Gun control is coming

The police chiefs would rather the rest of the civilians not be armed at all. This is a prime reason I believe that gun restrictions applied to civilians should apply to all civilians, perhaps especially the ones with uniforms and pseudomilitary ranks.

California has some pretty strict gun laws. Law enforcement is exempt from many of them. I find that corrupt.

On the other thing, most is not good enough as long as the policy of loyalty ahead of integrity is effectively, though unofficially, enforced. As organizations, they are doing it wrong, and a bit of across-the-board consequence is past due.

Why there is not a Federal mandate to be cammed up every second they are on duty
suggests to me that the police unions are exercising too much power in this instance.

The police have some squandered public trust to earn back. I hope they are induced to take that fact seriously.
I certainly agree with the sentiment of almost everything you have stated, but would push back on the claim on the preference of police chiefs in the first sentence. How did you come to that conclusion?

From The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia:
"The IACP holds that the responsibility of carrying a concealed weapon should include a minimum of
familiarization and training with the weapon carried, basic instruction on the fundamentals of carrying
a concealed weapon, and understanding of when the use of a concealed weapon is legal and/or

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At its heart gun control is bad because it perpetuates a government monopoly on violence. In any society the stronger or more armed group will always oppress the more vulnerable class.

There also needs to be an in the moment legal defense for violence to be used against police violating the law. Ie if you were there watching police choke someone to death, you should be allowed to protect that person.
Gun regulation and even banning them works fine everywhere else and many places that do are considered much freer than America according to international ratings.
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So people should be allowed to arm themselves to protect themselves from corrupt abusive cops?

Floyd may still be alive if a real good guy with a gun was there.
For every real good guy with a gun, there are sixty deaths by gun in US. I take an epidemiological approach to the gun problem. This means disregarding unicorns. Like armed citizens challenging police, as you infer.
So people should be allowed to arm themselves to protect themselves from corrupt abusive cops?

Floyd may still be alive if a real good guy with a gun was there.
yeah, that's a rational, reasoned response...ARM EVERYONE, and put a target on the backs of cops...for fuck's sake, grow up.
you know why it's big news when a "good guy with a gun" shoots the right person? because it hardly ever fucking happens...much more often, they never get to draw, or if they do, they're just as likely to hit the wrong person, and it creates confusion when the cops do come, and will lead to the "good guy" becoming the "dead guy"...
How many people do you think have a grudge against cops? how many will go out and shoot a few, then claim they were doing something illegal?
We have police because people aren't to be trusted, so your solution is to give the people who can't be trusted more weapons?
Something needs to be done, but that isn't it. At all.
No I'm not. I served in the military. I know what military grade means.
Thanks for your service. Some Americans only appreciate your service if you agree with their positions.

We import from China for military equipment. How could we ever go to war with them

first of all, Wing Tactical?? You’re quoting salespeople? sigh.

second of all, not one word of this hypothetical Whole ‘Nother Receiver. They mention drop-in parts.

You’re amusing when you are simultaneously smug and wrong. You’re often amusing.
I just linked the first thing that explained what Military Grade Or Mil-Spec was for ya. I wasn't even gonna do that much research for ya, so be thankful. The fact is you're wrong but that's OK. A civilian AR 15 is not Military Grade plain and simple. The civilian version only has safe and semi automatic. The Military Version has one more setting, :joint:
I just linked the first thing that explained what Military Grade Or Mil-Spec was for ya. I wasn't even gonna do that much research for ya, so be thankful. The fact is you're wrong but that's OK. A civilian AR 15 is not Military Grade plain and simple. The civilian version only has safe and semi automatic. The Military Version has one more setting, :joint:
if you say I am wrong, it devolves upon you to back it up. You’ve made a number of rookie mistakes reasoning only today.

Here for example, you improperly equate grade with version. Some folks simply hate facts, I guess.

Still waiting for the unicorn receiver.

Thanks for your service. Some Americans only appreciate your service if you agree with their positions.

We import from China for military equipment. How could we ever go to war with them

We are both too incorporated into each other's state of affairs for there to be a war between us any time soon. Thank you for your support.
if you say I am wrong, it devolves upon you to back it up. You’ve made a number of rookie mistakes reasoning only today.

Here for example, you improperly equate grade with version. Some folks simply hate facts, I guess.

Still waiting for the unicorn receiver.

Grade and Version are interchangeable in certain terms. Military Version would naturally be Military Grade. This is pointless though, :wall:
Military Grade is often used in advertising because we have been taught that it means higher quality. However, if a product is actually Military Grade it means that it has been tested to the specs of what the military would expect. These tests are called the “MIL-Spec“,
Military Grade is often used in advertising because we have been taught that it means higher quality. However, if a product is actually Military Grade it means that it has been tested to the specs of what the military would expect. These tests are called the “MIL-Spec“,
And hence my apprehension of anything marketed as military grade. Lowest bidder wins as in the cheapest piece of shit that can pass muster.