Examples of GOP Leadership

No...the house is republican...remember that mccarthy loser monkey?...They aren't going to impeach anyone they put in place. Ever. If the hand of GAWD descended from heaven and placed the mark of Cain on thomas's forehead, in full view of thousands, they would try to find a way to spin it..."Touched by the hand of GAWD himself!"...and they would continue doing the same fucking shit they're doing...
Not now, after the election, because if you lose that the country is fucked anyway. There is no statute of limitations on this shit and that includes their confirmation hearings. Some might not even go to a house vote for impeachment, others will go to trial in the senate, which hopefully the democrats control too. Try them with a real case and evidence on national TV and even if found not guilty like Trump, they are still impeached, like Trump. I would drag the fuckers through so much public shit they would drown in it. Including hundreds protesting at the SCOTUS every day.

What would the republicans do, if it were "liberal" justices? See above.
Not now, after the election, because if you lose that the country is fucked anyway. There is no statute of limitations on this shit and that includes their confirmation hearings. Some might not even go to a house vote for impeachment, others will go to trial in the senate, which hopefully the democrats control too. Try them with a real case and evidence on national TV and even if found not guilty like Trump, they are still impeached, like Trump. I would drag the fuckers through so much public shit they would drown in it. Including hundreds protesting at the SCOTUS every day.

What would the republicans do, if it were "liberal" justices? See above.
while i have hope that the democrats will win the house, the senate, and the white house in 24, i'm not signing any notarized statements saying they definitely will, nor am i holding out hopes for a super majority in either the house or the senate.
You do only need a majority in the house to pass an impeachment up to the senate, but you still need those 66 votes once you get there.
It's all just theatrics and bullshit...the best we can hope for is thomas being convicted and jailed for some period of time...We aren't going to get him off the bench until he wants to get off of it. Period.
If the man had any shame, he would have been recusing himself from 100s of cases, and reporting the "gifts" he got from crow...He won't willingly step down, and we CAN'T kick him the fuck off...so take what you can get, and let the image of the criminal fuck befouling the supreme court be what people think about when they think of the supreme court.

Tucker Carlson's fall marks another step in declining power of right-wing figureheads

251,793 views Apr 25, 2023 #msnbc #tuckercarlson #rightwing
Rachel Maddow looks at the biggest names in right-wing media going back to the 1930s and how each successive figure could not quite match the power and reach of his predecessor.

Carlson crisis threatens right-wing media ability to carry feckless Republican Party

433,345 views Apr 25, 2023 #msnbc #tuckercarlson #republicans
Rachel Maddow contrasts the ability of right-wing media to organize and message to conservative voters against the ineptitude of Republican politicians who, on their own, turn off voters with unpopular policies.
Looks like trump is getting chickenshit about any impending debates ….

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Why should he, he's got a lock on the GOP nomination and might keep it after he is indicted for more crimes and then convicted of some before the primaries are over. I think he could win the republican nomination from a prison cell, and he might, even with state and federal convictions. Face it, at this point the average republican is stupid as a fucking stump, bigoted and brainwashed. A trump voter even more so.

It could be the Whitehouse versus the big house in 24, because by election day 24, Donald will be in a state or federal prison looking at life and he can't pardon himself if he wins. If he manages to get spung from federal custody, there is Geogia and NY prisons to spend the rest of his life in after his federal time.
I thought the last 3 justices appointed during tRump were all asked specifically if they would vote to overturn Roe v Wade and they all swore they wouldn't.

Isn't that grounds to get rid of them as well? Basically lying on your resume.

It's sketchy as hell and explains a lot about why the approval rating of the Supreme Court went steeply south.

But to get a conviction of a Supreme Court Justice for perjury, the prosecutor would have to convince twelve jurors unanimously, beyond all reasonable doubt, that at the time they testified to Congress, they intentionally misled Congress. And the Justices' defense will be that they reconsidered their position. That they used their judgment to re-evaluate. Judges are asked to reconsider their positions routinely. And Judges sometimes change their minds. And long term precedents are sometimes overturned. Proving that the Justices at the time they testified to Congress said one thing at the precise moment that they intended to do something else, will be difficult. Because if they changed their mind after reconsideration, that's something we pay Judges to do as part of their job to use their judgment.

Having said that, I personally believe that this was a long term Federalist Society plan and that the current Supreme Court has too many GOP members who are part of the Federalist Society cult. They were appointed to achieve GOP policy goals that they can't get at the ballot box.

But they are all smart enough to be able to avoid perjury charges and ultimately are the Court of Last Resort on their own fates.