase, taxes decrease, but you believe there is not enough to match previous levels of wealth distribution?

Is it corporate greed? Or are we as Canadians mirroring this 'greed' in wanting more stuff for less work?
More stuff for less work does not match the reality many people face.
More people work multiple jobs than in the past:

I am not sure that accounts for all the people that have decided work extra to make income from companies like Uber and Lyft.

The demand on food banks in Ontario is growing. Do you believe that is because people are deciding to spend their money on other "stuff" or because they are choosing to work less?

My personal wealth has been chipped away mostly because of increasing fees and taxation on my 'necessities' in the last couple decades, not because of lack of working hard, and becoming more efficient (constant learning and adaptation).
Do you believe that all these people using food banks and/or struggling to afford housing are in that position because of lack of hard work? I suppose you would need to define what you believe is work, but I would argue that in most industries the highest paid does not work the hardest, but certainly the lowest paid has to deal with the hardest working conditions. Instead of tearing down other people as being stupid and/or lazy, and believing they are the problem in your personal wealth being chipped away, look at how "the rich" are taking advantage.

Any chance you are a business owner that just had to remit HST?
Do you believe that all these people using food banks and/or struggling to afford housing are in that position because of lack of hard work? I suppose you would need to define what you believe is work, but I would argue that in most industries the highest paid does not work the hardest, but certainly the lowest paid has to deal with the hardest working conditions. Instead of tearing down other people as being stupid and/or lazy, and believing they are the problem in your personal wealth being chipped away, look at how "the rich" are taking advantage.

I had an interesting conversation 25 years ago when I was a well respected by management assembly line worker. He said that he does not work hard but has to make one hard decision each day (whereas I actually worked hard).
"the rich"
Individuals with large amounts of assets and generally large wages.
So we have seen GDP increase, profits increase, taxes decrease, but you believe there is not enough to match previous levels of wealth distribution?
I didn't say there was insufficient GDP to 'match' previous levels. I'm saying our GDP-to-person ratio has been dwindling.
The demand on food banks in Ontario is growing. Do you believe that is because people are deciding to spend their money on other "stuff" or because they are choosing to work less?
I was questioning that myself, I believe people are spending a larger percentage of their income on not only hydro, food and fuel, but the largest household increase in expenditure in my place is media access. Just our (rural) phone\tv\internet bill is larger than my hydro usage monthly. I used to have a tv with a rotor and paid nothing for tv except the equipment. I'm not even accounting for my wife and daughters cell phones (I don't have one).
Instead of tearing down other people as being stupid and/or lazy
I'm not doing that at all, please stop putting words and feelings where they are not coming from. Most of my post is wonder and questions open for discussion, not for insults.
I am a marine mechanic and I don't own any businesses (lazy me?) My whole family is service workers. Alas we do have jobs because of employers, so it's hard to blame "employers", maybe large corporations and the lack of legislation governing assets in our country (preventing outsourcing at the cost of our citizenry) would help. When did I blame the poor for being poor? Government taxation is a big threat coupled with their amazing debt riddled accounting. Banks are a big problem as well I believe.
As for peeps assuming I'm a welfare basher, I'll give you this. The best way to help local business and keep money in circulation is giving money to the poor, as they have to spend everything to survive. I've been there temporarily when we had our first child, was rather scary finding no work 1991 and having rent and another mouth to feed. Thankfully only lasted a few months and was one of the most humiliating times in my life.
people who say i want to have ongoing learning and than dismiss anything that isnt within their frame of mind dont want to learn.
The mic is yours anything to teach me or discuss?
because of lack of hard work
Loaded question, maybe lack of employment that pays a decent wage, but hey we all make career choices, mine sucked, but I do it well, proudly, and our household combined income is enough to keep what we have mostly. I don't even own a car...I owned 3, 15 years ago when I started at my present employ 14 years and still there.
@Cannasaurus Rex - if your post is spaced out differently it would be easier to follow. I pulled some pieces out that I want to address:

Thank you for that. From the charts you showed, what do you think is the main problem? Corporate greed or lack of controls on said corporations? I can't argue against capitalism, it is what made the west what it is. I'd like to see us go back to excise taxes to ensure a level playing field when trading with other nations myself.
Not to be confused with 'protectionism' though...I'm still trying to deny that economic immigration is the 21st century form of colonialism with the "input" from some members
I'm not doing that at all, please stop putting words and feelings where they are not coming from. Most of my post is wonder and questions open for discussion, not for insults.
I was referring to a comment you made earlier:
I find it amazing that a large population of younger generations don't have any work ethic but think they deserve a standard of living worthy of University educated professionals. 50% of the prospective employees that my front line service worker daughters interview, don't even have a signature, or the ability to write a coherent sentence with a writing utensil.
As someone that turns wrenches I would expect you to understand there are many people that can't write very well or are unable to do arithmetic but make up for it with other skills. I'm sure we all know some book smart people that couldn't hit the head of a nail with a hammer if there life depended on it, or the person that couldn't count the correct change to buy a coffee but can diagnose engine problems by sound and feel. What I was really trying to convey is people bring value in a variety of ways and that should not be discounted.

Thank you for that. From the charts you showed, what do you think is the main problem? Corporate greed or lack of controls on said corporations? I can't argue against capitalism, it is what made the west what it is. I'd like to see us go back to excise taxes to ensure a level playing field when trading with other nations myself.

Not to be confused with 'protectionism' though...I'm still trying to deny that economic immigration is the 21st century form of colonialism with the "input" from some members
I believe corporations with too much control and the ability to get around laws is a big issue. Corporate greed is always going to exist, in fact our laws require directors of those corporations to operate that way. Capitalism is not the issue, but the government stepping in to socialize the loses and liabilities isn't real capitalism, is it? Being that we have subsidized so much for corporations, see all the covid relief they were given as just one example, should we not expect something in return for reducing the risk?

I believe people are spending a larger percentage of their income on not only hydro, food and fuel, but the largest household increase in expenditure in my place is media access. Just our (rural) phone\tv\internet bill is larger than my hydro usage monthly.
The price increase on everything is an issue for all of us, I certainly understand the frustration. Knowing how frustrating it is for me, I can't imagine the frustration that a low income earning household must feel. For many people in that situation it's not because of a choice they've made but the hand they were dealt. More people not having the ability to keep up with basic necessities indicates that changes to the system are required, and taxes that have been slashed over the years seems like a logical starting point.
My young people generalization is accurate, if a bit harsh.
should we not expect something in return
I came from a nobody owes you shit mindset, and virtue is its own reward. But ,yes we expect something when we give. Solving complicated issues in a fast-moving world is becoming too much for the average bear and our solution is let AI do it for us. Madness. Our kids will find it worse than the every 10 year manufactured financial crisis cycle we have seen with absolute regularity since the 1970's.
Individuals with large amounts of assets and generally large wages.

I didn't say there was insufficient GDP to 'match' previous levels. I'm saying our GDP-to-person ratio has been dwindling.

I was questioning that myself, I believe people are spending a larger percentage of their income on not only hydro, food and fuel, but the largest household increase in expenditure in my place is media access. Just our (rural) phone\tv\internet bill is larger than my hydro usage monthly. I used to have a tv with a rotor and paid nothing for tv except the equipment. I'm not even accounting for my wife and daughters cell phones (I don't have one).

I'm not doing that at all, please stop putting words and feelings where they are not coming from. Most of my post is wonder and questions open for discussion, not for insults.
I am a marine mechanic and I don't own any businesses (lazy me?) My whole family is service workers. Alas we do have jobs because of employers, so it's hard to blame "employers", maybe large corporations and the lack of legislation governing assets in our country (preventing outsourcing at the cost of our citizenry) would help. When did I blame the poor for being poor? Government taxation is a big threat coupled with their amazing debt riddled accounting. Banks are a big problem as well I believe.
As for peeps assuming I'm a welfare basher, I'll give you this. The best way to help local business and keep money in circulation is giving money to the poor, as they have to spend everything to survive. I've been there temporarily when we had our first child, was rather scary finding no work 1991 and having rent and another mouth to feed. Thankfully only lasted a few months and was one of the most humiliating times in my life.

The mic is yours anything to teach me or discuss?

Loaded question, maybe lack of employment that pays a decent wage, but hey we all make career choices, mine sucked, but I do it well, proudly, and our household combined income is enough to keep what we have mostly. I don't even own a car...I owned 3, 15 years ago when I started at my present employ 14 years and still there.
neg. i dont bother with that i have the entire forum to moderate , do the entire ad revenue and stream with about 44 companies , people screaming in my emails theyre gunna sue me for emotional abuse because they got caught in the spam filter ha! and above all its useless you arent willing to learn
Just learned what you do here, insult aside.. ahh yes I chided your post a while back for being unbecoming of a moderator. It was perceived as a cheap shot I suppose. Fair enough, keep up the hard work. Suing for emotional abuse eh? Straight up wanker behaviour, sorry to hear you have to answer to sissies. Do members actually ask you to intercept, when they get offended? Fuck'em dude.