The Junk Drawer

It’s worse than that. They’re being scapegoated for a campaign plank.

well, fuck, even the builders are only partially at fault then, at least half the blame goes squarely to erdogan...who was, is, and always will be a fucking dirty bastard.
And the world is supposed to trust him to build something analogous to the Panama canal in Turkey? Any kind of canal his cheap ass builds will fall the fuck apart the first time it rains hard.
Many of the Turkish organizations shut down on Tuesday were charities or professional bodies, such as a nationwide group called Our Agenda Is Kids, based in the capital, Ankara; the Endoscopy and Laparoscopy Training Association; and the Pancreatic Islet Cell Research Association. Some of the organizations had connections to leftist groups or to followers of Mr. Gulen, but others seemed to have no political links at all.

It will make prosecuting anybody impossible, contractors or inspectors.
No, they can prosecute anyone they want. They do not have an independent law system that we have.

15,000 More Public Workers Are Fired in Turkey Crackdown
The Turkish government on Tuesday expanded its crackdown on political opponents, dismissing an additional 15,000 civil servants from their jobs and shutting down 375 organizations, including nine more news outlets.

More than 100,000 public workers, including police officers, teachers, soldiers and others, had already been fired for what the authorities said were connections to a failed coup on July 15 or to terrorists.

The new wave of dismissals came on a morning when the European Parliament was scheduled to debate freezing accession talks for Turkey to join the European Union. It was one of several recent indicators that the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was abandoning hope of success in that process, which has dragged on for 11 years.

Mr. Erdogan has been defiant, saying it was time that the European Union made up its mind on Turkey’s membership, and threatening to hold a nationwide referendum on whether to continue the talks.

A recent European Commission report expressed concern that Turkey’s worsening record on human rights and press freedom was making accession increasingly difficult. The Turkish president has advocated bringing back the death penalty, which is banned in European Union countries as a condition of membership, and he has ordered a thorough crackdown on the country’s news media, with 129 outlets now closed.

Human rights advocates have also been alarmed by a measure, favored by Mr. Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, to declare an amnesty for an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 men convicted of child abuse and rape, provided they have married their victims. The measure, which applies to what it calls “consensual” cases of child marriage, was scheduled to be debated on Tuesday in the Turkish Parliament, but it was instead returned to committee, forestalling an immediate vote. The legislation has infuriated women’s groups in Turkey and has drawn criticism from United Nations agencies.

On Monday, a delegation of socialist members of the European Parliament was rebuffed in its attempt to visit Selahattin Demirtas, the jailed leader of Turkey’s leading pro-Kurdish opposition party, the Peoples’ Democratic Party, at the prison where he has been held in Edirne, in the country’s northwest.

A government decree on Tuesday said that 375 groups from various cities had been ordered shut down for what it said were links with terrorists, along with nine news outlets. All the financial assets and property of those organizations were to be seized by the Treasury.

The decree said that more than 15,000 public employees were to be dismissed, including 338 soldiers, 404 military police officers and more than 7,500 police officers. All of their passports were canceled, it added. The decree stated that all of them were “related, belonging to or in contact with terror organizations and structures that are considered by the National Security Council as acting against national security.”
Many of the Turkish organizations shut down on Tuesday were charities or professional bodies, such as a nationwide group called Our Agenda Is Kids, based in the capital, Ankara; the Endoscopy and Laparoscopy Training Association; and the Pancreatic Islet Cell Research Association. Some of the organizations had connections to leftist groups or to followers of Mr. Gulen, but others seemed to have no political links at all.

No, they can prosecute anyone they want. They do not have an independent law system that we have.

15,000 More Public Workers Are Fired in Turkey Crackdown
The Turkish government on Tuesday expanded its crackdown on political opponents, dismissing an additional 15,000 civil servants from their jobs and shutting down 375 organizations, including nine more news outlets.

More than 100,000 public workers, including police officers, teachers, soldiers and others, had already been fired for what the authorities said were connections to a failed coup on July 15 or to terrorists.

The new wave of dismissals came on a morning when the European Parliament was scheduled to debate freezing accession talks for Turkey to join the European Union. It was one of several recent indicators that the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was abandoning hope of success in that process, which has dragged on for 11 years.

Mr. Erdogan has been defiant, saying it was time that the European Union made up its mind on Turkey’s membership, and threatening to hold a nationwide referendum on whether to continue the talks.

A recent European Commission report expressed concern that Turkey’s worsening record on human rights and press freedom was making accession increasingly difficult. The Turkish president has advocated bringing back the death penalty, which is banned in European Union countries as a condition of membership, and he has ordered a thorough crackdown on the country’s news media, with 129 outlets now closed.

Human rights advocates have also been alarmed by a measure, favored by Mr. Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, to declare an amnesty for an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 men convicted of child abuse and rape, provided they have married their victims. The measure, which applies to what it calls “consensual” cases of child marriage, was scheduled to be debated on Tuesday in the Turkish Parliament, but it was instead returned to committee, forestalling an immediate vote. The legislation has infuriated women’s groups in Turkey and has drawn criticism from United Nations agencies.

On Monday, a delegation of socialist members of the European Parliament was rebuffed in its attempt to visit Selahattin Demirtas, the jailed leader of Turkey’s leading pro-Kurdish opposition party, the Peoples’ Democratic Party, at the prison where he has been held in Edirne, in the country’s northwest.

A government decree on Tuesday said that 375 groups from various cities had been ordered shut down for what it said were links with terrorists, along with nine news outlets. All the financial assets and property of those organizations were to be seized by the Treasury.

The decree said that more than 15,000 public employees were to be dismissed, including 338 soldiers, 404 military police officers and more than 7,500 police officers. All of their passports were canceled, it added. The decree stated that all of them were “related, belonging to or in contact with terror organizations and structures that are considered by the National Security Council as acting against national security.”
Then they will have trouble with the EU and other international legal bodies, this fiasco can be blamed squarely on Erdogan. Isn't there an election this year?
Everyone I know knows someone who has family in the area or close enough to feel involved. My direct neighbor, my barber, my car mechanic, a quarter of my wife’s co-workers, favorite grocery stores, all Turkish, largest (and imo best integrated) ethnic group in NL aside from people from EU. Erdogan is nowhere as popular as he is among the Turks in NL, 64% support him. Even when born here and far more modern/westernized, most would never strongely criticize Erdogan openly. That’s like being a christian in a christian community and go “god isn’t real”.

In Turkey they have the typical rural/urban divide, and as usual on this side of the planet, the more you go east, away from Istanbul the worse (more conservative, more religious, dumber and dumber) it gets, except for the very south east. As much as people across the world want this earthquake to be the end of Erdogan’s rule, it’s probably not much more than wishful thinking. The earthquake was in ergdogan land (like most of the country) but for many of them to switch parties is like switching from Trump to Biden, like cunt farmers voting for city party candidates, like orthodox islam / sunni voting for gay rights. Not saying it’s impossible, but it was always going to be close and still will be. I think at best it’s going to be so close there will be more protests next time he steals the election.

In 2017, through a referendum, Erdogan consolidated more power, changed the constitution so the president rather than the prime minister (which he was 2002-2014) has the power, and he can in theory stay in power till 2034. This obviously wasn’t done to help a successor, and is just one example of changes that are solely meant to keep him in power and others out.

Erdogan is ultimately responsible but when you’re on these fault lines and vote Erdogan… help keep someone in power who will make the lives of many millions more and more miserable… He’s a raging incompetent populistic idiot and we’re all lucky he lacks the brains and money to do worse. Like attack the Greece islands. It’s horrible and saddening, for their children. That’s about all the sympathy I can produce.



Instanbul north west, red areas (image below) are popular holiday destinations for europeans, been there. Social democrats, mostly sane people, relatively liberal. Purple area is kurdish speaking area. Good people in a shitty situation.

Earthquake center south. Now look at 2014:

Even though he might lose the majority in the areas he gained, he still won in 2014.
This is in your area of expertise I believe @Fogdog , what do you make of this article? He is right about the challenges but wants to make sure Taiwan is still vital to global interests which gives it a lot of security. Do you think America is up to making the latest generation of chips and of sustaining that led in a business environment where quarterly profits have priority? This stuff requires sustained long-term investment to stay current and competitive.

A tenant in my building went in for a routine colonoscopy; perforated the bowl which dumped out into his abdomen, he went septic and all the antibiotic in the world couldn't help him..on a ventilator. Coming down the elevator his pic there on the wall for the Memorial. I talked to him two days before he went in and that didn't have to happen.

Some of the doctors in NoCo are edit: Fucking scary.

Edit: Spoke to Neuro #1, she recommends Denver's Anschutz for surgeons; I'm taking her up on that.
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More examples:

It’s hilarious. Humans creating an artificial intelligence based on huge datasets about themselves and then being surprised she acts like a bitch.
More examples:

It’s hilarious. Humans creating an artificial intelligence based on huge datasets about themselves and then being surprised she acts like a bitch.
there is more than one Ph. D. thesis in psychology right there.
An incredible northern lights show is forecast for all of Nova Scotia Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday morning. With mostly clear skies also being forecast across the province, this could be one of the best northern lights shows Nova Scotia has ever seen. This northern lights show will likely be seen from as far south as North Carolina, weather permitting. Spread the word to as many people as possible. You will not want to miss this lights show