The Junk Drawer

It’s a complicated process that requires a steady hand and nerves of steel.

I don’t have these skills but was able to determine they were wild turkeys by the title of the article, “Wild turkey terrorizing neighbors in Coon Rapids”

They're trailer park people, how would they know? They don't even have a gun to scare him off. I agree someone is feeding him which is why he's hanging around. He got separated from his flock and should be taken to the local zoo or .org animal hospital for wild animals. Fort Lauderdale has one. Coon Rapids' next big city would have one. They'll take care of him and re-release when he's ready.
They're trailer park people, how would they know? They don't even have a gun to scare him off. I agree someone is feeding him which is why he's hanging around. He got separated from his flock and should be taken to the local zoo or .org animal hospital for wild animals. Fort Lauderdale has one. Coon Rapids' next big city would have one. They'll take care of him and re-release when he's ready.
re-release where? they have a problem here with black bears. tourist refuse to quit feeding them, the bears lose their fear of people, cause issues, and have to be trapped. but the problem here is that most of the bears end up having to be euthanized, because there is no place they can release them that they cannot walk out of to a population center within a couple of days, and that is exactly what they do, which then requires that they be euthanized...
think that turkeys or peacocks are any different? they learn a behavior that gets them food, they WON'T stop that behavior. someone thought they were being nice and fed them, and now they're pests that will end up getting shot.
making yourself feel like you're doing something good makes them die...
Look trip to Little Havana and you'd know:wink:

It's a Cuban thing and they have their statues as well.

I knew what you meant. I just couldn’t let that low hanger go. ;)
Looks like some companies are taking advantage of recent science, there are several companies popping up at more or less the same time. Once they find a market, their products will improve over time as an industry develops and costs lower. The meats in prepared foods and frozen meals will probably be first to adopt it. Mixing it with other meat alternatives can lower costs and improve the taste for some products. A bio-printed steak might take awhile, but meat is used in many prepared and processed foods. Considering the contents of a hotdog or bologna, a synthetic alternative might be desirable!

I like Mehdi, he's a smart guy, but humorless and seems to have no sense of one either. While I don't oppose "political correctness", it can get a bit annoying and narrow minded as the is right at times. Humor changes over time and I wonder what he would have said about Richard Prior's stand up act? Humor is a cultural and even a generational thing these days with the pace of social change, so sometimes old farts like Maher might get a bit out of bounds according to some. Bill has been a liberal and supporter of liberal causes for a long time and a bit more tolerance from people who call themselves liberals would be in order, liberal means free after all, free to be who you are and free to tell other people when they are outside the bounds, while at the same time shrinking the boundaries
