
lol Kyiv is 460 miles southeast of Moscow

f’n Murdochs
Remember they are not really a news organization, but this video was ok, Rubert doesn't really deal in either news or reality much, but the straight news from Ukraine sells. Maybe foxnews will cover it more, it will be a good distraction from their current legal troubles which they will have trouble covering as well as the 2024 GOP primary and election which they had better play straight. The lawsuit kinda puts fox in a box, one they will be hopefully buried in.

One of those little fellows can go hundreds of miles and an RC plane using GPS crossed the Atlantic decades ago. It can carry 40 pounds of HE which will make a Helluva bang and is more HE than a 155mm shell has in it. The landing gear tells me it is a repurposed reconnaissance drone and not designed as a suicide drone which kinda surprises me. They can buy equivalent Chinese drones to the Iranian ones at around $10K a pop in bulk for the engine and airframe with actuators, they can supply their own electronics and payload. There is no need to land a suicide drone, a flying artillery shell.

8,790 views May 12, 2016
Highlights of the "Trans-Atlantic Model" Project which set two world records in August, 2003 by flying an eleven pound airplane across the Atlantic Ocean.
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Remember they are not really a news organization, but this video was ok, Rubert doesn't really deal in either news or reality much, but the straight news from Ukraine sells. Maybe foxnews will cover it more, it will be a good distraction from their current legal troubles which they will have trouble covering as well as the 2024 GOP primary and election which they had better play straight. The lawsuit kinda puts fox in a box, one they will be hopefully buried in.

One of those little fellows can go hundreds of miles and an RC plane using GPS crossed the Atlantic decades ago. It can carry 40 pounds of HE which will make a Helluva bang and is more HE than a 155mm shell has in it. The landing gear tells me it is a repurposed reconnaissance drone and not designed as a suicide drone which kinda surprises me. They can buy equivalent Chinese drones to the Iranian ones at around $10K a pop in bulk for the engine and airframe with actuators, they can supply their own electronics and payload. There is no need to land a suicide drone, a flying artillery shell.

8,790 views May 12, 2016
Highlights of the "Trans-Atlantic Model" Project which set two world records in August, 2003 by flying an eleven pound airplane across the Atlantic Ocean.
40 lbs payload is going to need a little more airplane in my opinion.
40 lbs payload is going to need a little more airplane in my opinion.
They said 20Kg in the story and I was surprised by its diminutive size, I thought they could do better, it's not that hard to copy a design and order in the stuff to make them yourself in any warehouse, cheap too. However, the Chinese do make bigger ones for about $10K each in bulk. Usually, the shorter the distance to the target, the more bang they can carry since not as much fuel is required.

Russia's offensive will 'inevitably fail' | Lord Dannatt

70,372 views Mar 1, 2023
"We haven't seen Russia's fresh offensive yet."

Russia's offensive will 'inevitably fail,' allowing Ukraine to launch their spring counter-offensive, says Lord Dannatt, Former Chief of the General Staff of the British Army.
WHY do they need it? they have unrestricted access to the black sea already, and can sail to the sea of azov pretty easily...They want it because they feel it adds legitimacy to their ridiculous claims. They want it because they took it before, and still consider it theirs, along with every other territory they ever squatted to shit in...There are three possible outcomes...russia wins, and the entirity of Europe goes on a major defensive campaign, building up weapons and recruiting men, until russia tries some more shit, and then it will be a full scale European land war.
Ukraine wins, fully ejects the russians from ALL Ukrainian territory, sanctions continue until all the children they kidnapped, all the adults they're planning on making into slave labor are returned, and FULL reparations are made by the russians to the Ukrainians.
Or third...Weasel politicians try to convince Zelensky to give Crimea and donestsk to the russians as appeasement...i hope he has them ejected from Ukraine, with a cannon...That would be THE worst possible outcome. Even worse than russia winning...If russia wins the war fighting, thats better than russia winning the war through being appeased by cowards.
It's such a FKN can of worms this war Putin launched,seems him starting it was the easy part but really all war in gen. it is much harder finding an endgame and picking up all the pieces and dealing w/the misery/scars left in the wake.And the children exported to Russia is overlooked and adsolutely sickening to contemplate that the Russians are brainwashing these poor kids,another crime. I just want this to come to a end w/out nukes being used or escalating into a larger conflict w/the Chinese now starting to measure things up. It's all new territory now that Putin has crossed the line and there are so many variables involved,I guarantee Putin will hang at least until the next Pres. election in the US and heaven help us if the WHouse changes hands. That said the task of resolving all this into a lasting peaceful solution will be of an exponentially higher degree of difficulty than arming Ukraine ever was.As for Crimea,isn't Russia landlocked if the Turks don 't give acess through the straits,isn't that why they have such a hard on for Sevastopol?
Good post. Not sure I agree with the part about Crimea but aside from that, just as Putin’s in too deep he can’t back down, I don’t see US and EU backing down either as long as there are Ukranians willing to fight against Russians in Ukraine. When I listen to politicians from all over Europe it’s clear they act on a decision they made: Russia can’t be allowed to win. Our otherwise robotic steady PM recently went out of character stressing to a reporter "but they won't stop at Ukraine" with a face that implied "don't you get it??". But at the same time, Russia can’t be attacked either and they are hoping a decisive win in Ukraine will somehow make Russia stop and go lick their wounds. Putin and his propaganda machine are already trying to convince the public the west is out to destroy Russia, that they face an existential threat.

The economic sanctions are not working. Sure they do damage but don’t change Putin’s mind. People in the west heavily underestimated how content Russians can be with being miserable. Despite the many deaths and wounded on Russia’s side, they can simply grow new Russians. People on this side of europe however, don't deal as well with inflation, cold and empty shelves. Shit's still getting more pricey by the week. Inflation in France and Spain continues to rise and will be worse this year than it was last year. This in combination with still ongoing disinformation means golden times for populists.

China cannot for the foreseeable future attack Taiwan without severely damaging their own economy AND lifestyle. Can’t conquer Taiwain and simply restart the chip factories. But what happens when you introduce western liberties and prosperous lifestyles… you lose control of the people, they‘ll want power, the‘ll want democracy. We in the west assume China is not willing to give up what we love most about the west. Just as the west pretended MacDonalds leaving Russia was a win for us.

90 seconds to midnight isn't a joke. Real chance almost everyone north of the equator will die soon, and most of the rest soon after. But then do you realize what happens when that starts to sink in.
The initial euphoria of seeing the plucky Ukranians ambush the ill fated Russian invasion (3days to Kyiv) has now faded into the reality of how do we put all the spring loaded snakes back in the box without armageddon and a satisfactory resolution that averts future hostilities will require a political Houdini. Do seized Russian assetts = a Ukranian rebuild or is Russia's GDP robust enough for reparations and if presented w/these options do the Russians use their launch codes? We've seen what hardline reparations have resulted in the past (WW1)??? Whoever is capable of fixing all this in a manner that is satisfactory to all involved and doesn't plant seeds for future conflict will deserve a decade worth if Nobel Peace awards.
It's such a FKN can of worms this war Putin launched,seems him starting it was the easy part but really all war in gen. it is much harder finding an endgame and picking up all the pieces and dealing w/the misery/scars left in the wake.And the children exported to Russia is overlooked and adsolutely sickening to contemplate that the Russians are brainwashing these poor kids,another crime. I just want this to come to a end w/out nukes being used or escalating into a larger conflict w/the Chinese now starting to measure things up. It's all new territory now that Putin has crossed the line and there are so many variables involved,I guarantee Putin will hang at least until the next Pres. election in the US and heaven help us if the WHouse changes hands. That said the task of resolving all this into a lasting peaceful solution will be of an exponentially higher degree of difficulty than arming Ukraine ever was.As for Crimea,isn't Russia landlocked if the Turks don 't give acess through the straits,isn't that why they have such a hard on for Sevastopol?
You see Erdogan standing up to putin? only if he's forced to through NATO commitments, and he drags his feet then.
And no, the russians are far from landlocked...they just wouldn't have a port on the sea of azov...they still have full access to the black sea and own the east coast all the way to just south of Sochi at the Georgian border. They own one side of the Kerch straits...no one was stopping them from going where ever they wanted to, to begin with.
They said 20Kg in the story and I was surprised by its diminutive size, I thought they could do better, it's not that hard to copy a design and order in the stuff to make them yourself in any warehouse, cheap too. However, the Chinese do make bigger ones for about $10K each in bulk. Usually, the shorter the distance to the target, the more bang they can carry since not as much fuel is required.
The distance was what I was unsure of.
You see Erdogan standing up to putin? only if he's forced to through NATO commitments, and he drags his feet then.
And no, the russians are far from landlocked...they just wouldn't have a port on the sea of azov...they still have full access to the black sea and own the east coast all the way to just south of Sochi at the Georgian border. They own one side of the Kerch straits...no one was stopping them from going where ever they wanted to, to begin with.
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Turkey works with Russia as they have sway over Syria.
i live in the palm of the red left hand...There are still A LOT of people who haven't even begun to accept that trump isn't the second coming...for fucks sake, there are TWO "trump" magat stores in Pigeon Forge, and they don't seem like they're about to go out of business any time soon.
No one seems to be scraping their "fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him" stickers off of their giant diesel pickups that compensate for their shrimp dicks.
Yeah, it will fall apart, but it will fall apart slowly, and quietly...
Am dumdfounded that his whole Staff/Cabinet were unconfirmed/acting status on Jan 6,some positions turned over 3 times UNPRECEDENTED,highly esteemed Gens Kelly,Matos,McMaster all expressed shock and how unprepared,ignorant,and lacking in character he was and Kelly and Matos stated they stayed as long as they could out of concern for their country,none of this is deterring to Trump acolytes maybe a new conspiracy theory is they are in a subliminary trance or have had chips installed,with this man's dossier and his 4 yrs. to witness who in their right mind can actually still support him.It is the most depressing,infuriating,and mind boggling life lesson of human nature I've seen.
You see Erdogan standing up to putin? only if he's forced to through NATO commitments, and he drags his feet then.
And no, the russians are far from landlocked...they just wouldn't have a port on the sea of azov...they still have full access to the black sea and own the east coast all the way to just south of Sochi at the Georgian border. They own one side of the Kerch straits...no one was stopping them from going where ever they wanted to, to begin with.
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Thanks, my geographical knowledge in this area is obviously not sound,does look a strategic bottleneck when exiting the Sea of Azov is a concern if the Russians lose Crimea,but they aren't technically landlocked.
Even if the magats block further funding to Ukraine and Joe loses the election to another republican Putin ass kisser, it will be too late for Russia. It's one of the reasons why I think they will be defeated and mostly driven out of Ukraine by this summer as we pour on the arms and support for the coming offensive. The EU is taking no chances and the Europeans have made up their minds about war and peace. If America were to pull the plug on Ukraine, by the time they do it the Russians will be defeated and weakened enough for Europe to finish the job of supporting Ukraine.

I haven’t looked into this, but Sevastopol is a good, large seaport, and I don’t think there are such on the Russian east coast.
Absolutely,I did think Russia was landlocked losing Crimea,technically not but yeah Sevastopol is the primo port facility for the Black Sea,and the new bridge built over the Kerch Strait was a big$$$$ commitment, that's why I can't envision Russia letting it go without getting crazy as in opening up the nuke briefcase,that's the gut feeling I get,wish it wasn't true.
Thanks, my geographical knowledge in this area is obviously not sound,does look a strategic bottleneck when exiting the Sea of Azov is a concern if the Russians lose Crimea,but they aren't technically landlocked.
they have nothing to be strategically concerned about, if they didn't start shit to be concerned about....