What did you accomplish today?

Well just take the best care of yourself that you can
I am bro.. thanks..
At first i thought food poisoning but i hadnt aten anything.. then i thought it was my appendix.. so i googled the symptums and it was all most saying exactly what i was going through.. except at the time my pain was in my upper belly going down to my belly button.. from what i read the pain from the appendix is more to the right... at the time my pain wasnt.. but now its all tender on the right side.. its got me alittle nervus
I am bro.. thanks..
At first i thought food poisoning but i hadnt aten anything.. then i thought it was my appendix.. so i googled the symptums and it was all most saying exactly what i was going through.. except at the time my pain was in my upper belly going down to my belly button.. from what i read the pain from the appendix is more to the right... at the time my pain wasnt.. but now its all tender on the right side.. its got me alittle nervus
Sounds like you had gas, :bigjoint:. Cut out the vegan food,:lol:
I am bro.. thanks..
At first i thought food poisoning but i hadnt aten anything.. then i thought it was my appendix.. so i googled the symptums and it was all most saying exactly what i was going through.. except at the time my pain was in my upper belly going down to my belly button.. from what i read the pain from the appendix is more to the right... at the time my pain wasnt.. but now its all tender on the right side.. its got me alittle nervus
When my appendix went the best way I could explain it it was like a bottle rocket going off in my stomach and the pain would burst in my belly button and radiate out for my belly button like a starburst or something it was crazy
I had gastro problems for a while. I think I had an ulcer and appendix pain, something was living down there....
Ever since I ate a gallon of insanely hot chile for a week, never had a recurrence again. :shock:

Got a new lunch box, got tired of plastic bags and oranges rolling around the car.

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Put a new screen protector on my phone. It's been here for a while but I left it for the new year...
Wow, they certainly are not all of the same quality, this one is super clear, brand Digitronics.
I must say, My strategy to have the protective case and screen protector ready the day I took the phone out of the box was sound.
It is literally as new, not a single scratch or nick after like 2 years.

oh and its been over 100 degrees for the last two days... rain is predicted for tomorrow and 100.4F
Thought i was about to die this morning.. woke up in insane pain in my belly.. it was so intense that it made me puke followed by a toilet run.. all day i was in so much pain..
Its subsided abit but along the right side of my belly is tender.. i was thinking it was appendisides*
This is how a dissecting aortic aneurysm feels, and presents prior to bursting. It could also be a gallstone, kidney stone, terrible gas etc....... but if it's the worst and it bursts you can die before reaching the OR.

@Sir Napsalot had one and survived but most don't unless you go in. I wish you well but I would go to a hospital ER. Hopefully one large enough to have vascular surgery on call in case. If they have them they'll have general or urologists who can take care of the other stuff.

Best of luck.
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This is how a dissecting aortic aneurysm feels, and presents prior to bursting. It could also be a gallstone, kidney stone, terrible gas etc....... but if it's the worst and it bursts you can die before reaching the OR.

@Sir Napsalot had one and survived but most don't unless you go in. I wish you well but I would go to a hospital ER. Hopefully one large enough to have vasular surgery on call in case. If they have them they'll have general or urologists who can take care of the other stuff.

Best of luck.
Im hoping it was a gallstone..
Its seems to have let up alitte on the right side.. the center of my belly where it was the most painful is gone.