It gives the Russians short notice too. They are on notice to vacate Ukraine now and if they don't heed it they will be in for one Helluva shock this spring. We've seen what Ukraine can do to the Russians with both hands tied behind their backs, now they have a right hand loose and can punch. The Russians have been doing the best they can so far and have not moved the map much with a lot of dead to show for it, let's see what the Ukrainians can do at their best and equipped with modern arms. Europe is betting the military farm on it, as many countries have gone all in on Ukraine. The destruction of Russian military power is the objective now, if Vlad was smart, he'd leave while there is something left to pull out. Once their military is destroyed in Ukraine, it will be hard for them to deal with Belarus and Georgia has unfinished business with Russia too. If the war finishes in Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainians won't be finished with Russia and will go wherever anybody is fighting them.just in time
Bakhmut is eating up Russian troops and equipment and it is the best place to kill lot's of Russians right now, from defensive positions and the surrounding hills. They may reluctantly make a tactical withdrawal and have the trained troops and communications to do it, but it will just put another Ukrainian town in the firing line to their rear and this is apparently a good tactical position. The Russians are paying a heavy price in troops, 5000 a week by some estimates and since mobiks showed up along with increasing western arms the causality numbers have sky rocketed. They might as well wear them down as much as they can before they go on the offensive and this place and a few others seem to be good places to do it. The Ukrainians are using large numbers of territorials to man the defenses and regular troops to counterattack and maneuver in the area.
It's in English. That was written so that you could post war porn here.
dang that sounds grim.Bakhmut is eating up Russian troops and equipment and it is the best place to kill lot's of Russians right now, from defensive positions and the surrounding hills. They may reluctantly make a tactical withdrawal and have the trained troops and communications to do it, but it will just put another Ukrainian town in the firing line to their rear and this is apparently a good tactical position. The Russians are paying a heavy price in troops, 5000 a week by some estimates and since mobiks showed up along with increasing western arms the causality numbers have sky rocketed. They might as well wear them down as much as they can before they go on the offensive and this place and a few others seem to be good places to do it. The Ukrainians are using large numbers of territorials to man the defenses and regular troops to counterattack and maneuver in the area.
It's in English. That was written so that you could post war porn here.
I don't know what to think about you.
Wars do this to people. DIY is a good person. He just doesn't mind a few orcs getting blown up.No bodies blowing up or other gross things so hardly qualifies as war porn. It's the Russians should be watching that tho.
If the Russian people knew half the truth about what's going on they would be ignoring the laws and dying in their own streets to protest this crap. Especially the younger people that are used to having more of a western lifestyle but are afraid as singles to say anything at all negative about it. Even Pootin wouldn't murder thousands of his own people in full public view. Then even the older folks would be up in arms.
Personally I don't mind seeing a few orcs get blown out of their trenches once in a while. It's gotta be done even tho I know most of them don't want to be there. Better them than any of the UA.
Wars do this to people. DIY is a good person. He just doesn't mind a few orcs getting blown up.
Just showing the war warts and all, a lot of the propaganda is in English, we are the target market. I'm pretty sure they have a Russian version, though they are supposed to be shutting down YouTube there. I cover all aspects, from the worm's eye view in the trench, to the civilian victims and the geopolitical implications. I also posted some of the Russian/magat propaganda as an example of what is flooding Twitter.It's in English. That was written so that you could post war porn here.
I don't know what to think about you.
The people fighting and dying in the war joke about it, so I guess we can too, as well as ridicule cruelty and incompetence. Vlad and the evil men do on full display, another black and white war of good versus evil, or what passes for it. It is never that simple though, everybody is a victim, even Vlad in the end, but he will be a victim of his own blunders and malice.dang that sounds grim.
so, how about a little bit of grim humor?
The whole orcs talk leaves me cold. When you dehumanize the enemy like that, it splatters back onto you.Wars do this to people. DIY is a good person. He just doesn't mind a few orcs getting blown up.
I think you are OK. It's just I was going over the war casualties. The reality clashes with posts I see here.Just showing the war warts and all, a lot of the propaganda is in English, we are the target market. I'm pretty sure they have a Russian version, though they are supposed to be shutting down YouTube there. I cover all aspects, from the worm's eye view in the trench, to the civilian victims and the geopolitical implications. I also posted some of the Russian/magat propaganda as an example of what is flooding Twitter.