Spy Balloon!

everything after "it's not ours."

Perhaps Xi needs to take to heart the teachings of Buddha. If US comes anywhere near China, air or sea, they send out a warning or two then it's considered an Act of War. They're pretty firm on this. I don't know if this is a mind fuck or what. But I do know this will be leveraged against Biden and not in a good way in the upcoming election and wondering if Xi is as good a friend to Biden we think. Russia wants us to stop sending shit to Ukraine; it's making Putin crazy and stupid.
We called that butt chugging, good way to die I guess, can't say I ever saw anyone actually perform the act. Boofing was putting E (or i guess any drugs really)up your butt "back in my day."

In my day they called it an enema. Most people weren't in to it yet because it had to do with your butt which was off limits still..gay people were frowned upon..Queen rocked the charts..okay which Generation came up with boof? The Zuckerberg kids?

Freddie is still making news.

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Can you guys please start a old farts butt chugging thread and stop derailing this one please.
Yes, back to the topic of the thread. There’s a giant mother fucking Chinese ballon above us!

Fly a drone over a military base or Super Bowl game - cops come and you are locked up.
Chinese flies a balloon with surveillance gear over every fucking body and nothing done …..WTF ?

Biden “ wanted “ to shoot the fucker down - pentagon didn’t. It was over big sky Montana FFS - worse could have hit a cow if downed ?

Navy has laser tech , blast it. Say a fucking seagull flew into it and retrieve the suspect gear.

It makes me angry that our military is allowing this to happen.
In WWII , California Coast was armed against any Japanese shit flying over , we even shot at some unknown shit over Los Angeles back in 1942.
We would sweep skies with both radar and high power searchlights - then open fire. How is this not any different ? ?

Maybe next time , the CCP will drop viral containers of the latest omnicron from high altitude.

Destroy it.
The balloon also traveled over Alaska which would have been a good place to shoot it down or how about in the ocean before it ever got to the landmass?