The Junk Drawer

His drivers side window peeled right off in one piece but he missed it. Wonder where that was; the cop didn't hit him for littering either. Put your big boy pants on and clean your car proper, a hazard to drive that way.
if i was the cop i would have given him a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot, AND littering...
that should have been a picture of guilianni, not a rat
I dunno what Rudy is gonna do, other than time, Uncle Sam will take care of his retirement and housing. Nobody will need or want him as a witness and he could die before he is tried or convicted. Rudy followed Donald into the legal abyss, others did too and the only deal he might get is one that gets Bannon and Stone or Flynn. Rudy is not a reliable witness however and will make shit up about them to get a deal! :lol: They will all cut each other's throats for a deal and when they imprison Trump over the documents and the feds start asking him questions he will blame the others for everything. As I said Mark is the keystone in the larger conspiracy cases, especially those higher up in the plot and in congress. Trump didn't act alone, he had GOP congressional and statehouse help, lot's of it.
Haven't heard anything from Jimdamick or Taco-Mac,hope those dudes are OK.
Jimmy got banned, he suffers from bipolar disorder and pissed someone off during one of his bouts. The rules have recently changed here and the moderation polices of the TOS are more strictly enforced. Perhaps the lessons of other social media platforms have been absorbed, unless moderated the trolls show up and start bullshitting folks and it all turns to shit pretty quick as war begins!