Spy Balloon!

Dominionists wish to write their proprietary distortion of the divine into the Constitution. They seek sharia.
they keep talking about civil war...want to see civil war? try to get this country to live under religious rule...the republican base and especially the magats would revolt the first time they found the liquor store locked down, the first time they got drug out of their hovels on sunday and forced to go to church instead of watching the game on tv, the first time a few of them got stoned to death in public for cheating on their spouses...
they keep talking about civil war...want to see civil war? try to get this country to live under religious rule...the republican base and especially the magats would revolt the first time they found the liquor store locked down, the first time they got drug out of their hovels on sunday and forced to go to church instead of watching the game on tv, the first time a few of them got stoned to death in public for cheating on their spouses...
If a few of them got stoned on the regular, they might be a bit more mellow.
We used to get these awesome processed breaded bacon burger patties.. Probably outlawed these days
Their was no burger. It resembled a classic chicken from bk. My mouth is watering a bit just thinkin about it
Every once in a while I get a hard jones for some Institutional Gravy. These cats got my back.

With “from scratch” mashies and a thumpin IPA, it’s soul food.

Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recover a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, S.C., Feb. 5, 2023. U.S. fighter aircraft under U.S. Northern Command authority engaged and brought down the balloon within sovereign U.S. airspace and over U.S. territorial waters on Feb. 4. Active-duty, Reserve, National Guard and civilian personnel planned and executed the operation, and partners from the Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Administration and FBI ensured public safety throughout the operation and recovery efforts.​
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View attachment 5257554
Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recover a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, S.C., Feb. 5, 2023. U.S. fighter aircraft under U.S. Northern Command authority engaged and brought down the balloon within sovereign U.S. airspace and over U.S. territorial waters on Feb. 4. Active-duty, Reserve, National Guard and civilian personnel planned and executed the operation, and partners from the Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Administration and FBI ensured public safety throughout the operation and recovery efforts.​
kind of anticlimactic....i expected it to be much, much larger.
About the concern that a male US conservative (@Hotrod2 ) voiced that religious anti-choice people in Canada are forced to pay for abortions, unto calling it a freedom that he says is suppressed. (don't ask, I don't understand either). I figured I'd check to see how Canadians poll on abortion rights.

It's not a right enshrined in law. Abortion has been legal in Canada since 1988, when the Supreme Court decided in R. v. Morgentaler that a law that criminalized abortion was unconstitutional. After the ruling, one measure with a comparatively minor restriction didn't make it into law. No government has since attempted to legislate on the issue.

So, what did Canadians answer in a recent poll on the matter:

a new (2022) Ipsos poll in Canada shows that Canadians are becoming even firmer in their belief that women have the right to access abortion services at their own choosing.
A majority of Canadians (56%) now believe that abortion should be permitted whenever a woman decides she wants one, up 13 points from Ipsos polling conducted in 2010. Conversely, just 11% now believe that abortion should not be permitted under any circumstances except when the life of the mother is in danger, down 10 points. Resting somewhere in the middle, one in three (33%) believe that abortion should be permitted in certain circumstances, up 2 points since 2010.

So, only 11% of Canadians actively want an abortion ban.

Given such strong support for abortion rights, does Canada want to protect that right?

Ah, no. despite more than 80% of Canadians think the choice should be right. most Canadians don't want to talk about it. (insert trope about Canadians avoiding confrontation here)

Just one in four (25%) Canadians want to reopen the issue of abortion for debate in Canada (down 9 points from 2010 when there was speculation that the Conservative government might do so), while most (61%) Canadians say we should just leave things the way they are (up 15 points). The remaining 14% of Canadian say they don’t care one way or the other (down 3 points).

There is an issue with access in some areas but in general if a woman feels they should get an abortion, its there for them.

So, yet again, we see a US male conservative (@hotrod) crying about a suppressed right when in fact he is the one who wants to suppress people's rights. (don't ask, I don't understand either).
Many of those same Christians and Muslims and Jews also believe that abortion is killing a human being but in Canada they are required to participate in doing just that so religious freedom seems to be a big issue for me and many others. If you insist they should keep it private it seems that freedom of speech is not something that's very welcomed in Canada either

Many of those same Christians and Muslims and Jews also believe that abortion is killing a human being but in Canada they are required to participate in doing just that so religious freedom seems to be a big issue for me and many others. If you insist they should keep it private it seems that freedom of speech is not something that's very welcomed in Canada either

Ummmm. What are us Canucks participating in, exactly?
Religion will become like smoking, once the number of adult smokers fell below a certain threshold their "rights" became increasingly restricted. Every year the power of secular society grows and the number of believers in religion diminishes, in western countries. American is a bit of an outlier, but modernity and social change comes with technology and in particular communications technology and education. Other forms of dangerous bullshit have arisen to replace religion, qanon and conspiracy theories being among them.

We are in a process of social change driven by technological change, once religion, politics and and society were all one, as in a tribe with a unified belief, even the Romain emperors were deified. In Christianity secular civil society arose independent from the church, the political power of the prince was separate from the religious power which lay with the church. In Islam they were all combined, the Sultan was descended of the prophet, state and religion were one. The American idea of a complete secularization of government, freedom of conscience and religious tolerance was somewhat novel. Most European countries had state churches that were supported by taxes, even in England, though religious toleration along side religious discrimination was practiced there too.
Dominionists wish to write their proprietary distortion of the divine into the Constitution. They seek sharia.
Pope, 2024! Yay? Okay, then, Imam, 2024! Yay? no, then? How about Rabbi, 2024! Yay?
hmmm, no, still, boy you ppl are hard to please. Grand Wizard, 2024! Yay? Umm, head
Shaman, 2024! Still no yay, eh? Well, some say "Yay", but what about the rest of 'em?
Whatever do we do? Gosh such a difficulty. Umm, secular government, no monarchy, no
theocracy? That's a stupid idea, there. How will we morally represent the people if it's not
one of the many religious leaders elected/chosen to rule. Too bad the Founders never thot of that, huh?
About the concern that a male US conservative (@Hotrod2 ) voiced that religious anti-choice people in Canada are forced to pay for abortions, unto calling it a freedom that he says is suppressed. (don't ask, I don't understand either). I figured I'd check to see how Canadians poll on abortion rights.

It's not a right enshrined in law. Abortion has been legal in Canada since 1988, when the Supreme Court decided in R. v. Morgentaler that a law that criminalized abortion was unconstitutional. After the ruling, one measure with a comparatively minor restriction didn't make it into law. No government has since attempted to legislate on the issue.

So, what did Canadians answer in a recent poll on the matter:

a new (2022) Ipsos poll in Canada shows that Canadians are becoming even firmer in their belief that women have the right to access abortion services at their own choosing.
A majority of Canadians (56%) now believe that abortion should be permitted whenever a woman decides she wants one, up 13 points from Ipsos polling conducted in 2010. Conversely, just 11% now believe that abortion should not be permitted under any circumstances except when the life of the mother is in danger, down 10 points. Resting somewhere in the middle, one in three (33%) believe that abortion should be permitted in certain circumstances, up 2 points since 2010.

So, only 11% of Canadians actively want an abortion ban.

Given such strong support for abortion rights, does Canada want to protect that right?

Ah, no. despite more than 80% of Canadians think the choice should be right. most Canadians don't want to talk about it. (insert trope about Canadians avoiding confrontation here)

Just one in four (25%) Canadians want to reopen the issue of abortion for debate in Canada (down 9 points from 2010 when there was speculation that the Conservative government might do so), while most (61%) Canadians say we should just leave things the way they are (up 15 points). The remaining 14% of Canadian say they don’t care one way or the other (down 3 points).

There is an issue with access in some areas but in general if a woman feels they should get an abortion, its there for them.

So, yet again, we see a US male conservative (@hotrod) crying about a suppressed right when in fact he is the one who wants to suppress people's rights. (don't ask, I don't understand either).
It is similar to the "Don't Say Gay" thing. Getting into a fight will just be a waste of time so why bring it up.

Speaking of, I wonder how the Euthanasia law updating is going on in Canada? Well this question is timely.

Liberals table bill delaying assisted dying expansion to March 2024
Canadians whose sole condition is a mental disorder will not be eligible for a medically assisted death for another year under legislation introduced in the House of Commons Thursday.

Justice Minister David Lametti introduced the bill seeking to delay extending the eligibility until March 17, 2024. "We need to be prudent. We need to move step by step, making sure that people within the profession, Canadian society at large, has internalized this step," Lametti told reporters.

"To be honest, we could have gone forward with the original date, but we want to be sure. We want to be safe. We want everybody to be on the same page."

The Liberal government agreed to expand eligibility in its 2021 update to assisted dying law after senators amended the bill. The senators argued that excluding people with mental illness would violate their rights.

That law put a two-year deadline on the expansion that is set to expire on March 17. The Liberals now have six weeks to pass the new legislation.

Federal officials said that the delay will allow more time for the government to develop practice standards for assessing the more-complex assisted dying requests. The explanation was given during a technical briefing to media, provided on the agreement the officials would not be named.
Those standards will have to be adapted by provincial and territorial regulators and clinicians, a process that is currently expected to take place in March.
Many of those same Christians and Muslims and Jews also believe that abortion is killing a human being but in Canada they are required to participate in doing just that so religious freedom seems to be a big issue for me and many others. If you insist they should keep it private it seems that freedom of speech is not something that's very welcomed in Canada either
If we take a quick look at what Muslims and Jews believe regarding abortion:

"But the key reason they said the procedure is allowed at all is that verses in the Quran – the Islamic holy book – indicate that a fetus is not a “life” until the soul is breathed into it; that does not happen at conception, but at some later time."

"In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” "

While Canada has a different system, freedom of expression is protected in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, along with other things. It is very similar to your freedom of speech. The Canadian government is not going to arrest someone for discussing their religious beliefs, as that would go against the Charter.
Pope, 2024! Yay? Okay, then, Imam, 2024! Yay? no, then? How about Rabbi, 2024! Yay?
hmmm, no, still, boy you ppl are hard to please. Grand Wizard, 2024! Yay? Umm, head
Shaman, 2024! Still no yay, eh? Well, some say "Yay", but what about the rest of 'em?
Whatever do we do? Gosh such a difficulty. Umm, secular government, no monarchy, no
theocracy? That's a stupid idea, there. How will we morally represent the people if it's not
one of the many religious leaders elected/chosen to rule. Too bad the Founders never thot of that, huh?
You highlight the fact that so many try to hide in the litterbox:
morality is not religion.