What did you accomplish today?

Im hoping it was a gallstone..
Its seems to have let up alitte on the right side.. the center of my belly where it was the most painful is gone.
I would look into some low or no cost medical insurance. There are plenty of programs available for everyone depending on their income and financial situation. A stay in the hospital could rack up insurmountable debts. Better to be covered than bankrupt.
If the same thing happened to you 100 years ago, you'd have to bite down on a stick while they try to fix you...
I'd rather just be broke.. (my medical aid costs 50% of my monthly income, but it sure save my life in sept when I had to have a $1200 injection to get my heart attack to stop. I had like 4 rounds that evening where my heart rate just when crazy high and I would sweat like a pig and feel really kak.
Just go to the hospital and say you are homeless or something.. If people can pad their status up with lies and its considered daily life, we can do the opposite too.
If the same thing happened to you 100 years ago, you'd have to bite down on a stick while they try to fix you...
I'd rather just be broke.. (my medical aid costs 50% of my monthly income, but it sure save my life in sept when I had to have a $1200 injection to get my heart attack to stop. I had like 4 rounds that evening where my heart rate just when crazy high and I would sweat like a pig and feel really kak.
Just go to the hospital and say you are homeless or something.. If people can pad their status up with lies and its considered daily life, we can do the opposite too.
All medical debt can be bankrupted here and that is exactly what I'd do.
After reading what passing a gallstone feels like off of google .. it seemed to be spot on to what i went through.. so im going with that.. lol. :eyesmoke: :dunce:
I had a gallstone get hung up in my biliary tract.. Turned into a liver, gallbladder, pancreas infection.. Took my wife 3 days to convince me to go get checked out..
After 3 surgeries, massive antibiotics and 8 days in the hospital, I made it..
Go get yourself checked out, nothing to be messed with..
After reading what passing a gallstone feels like off of google .. it seemed to be spot on to what i went through.. so im going with that.. lol. :eyesmoke: :dunce:

I hope the pain has passed and you're good.
Just another experience to compare… My wife had a weird medical episode a few years back. She had intense pain in the side of her chest. Described as a knife stabbing her in one spot. After a couple days in the hospital and numerous tests I think she was diagnosed by exclusion with having a flare up of shingles sans rash. Called ZSH. A few years before that she was diagnosed by exclusion with Bell's Palsy at like 30 weeks pregnant. Whole side of her face was paralyzed for a few weeks. Scary scary. Not sure if you've ever had chickenpox or anything but them herpes be some weird viruses.
I hope the pain has passed and you're good.
Just another experience to compare… My wife had a weird medical episode a few years back. She had intense pain in the side of her chest. Described as a knife stabbing her in one spot. After a couple days in the hospital and numerous tests I think she was diagnosed by exclusion with having a flare up of shingles sans rash. Called ZSH. A few years before that she was diagnosed by exclusion with Bell's Palsy at like 30 weeks pregnant. Whole side of her face was paralyzed for a few weeks. Scary scary. Not sure if you've ever had chickenpox or anything but them herpes be some weird viruses.
Im pertty good now.. still alittle sore on the right side. Im thinking that spot might be sore muscle from puking so hard ..
Sorry to hear what yall been through. Good to hear she all good..
I caught a really bad case of pocs when i was 13... there wasnt a spot on me that wasnt a poc.. it sucked..
Im pertty good now.. still alittle sore on the right side. Im thinking that spot might be sore muscle from puking so hard ..
Sorry to hear what yall been through. Good to hear she all good..
I caught a really bad case of pocs when i was 13... there wasnt a spot on me that wasnt a poc.. it sucked..

Puking can do that. The diaphragm is strong lol.

Yeah thanks. The ZSH thing was stupid cuz of the no rash thing. Had there been a rash it probably would've just been "here take these pills". But instead it was "here let's crush your super high deductible."

The Bell's Palsy was scary. 30 weeks pregnant. I thought she was stroking out. Just a normal Sunday at dinner… "Oh shit, what's wrong with your face?" And then the hospital couldn't get ahold of her obi/gyn practice for some reason, so they didn't know what to do. We waited like 5 hours and no one ever called them back. They called one in the hospital and she was all like I don't know what to tell you. It's been 5 hours, they're not calling us back for some weird reason. Here take these. It was a shitshow. Probably a malpractice suit in there somewhere.

Yeah I had the pox young. I didn't even realize they had a vaccine for it now until our kid was born in 2012. And it came out in 1995 lol.