The Junk Drawer

That's f'n ridiculous.

Why aren't those tRump appointed judges being booted out for lying about Roe v Wade when questioned at their appt hearings? These members are obviously corrupt as hell and should in no way be allowed to continue on this treasonous path.

Time to empty the swamp Joe!

if you read through it, scotus declined to take it up once, and Brunson appealed. They have to re-consider the case...not they're reconsidering their prior decision...i would be shocked and amazed if even the perjurous assholes on the court now would even imagine seriously considering his demands.
Here is something that might be useful for those who grow with COBs or for LED lighting in general. It could find other applications in heat pumps or anything that needs to exchange or get rid of heat.

Are farmers getting suddenly rich or are large corporations?

Egg farmers had an avian flu event. That meant wiping out the whole farm, decontaminating and standing in line for new hens.

Prices will need some time, but they’ve relaxed a lot. I had to pay $8 a dozen at MalWart a month ago; down to $6. Equilibrium should be at two something.
Egg farmers had an avian flu event. That meant wiping out the whole farm, decontaminating and standing in line for new hens.

Prices will need some time, but they’ve relaxed a lot. I had to pay $8 a dozen at MalWart a month ago; down to $6. Equilibrium should be at two something.
$4.99 CDN (3.72 US) here, (for the cheapest) last night for a dozen large, I don't think everybody was afflicted with bird flu equally.
$4.99 CDN (3.72 US) here, (for the cheapest) last night for a dozen large, I don't think everybody was afflicted with bird flu equally.

Last summer the wife wasn't letting our chickens out of the coop or their run for fear of avian flu. Usually we let them roam around the garden eating weeds and bugs. They really like pot leaves so had to put some snow fencing around my plants the year before but that's no longer a concern.

We got way more eggs than we can eat and I only eat maybe 2 a week. She's not replacing birds as they die off now to shrink the flock as they are a bit of work and don't really make us any money from egg sales. Almost 3000 garlic bulbs of a dozen or more varieties under the snow waiting for spring and those she makes decent money off of. Most are sold before they are out of the ground each spring.

They’re calling for 85mph gusts here next coupla days. I’m already missing fence panels from the big blow Tuesday a week ago. I’ve already indoored the trash bins. In the past and with less wind, they got drunk, went for a wander and slept it off half a block from home.

They’re calling for 85mph gusts here next coupla days. I’m already missing fence panels from the big blow Tuesday a week ago. I’ve already indoored the trash bins. In the past and with less wind, they got drunk, went for a wander and slept it off half a block from home.

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Geez! All we got is -30C for the rest of the week. No wind or snow in the forecast.

Good luck!

Geez! All we got is -30C for the rest of the week. No wind or snow in the forecast.

Good luck!

I live within sight of the largest wind energy field in North America. I’ve noticed that when the winds reach gale force (35+ mph) the turbines stop turning.
some Net surfing later, I’ve found that a typical turbine starts to make power at 6 to 9 mph wind speed and hits full rated power at 30mph. From here to 55mph, rated power is maintained by adjusting blade pitch. Past 55 mph, the turbine is stopped and locked down to weather the strain.

These turbines are tall beasts. I’m deducing that wind speed at their altitude is higher than down at the ground. I’ve seen’em go when there are no more than 5mph in the yard.
I live within sight of the largest wind energy field in North America. I’ve noticed that when the winds reach gale force (35+ mph) the turbines stop turning.
some Net surfing later, I’ve found that a typical turbine starts to make power at 6 to 9 mph wind speed and hits full rated power at 30mph. From here to 55mph, rated power is maintained by adjusting blade pitch. Past 55 mph, the turbine is stopped and locked down to weather the strain.

These turbines are tall beasts. I’m deducing that wind speed at their altitude is higher than down at the ground. I’ve seen’em go when there are no more than 5mph in the yard.

We don't have any up here but lots in southern Alberta. The last time I visited family near Cardston was in '95 I think and on the drive back near Pincher Creek there was a forest of wind turbines spinning in the wind in the foothills there on the east side of the Rockies. Great view without them but like the hemp farms screwing up my outdoor grows now it's progress and not everyone gets the clean end of the stick. :)

Mega Choc disapproves

Very long but worthy read:

One of the folders is called "Kenya." A "good example," says Jorge. Kenya elected a new president last summer. For years, the country had been known as one of the most stable democracies on the continent, but now there is talk of election fraud, high-ranking government officials have been hacked and alleged whistleblowers are spreading blatant lies. Many in the country no longer know what is true and what is false.

In other words, the era of disinformation wars is only just getting started.

I remember when I was so naive to think Trump would be such a good example of why truth matters people would knock it off with the alternative facts and irrelevant bs. Too many sheople online willing to aid the enemy.