A waste of energy or making energy?


Well-Known Member
How do we know if our Autoflower fan leaf or leaves is directing fuel and energy that could be used by the productive sites of our plant, or is that fan leaf pulling and consuming the fuel and energy itself.? Therefore being a waste. I know this is not the best way to ask this question but I'm sure y'all get the drift. I know each situation will be a little different what do you think about this situation? I trimmed some leaves already. Should I take a few more of the other side of this plant? This plan is a wedding glue Auto grounded November 24th.16724270923722625962788988999327.jpg16724271371593162593873981975504.jpg
Very easy to test. Pull off all your fan leaves. Does growth explode or stop? Question answered.

Edit: There are situations such as lollipoping and defoliation when a few fan leaves are blocking light to bud sites or air flow where it is beneficial to take them off or preferably tuck them so they aren’t in the way. It’s not beneficial because you removed the leaf, you just stressed the plant and lost energy, but it will enable the bud site to receive more light, so it’s a balancing act. When I lollipop I remove unwanted bud sites but leave the fan leaves there until they yellow, some times they are still there at harvest.
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Thank you very much. This is some of the best information if not the best on plants I have ever read. I will definitely be saving this. After I study it.
I know it was over the top, just demonstrating that each leaf is playing a role of proving energy not consuming it. IMO only remove leaves that are in the way.
I know, LOL. LOL.. that is usually what I do. And that's why I asked a lot of the question a bunch of different ways. Because I am not so comfortable cutting off any either. And I do notice a little bit of stagnancy when I do defoliate. But then I do notice a spurting growth of the parts that I have got the light to when it turns back on. Thank you for the reply and a great information.
[Q16724287435583411484638988802571.jpg16724287435583411484638988802571.jpg="Boatguy, post: 17210477, member: 889855"]
On a plant that size no leaves are blocking anything.
Okay, as I think that through I understand what you're saying in that context. This picture shows what I am looking at that is not getting light to it. That is why I had the notion to get light to these parts.
For me personally, i consider pulling leaves as part of controlling my overall environment. If i let my plants get too big & leafy, humidity can get harder to control.

I also use defoliation as a means of controlling plant growth in veg, sometimes my veg plants will get bigger than i want before finishing other flowering plants, doing some defol does slow their growth a little bit.
Some autos can take a defoliation- some can’t .
Leaf can be tucked , structure ” shaped “ by LST or other methods.
IMO - leave it alone and just grow it out.
People don't get it, but crazy man nails really make me cringe. Can't explain it.
Please don't report my post. I would never be able to explain away that I work on cars and landscape for a living. Maddie I'll take a picture for you after I get off of work and they're NOT CLEAN. LOL!

Plus , clean those nails - I’m about to hurl :spew:
This plant is a Bruce Banner 20210724_124428.jpg
For me personally, i consider pulling leaves as part of controlling my overall environment. If i let my plants get too big & leafy, humidity can get harder to control.

I also use defoliation as a means of controlling plant growth in veg, sometimes my veg plants will get bigger than i want before finishing other flowering plants, doing some defol does slow their growth a little bit.
This is the max I will ever defoliate and I do it as needed. And I am pretty sure I did not hurt this plant, and that I helped this plant by doing so. And you can say I'm wrong and it won't hurt my feelings but I am pretty darn sure that you cannot grow buds on Lower stems like the bottom 18 inches or so of this plant if I did not remove the leaves on the upper part of this plant. Oh and it only looks f***** up like there is stems missing all over the place because there are. I had a person that helped himself to whatever, Whenever or Bud that he wanted. He was and is the worst person I've ever met my stepson's best friend and he lived here I could not get rid of him.! Or he would talk. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT! If that would have happened or? I would just tell the popo to check and see what is magnetized under his driver's door.
Any other discussion aside, that plant is way overfed. Dark and shiny leaves is classic nitrogen toxicity.
This plant is a Bruce Banner View attachment 5243370

This is the max I will ever defoliate and I do it as needed. And I am pretty sure I did not hurt this plant, and that I helped this plant by doing so. And you can say I'm wrong and it won't hurt my feelings but I am pretty darn sure that you cannot grow buds on Lower stems like the bottom 18 inches or so of this plant if I did not remove the leaves on the upper part of this plant. Oh and it only looks f***** up like there is stems missing all over the place because there are. I had a person that helped himself to whatever, Whenever or Bud that he wanted. He was and is the worst person I've ever met my stepson's best friend and he lived here I could not get rid of him.! Or he would talk. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT! If that would have happened or? I would just tell the popo to check and see what is magnetized under his driver's door.
Any other discussion aside, that plant is way overfed. Dark and shiny leaves is classic nitrogen toxicity.
And that is because my wife, without checking brought her plants inside so they wouldn't freeze, and guess what they brought with them. A trillion spider mites! So what you are seeing I'm pretty sure,? Is neem oil.